It’s deeply concerning that someone THIS EMOTIONALLY FRAGILE is in charge of state business affairs!!!

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She talks about people's dignity. When people refer to men as "she/her/madam/woman" they throw their own dignity out the window. Nothing dignified in being a liar and/or catering to men's fetishes.

Her contact form- www.ltgov.virginia.gov/connect-with-us/

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Damn right.

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Oh dear, she's been one of my favorite politicians. The "words are violence" shtick is so pathetic and should not be indulged. Ever. I wish Winsome had just told him fine, I'll refer to you with your elected office title (Senator Roem) and not apologized. Senator Roem should've not walked out--that's lame. As I said regarding another video: The dude likely thinks he's just been subjected to trans-genocide. It should also be noted that the overly delicate Woke savaged her from the first day of her election. She was called a "puppet of white supremacy" as one example of the way the Woke treat black folks who dare oppose their ideology.

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A puppet of white supremacy. I really can't with that one.

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🤮 Me neither. Using his pale male social status to abuse HER with accusations of white supremacy. 🤬 Troons are DARVO operators.

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The proper responses to a troon leaving are sighs of relief or applause.

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Seriously. And locking the door behind him.

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And a reminder to not let the door hit his big hairy man arse on the way out.

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The narcissitic injury and rage comes out in these 'womanface wankers' when they are properly sexed.

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Predictable as clockwork...

So tedious.

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She wasn't looking. She simply identified the voice as male.

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Exactly. Amazing how men's voices sound like men's voices.

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Oh I immediately thought the same thing, lol…exactly!

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Once again, Karen, you are 100% spot on. America is circling the drain because of these perverts.

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yeah .. this madness wont benefit anyone but individual troons. yet Media, Politics, Education system .. PROMOTES MADNESS.

i really don't understand the push to societal collapse

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They've decided they don't want democracy. It's all up in the air who will seize control. This next election will tear the country apart, I predict

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Yup. Regardless of who wins.

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It'll be worse if Trumpo loses. The Dems are crazy, but the Repubs are more violent. If only our justice system actually WORKED!

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Gotta ball cuddle the men...always and forever. Stop the world, a MAN is upset!!!

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I'm so sick of that bullshit.

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The troglodytus pornificus won his freedom of screech in his tyrannical pervocracy!!! All hail troglodytus pornificus and his "ladyfeels"!!!

Fuck him and his feelings he is the living incarnation of a fuck gone rotten

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I think that apology was fear based, the TRAs are rabid and would try to get her fired or worse otherwise. They don't have facts and so only operate by intimidation.

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Someone has to have the courage to not back down, regardless of the consequences. Civil Rights activists were beaten in the street to secure her right to full American citizenship. She's giving that away to loons by capitulating even an inch to these loons.

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Oh, I agree. I think there is a general problem with cowardice, especially with politicians. That is why it seems like everything is going to hell lately.

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Oh, that's right. When these people decide to

crank up the faux outrage over something they can be absolutely relentless.

Take for example the ridiculous situation that has ensued from Helen Joyce's attempt to conduct some research into an ongoing special area of interest of hers whilst commuting on the train - the excrebable and 100% porn-informed slash fanfic written by young TIFs. Some creepy perve was apparently stalking her, trying to take screenshots of the documents on the woman's smartphone from behind her and across the other side of the train carriage with what appeared to be a selfie stick! Then they all turned around to accuse her of reading it for her own titillation, of course. 🙃🤪

It's become a *whole thing* that I don't foresee stopping anytime soon. I'm sure this woman's visceral reaction was the fear that the backlash would be just terrible, and in some small way I can empathise with her over that.

However, if I have learned nothing else about these individuals, it is that apologies and any other forms of perceived "weakness" only make these sociopaths even more rabid. They have no empathy for others - their rampant narcissism leaves no room whatsoever for that.

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Oh wow, I didn't know about that Helen Joyce incident, that is totally deranged!

I agree the narcissistic tendencies of these people means nothing is ever good enough. There is no difference between TRAs and any other group of fundamentalists.

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Damned straight!

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Oh, you know this was probably the worst crime since Florida boy bitched about being properly evicted from the hostel. Crisis!

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"I'm not here to upset anyone" is not an apology. She should have left it there.

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And then she said 'I apologize' 3 times.

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I bet some did not notice that she is looking down at documents when she said Sir. The reason why is obvious, because she responded naturally to his voice because while he may kind of appear feminine by his dress and long hair so if she was looking at him her brain may subconsciously connect that pronoun having probably already been prompted to do so in the past whether she believes it or not, her brain also when only hearing a male voice responds as anyone would and say Sir not Mam. I think even though she made a statement to her “mistake” that she knows it’s no mistake because he is not a woman but a man so indeed she did not “misgender” him.

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The version of this I first saw didn't include the end where she actually says "I apologize" so I had interpreted it completely differently. I thought it looked like she did this deliberately as a stunt and when she says SHE has not always been respected, this was supposed to imply her feeling that SHE was the one being disrespected by having to submit to his demands for female language. I guess I was wrong but I still wonder if she did this on purpose.

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I was thinking the same thing. Bring the troon out into the open for what he is, on camera. Then act apologetic when she isn't, nor should she be. Roem is more interested in his own feelings than any concerns of his constituents. I hope he gets voted out.

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I think Winsome was told, she is in line for the Republican candidate for Governor in 2025, so she should apologize and save face. They actually took 2 recesses, because after the first recess, she didn't want to apologize. The unfortunate thing is, both chambers in Virginia are Democrat controlled. We have lost bills trying to protect women and girls in sports and Sage's law was killed as well in 2024 already!

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I was wondering if she was pressured . Thanks.

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I can't find Karen on twitter 😔 anyone else send me a link please

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why not just make troons the boss of everything. society from bottom to the top is SO milquetoast, so weak and lacking of any spine when it comes to the mentally deranged and sexually twisted.

Troon 2024-forever

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I was really disappointed in Sears over this. Proper response would have been: “I genuinely did not mean to cause drama on the floor, but I cannot override millions of years of evolution and make my mouth say womanwhen my eyes see man unless I concentrate really hard. And my mind was on the business of government, not his pronouns.”

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