It's insane here in Tranada. The giant troon bullying the woman did lock down his twitter from sane backlash which is nice, but it's gross that ANYONE supports his crap, especially the premier of Alberta. Forcing someone to say they "believe" a "transwoman" is a woman is some kind of religious inquisition.

It's a test of faith.

It's forcing religious beliefs on people.

It's fucking disgusting.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Another reason I no longer support the Democratic party. I initially became a Democrat decades ago because I thought they believed in separation of church and state. Now, they too are worshipping men in dresses, and insist everyone else does too.

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I live in a small town in BC. It is unbearable here. I cannot believe Danielle Smith "allowed" this to happen.

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Calgary, and same

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

I agree, it is a religious ideology and shouldn't be forced on anyone. I am wondering if he is violating any laws by demanding she agree with his personal faith system and persecuting her if it appears that she doesn't.

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I've often wondered why I never believed in the gender religion for even one second. MIGHT have something to do with being raised Jewish in a small town where I was the only Jew in school and I got pretty sensitive to coerced belief and forced speech. It was...almost like a mental vaccine, in that I have an innate aversion to people telling me I MUST believe something I don't, and I MUST swear allegiance to their flag.

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100% correct.

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A troon that is an arrogant control freak, quelle surpise.

I am all for the new word for "trans women" to be "poop cookies".

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Yes! I can get into calling them poop cookies 😁👍💪

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This meeting would've been over in 30 seconds if it'd been me.

"Will you say right here, right now that I'm a woman."

Me: 🎶RIiiight here RIiiiight nooOoOOOW...nah, bitch. Lol🎶

This guy is soooooo condescending among other things.

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'Will you say that I am a woman'?

'I'd rather stick pins in my eyes,now fuck off'

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More like NO BRO!

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Notice how he said, "...unless you BELIEVE...," and not "...unless you SAY..."

This guy is trying to punish, humiliate and break this woman down and if she'd folded, it would've been the first step in a series of psychological attacks, making her very essence leave her body.

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SOGI 123 is the mandated toxic curriculum that parents oppose for various reasons (all legitimate). Victoria, the asshole man, is a typical Tranadian tranny. He's a bully and he gets off on punishing women for telling the truth.

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I hate these angry arrogant bullies. They're the ones who need to be thrown out of their caucuses and removed from power.

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This story and video really piss me off because Danielle Smith, the ONLY non-woke, terfy Premiere of Alberta (Tranada) let this 're-education' bullshit happpen to an elected member of cabinet.

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Can we acknowledge that gay men hate women just as much as straight men do? I used to think that they were better but I've been disabused of that illusion. The self-hating gay men might be worse in some ways than the regular degular straight men.

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I copied this from the "QEF" Queer Education Foundation: Victoria's bio (AGP)

"...Victoria Bucholtz (She/Her) holds a doctorate in History from the University of Calgary, with a cognate field in gender theory. Victoria is a LGBTQ+ facilitator and currently teaches at Mount Royal University. She is a transgender rights activist, entertainment producer, and drag queen. An avid mountaineer, skier, and dog mom, she lives in Calgary, Alberta in the Treaty 7 Region..."

Jennifer is an ELECTED member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly. Jennifer is being punished for WORDS she said on X about the gender bullshit - that had nothing to do with her political position. In Tranada, the thought police come after women who do not comply or obey.

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At least he is only a "dog mom", though I do feel sorry for the dog. Along with not being allowed to be around children, or women, it probably isn't safe for them to be around animals either.

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I like to think she is trying not to laugh.

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He is an arrogant bully. I found this so disturbing. This is the kind of individual I hope gets really burned when the backlash comes. He hates women so much and so obviously believes he is more woman than any XX.

I think my response would have been to say "My question to you is to ask why you don't believe that I am also a transwoman. Because logically it must work both ways. If you are a woman then I am the same as you. So how I can I possibly be expressing transphobia when I am also a transwoman?"

Quite simply could have stated "I agree a woman is a transwoman...absolutely"

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Even George Orwell would be shocked if he saw this struggle session.

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These dudes can never just shut the actual fuck up, can they? Someone really needs to muzzle this prick.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Preferably permanently.

And yes, Karen, this creepo really DOES wish that he looked like Blaire White. He wishes! He can have ALL the pingpong ball halves shoved on top of his cheekbones and the rest of his face blasted full of botulinium and various fillers - but he'll never look like any kind of a woman. He's certainly incapable of behaving like anything other than a nasty, overbearing bully of a man.

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Gosh!!! That “Victoria” is being a typical abusive man!!!

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Love this Jennifer Johnson! Hope she has the fortitude to keep on keeping on. All respect. And thanks so much for the silent critique. Had me laughing out loud.😂

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Jennifer is being found guilty of thought crime. Ridiculous! I would have given Victoria the answer he so desperately needs to hear and what he in reality already knows. I would have played him at his own game and with my best disingenuous voice. "Sure Victoria, you're a 6 foot 2 woman with a voice deeper than my dad, a bad wig, a jaw like Clark Kent and hands the size of snow shovels! Who would think of questioning that? Then I'd sit back and watch that rage explode.

But that night you know Victoria will crumble and cry himself to sleep that his delusion has been shattered and called out.

This one isn't i think AGP! On Instagram this one calls himself a Transgender Activist and Drag Queen this one is just a self hating gay dude on the grift!

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Oh, I absolutely would have loved to hear that answer!!!

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