WIsh I believed in Heaven and Hell in order to feel assured Mr. Bowers would at least recieve his just punishment somewhere. Be nice if it was here on Earth, but I'm not holding my breath.

Since wanting to get this done is bonkers, how is it even possible for these mutilated genital wannabes to give informed consent?

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Agreed. Consenting to such severe self-harm is prima facie evidence of being non copos mentis.

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3:20 Bowers and his ilk certainly *make* it a "biological" rather than a psychological problem.

I suppose he has to tell himself that in order to continue to elevate form so far over and above function "essentially every other day".

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I don't believe for a second he actually believes that. He is a gynecologist, which is absolutely horrifying, and delivered over 2,000 babies. If anyone knows men and women are quite different biologically he does.

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Yeah, the fact that he works as a gynaecologist and obstetrician who has delivered over 2000 babies certainly is horrifying.

I do wonder what kind of lies he might have to tell himself regarding his “identity”, though. Some of the cognitive distortions I've heard out of the mouths of rather intelligent trans identifying men have been incredibly interesting, let's put it that way.

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As much as I dislike Bowers and the BS he peddles he is actually quite a competent surgeon. I know Bowers works pro bono for victims of FGM (Yes the irony is not lost on me!). Problem with Bowers and so many of these surgeons is they think they are some kind of God and worse Bowers is a fame whore.

Historically surgeons who worked in this field were some of the most serious men you would ever meet. If they had any doubt they could achieve a decent result they would refuse to operate on a patient , they valued their reputation more than the money. No longer the case sadly.

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Their reputations justified the high fees they could charge. Unscrupulous butchers willing to experiment on mentally disordered patients (men with severe internalized homophobia) used to be few and far between.

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He is an OB/GYN!!??

Can you imagine the envy, hate and the covetousness he must have for all the women he helped to birth their babies and the ones he gave Pap smears to?!

What a massive bag o dicks he is!

The more I hear about troons the less I have compassion for them. They do it to themselves and then have the audacity and arrogance to expect everyone to go along and validate them.


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Medicine is supposed to be about restoring function to the human body not intentionally and unnecessarily destroying it.

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having a debate with troon supporters is like talking to a brick wall

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A pervert and a butcher.

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The field is full of them.

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His tranny voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

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@15:06 "Scrotal Remains" sounds like a great Brutal Death Metal song.

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I remember a video where he (Dr. Marci Mengele) and his Asian colleague were confused while in the operating room doing one of Jazz's repair jobs. I'm surprised they allowed that interaction to be included in the video. These monsters need to be in jail. Our society is no better than those in which the horror of FGM is done for cultural reasons---and we add MGM to the mix.

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You mean Dr/Mr Ting?

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He's 'converting' jack shit to fuck all.

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"Necrosis isn't pretty"

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body horror ew

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Bowers is an AGP and not the only one Dr Christine McGinn is similarly so.

"Pretty!! Nail in the head Karen these AGP's are obsessed with Form over Function rather than the other way around. As for experimental though, Penile Flap Inversion Vaginoplasty has been carried out for almost 70 years as long as there have been kidney transplants not what one would call experimental. But this shit they are doing to kids like "Peritoneal Pull Through" is just that experimenting on these kids because they stunted their growth with hormone blockers. Cobbling together tissues from elsewhere on the body is a recipe for disaster. That patchwork quilt Jazz Jennings has is likely to fall to pieces the first time Jazz tries to use it.

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There's a special place in Hell waiting for that man.

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Karen did you see this troon freak who tried to kidnap a kid?


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I really need to come have a glass of riesling and terf out with Karen

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Bowers is a creepy man. I cannot abide his ridiculousness and perversity.

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the purpose of our genitalia is reproduction. genitals aren't our identity, it's how our human species reproduces.

plastic surgery to remove the organs & replicate a cartoon of other gender defeats the whole purpose of genitalia. there is NO purpose for a desensitized faux organ: it's superficial.

it has no meaning, it means nothing. it's purpose is cut out. now it's a fake appendage.

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