Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Recall seeing a photo years ago of a sign posted in women's college restrooms in the US. The sign essentially stated that if you are wondering about whether someone should be there don't wonder, don't say anything, don't react, that it is just fine that the person is there. Telling women to ignore their instincts, that they are wrong for having any fear of men anywhere, will result in more raped women and more dead women, which is what the troons want. It also seems to be what some politicans want.

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Oh! She hurted his feelings and now he's gonna go do a mass shooting and it's all her fault. WAAAAAH!

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The woman looks old enough to remember the Angie Dickenson movie Dressed to Kill where the transvestite murdered her in the elevator!. A Phobia is an "Irrational Fear". There is nothing irrational about fearing many of these loons.

I would have gotten out of that elevator the moment those doors opened to that vision too.

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Yeah, if a man (any kind of man) got into an elevator looking at me like that I'd gtfo too.

He looked like he was half way through hulking out and he was staring at her like that? AND he stood half an inch away from her!!! What was she supposed to do? Ignore the inner sence of impending doom he evokes?

You ask a very good question: why did they choose a crazy rugby player looking dude? Why didn't they choose a twink? This is simultaneously an attempt at brainwashing AND a warning for women: accept ALL men who want to practice AGP out in public or be branded a TERF. Let them all do whatever they want, all the time - no exceptions.

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A woman would have been told to get tf over herself. Troons, you wanna larp, learn to get tf over yourselves. Pathetic.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Did you see the rest of it? The way they're guilt tripping us? Like the poor man in a dress needs help moving. As if. And as if a woman on a soccer team is going to openly invite the fucking male rugby player the size of Mount motherfucking Rushmore to beat the shit out of her and her teammates. Suuuuure.

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Isn't it just terrible? And they wonder why women are so fucking angry about it.

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From November on in Germany, thanks to self ID law, if I misgender someone or say something "transphobic" it's gonna cost me 10.000 euros. So what the women do its exactly what I'm gonna do. And if I find one in the dressing room in my gym I'm gonna stare at him with absolute comptent. They can police "hate taking" but they can't police "hate looking". 🤷🏻‍♀️

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That's BS Since most of this controlled by the far left I will refere to them as comrad

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They are villainizing women!

They call our presence provocative, while our absence is prohibited.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

I'm not staying in a rape box with a Troon. If I wasn't able to get out of the elevator before the door is closed, you bet I'd make it well known that I'm clutching my bear spray.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Perfect analysis.

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The troon didn't even bother with a wig

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Right? 😂

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Advert clearly designed by a man or a handmaiden, telling women to ignore their instinct to keep themselves safe is a form of gaslighting. Only people with predatory intentions would say it is wrong for women to take actions to keep themselves safe. The way that dude was staring the woman out as he got in the lift would make anyone uncomfortable. This blatant hatred of women is getting more and more infuriating. Adults wouldn't take this gaslighting seriously, however this is absolutely dangerous messaging for young boys and girls. Making them feel guilty for feeling concerned for their own safety.

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Maybe she forgot to turn the oven off 😂

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😂 I thought the "dowdy middle-aged woman" was going to be the troon, because in the UK they tend to favour that "dressed from the bottom of an Oxfam bag - Women's Institute member" look!

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I thought so too 😂 Then, when the bigger, meaner troon got on it made the smaller troon feel unsafe?

When it comes to two troops, which deserves to feel safe? That should blow a troon pet's mind 😜 Totally ridiculous PSA

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They've moved on from trying to imply that "you could never tell!" by hiring actual women to play "trans women". It's just the next stage of the male supremacist gaslighting.

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Thanks, Karen. I'll be writing to my government about this debacle.

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AND. There is no way an AGP gets in an Elevator like that and immediately faces the doors when there are all those mirrors on the back of the elevator. They are going to spend the elevator ride perving on themselves. FACT.

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