I love this! The nonsense of men in women's sports won't stop unless enough women athletes refuse to compete. I hope these universities stand their ground considering the shitstorm that is coming their way: transfascists, the Woke media, transmaidens, Biden's Department of Education, etc. The opposition is well-financed and ruthless. Governor Pritzker's troon cousin is probably stomping his size 12 pumps in anger over this outrage against his AGP cult. Don't be surprised if Ann Killion, a uber-Woke San Francisco Chronicle sportswriter, goes full transmaiden over this issue and heaps vitriol and falsehoods on the schools who are boycotting.

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Cheating, rape culture and now death and rape threats levelled at the girls who bravely spoke out against this assault on their basic human rights in the media.

The adults behind this are just despicable.

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I totally agree 💯 with you.

Exactly when will the FBI get involved with to stop this blatant Hate Crime.

Females are also a protected Class‼️

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A Win is a Win 🥊🥊

I'm so proud of the Ladies 🌹

Female Volleyball Team and other Female Sports Team will have to change their names to fight 🥊 against the law:

Women's Volleyball Team is now Female Volleyball Team and so on‼️

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Shouldn’t SJ State be disqualified for having a male on their team?

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I'm afraid that is just too logical for this world of feels that we find ourselves living in today.

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Yes! I live in a rural part of Western Colorado and many of the kids from my area go to Wyoming. I heard about this from friends on Facebook but thought that WY was the only team. Very glad to see more. I am very disappointed in Colorado State though, even though they did hand SJ a loss.

After the serious injuries caused to female volleyball players by men, I am surprised ANY team would be willing to sacrifice the safety of women and girls for the troon religion. Really appalling and disgusting.

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Well done to all these young women...the kickback has begun! #Adulthumanfemale #XX ♀️❤️🙌

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Substack is not letting me Re-stack" this post. 😡

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Dodgeball certainly isn't allowed any longer in schools in my country, at least not when I was last working at one a handful of years ago.

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