Jun 18·edited Jun 18

At this point I would consider it a miracle when one of these guys does NOT end up being a sex offender, or at least violent.

On a happier note, a federal judge recognized today that "gender identity" is b.s. and sex is what matters. He ruled against the Biden administration's changes to Title IX. Fabulous, yet sad that we are at the point where it is joyous news that a government official actually upholds the rights of women and girls to have boundaries.

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The biggest mistake women made was believing these men are harmless women, effectively disabling their internal alarms. They act in ways they never have before with men. Consequently, they end up hurt or worse. I can't wait for the day of reckoning for all those who pushed this ideology, especially those who punished anyone who didn't.

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We now have government, schools, a whole myriad of institutions telling women and girls to ignore their self protective instincts, and that they are bigots if they have even an inkling of concern when it comes to these men. Parents used to tell their kids to go to a woman when they need help, assuming, rightly, that a woman was much less apt to sexually assault a child. This whole men larping as women nonsense messes that up, and is a great in (pun not intended) for them with kids. The whole movement is just so damn predatory!

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Yup. 100%

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Yup. 100%

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Yup. 100%

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Not shocked that a man who shamelessly exposed himself in front of children and the world, at a place such as the white house, raped a woman then claimed that he raped her because he was sexually rejected.

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Nothing changes! The activists and active members of the "Trans Community" should never be assumed to be benign. The abusers and and predators are in the majority they are not a minority section of that group within the alphabet people. Beware any card carrying, flag waving active participants. And, this is not restricted to the "T" in the acronym. The Gay "community" is no paragon virtuous behaviour either. It may be men abusing men but it's still abuse by predators preying on the weak and vulnerable. Don't let sympathy cloud your vision.

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I wish you could see me clapping because everything you said really resonated with me. Ever since the proliferation of trans ideology i now see that some gay men can be just as vile as straight men. Their MAIN targets are just happen to be the same sex

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Just a reminder that in 2020 I was cancelled as political cartoonist of the Morning Star, when they published my cartoon warning of the dangers of these men in Womanface. The newspaper was monstered by the TRA-controlled trade unions, who threatened to withdraw their funding, which it relied on. The womens organisation WPUK enthusiastically joined in. You can see the cartoon on the first sympathetic news article after the cancellellation (there weren't many), here: https://uncommongroundmedia.com/eclipse-of-the-morning-star/

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I certainly remember that. I can remember being completely shocked by your treatment at the hands of ostensibly socialist and feminist organisations. All over a ridiculously febrile overreaction on behalf of a concept that is practically the epitome of misogynist neocon noncesense on steroids.

Shameful that none of them have ever apologised to you.

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Thank you! I publish my cartoons/art on my own website, on substack, and spinster now.

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😢 Thank you for your art! 🤬👊

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Wow, four years ago "gender critical" people apparently found it controversial?!

Thank you for speaking out with your art

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Incredible how both the "female soul" and "dysphoria" disappear when a violent rapist wants to violently rape. Almost as if the whole "born in the wrong body" story is a total lie.

Also the "This never happens" people need to shut up and get lost. There are far too many examples at this stage as to why gender ideology is total bs and absolutely harmful to women.

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I pray the judge is not one of these enablers that makes the victim use she/her pronouns in reference to the male rapist or that he ends up in a women’s prison. Of course, this victim may insist on he/him for herself and indulge her attacker by using she/her, thus creating a potential courtroom scene that may give the stenographer an aneurysm!

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It'd be like living through a real life Stroop Test, only WAY more stressful.

That's something that really bugged me when reading the woman's testimony. It's my belief that the wrong sex pronoun usage will likely prevent the truly effective resolution of the trauma suffered. Forcing any survivor of rape/SA/CSA etc to call the man responsible "she" is really abusive, even if the call is coming from inside the house as it were. There's a reason destructive cults are so fond of loading the language.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Forcing a victim to refer to a perpwith wrong sex pronouns is abusive and is forcing people to lie under oath

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I bet it was hard for musclebear woman to come forward with the SA. I can only applaud her. Too bad she‘ll probably be seen as a man, SA‘d by a woman🙈🙈🙈NOOO😫

Wonder what brought her to transing and to working out to become that musclebear..

Anyway, again a „it never happens “, right transactivists and politicians who support the „transwomen are women“ illusion?!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Very hard, I would say. Yesterday I came across the threads that she wrote about it over on TwiX, in addition to a few videos, and she has made no small sacrifice in trying to warn the other women in their community - for all the good it apparently did. He was still able to smarm around preying on other vulnerable women! Some of the things she said on film were just heartbreaking. You know: "I was scared nobody would believe me because of the way I look"/"I was convinced people would think that I'm too ugly to have been raped" etc, etc. 🤬 Gee, I wonder where she might have heard that? 🤔 🤬

I'm so pissed about the current level of societal lunacy surrounding this shite - that even if the miraculous were to somehow occur and the POS was charged and convicted of his (alleged**) crimes he'd be rewarded by having yet more vulnerable women caged in with him.


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Which only reinforces the reason these women are transing is to flee the sexual horrors they see attached to womanhood. When they needed strength, they were given weakness, a rock to hide under but never to heal.

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🎯 Yep. It really does throw this into sharp relief.

I only hope that Jesse is able to heal from these appalling experiences. Ironic that so many of these women seem to be left that much more vulnerable to predation whilst "living their truth", huh?

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All their little muscle pictures didn't help protect them after all. The predation within the community makes me want to vomit.

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Just so awful and depressing to even contemplate.

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It doesn't get more obvious than this: that women are expected to take whatever demands the trans community make on us. TIFs just want to be left alone in their misery. TIMs want to impose themselves on us. That he would rape a TIF tells you that becoming a mini muscle boy does not spare you from male sexual violence after all.

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Coming up: Helen Joyce explains how we should give these men accommodations to feel better about themselves.

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I call Helen the "Chief of Police" in the ranks of the Pronoun Police 😂

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9:50 "NO party is going to be our savior." Correct. That's what happened to our society in the first place, relying on government... For anything. Government has NEVER created even one solution to anything. It only creates problems and chaos. Too much power has been given to the State and it has become a monster. In turn, it is creating a country full of monsters. We are doomed unless we stand up to ALL of the crap that is going on here. We are devolving at a high rate of speed.

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Every single advancement women have made was forced upon men and government by women. We need to advocate for ourselves and stop thinking men will do anything for us unless they benefit from it, too.

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1:56 Pervert supports perverts. Surprise. 😒

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You're kiddin', right? Unfortunately not. Thanks for sharing this (and other) unsurprising news in the best way possible -- your way, Karen! 👍❤️

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But Judith Butler said that penises are not a dangerous weapon in women only spaces and that if us actual women have an issue with this we should just all stay home! 🙄🖕

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. Maybe it was only "the first 10 times" he raped her

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10:46 That is the gist of it all. Every time a man beats up or rapes a woman, it's because SHE did something to cause it. The child predators (almost always men) use that line too. "She/he shouldn't be on that site. They're just so irresistible." Has there ever been a man take accountability for his own damn actions????? She made you mad? Tough. Walk away. She hurt your precious little feelings? Boohoo. Walk away. Nope. The mighty man must always have the last word, even if that word is a fist. Ugh!!!

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They are so emotionally fragile

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