Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

The freak is a voice coach. She is fishing for that almighty green these boys seem to have an excess of. One of their big tells even if you don’t have the displeasure of looking at the troon is their voices. How are you going to be just one of the girls when you sound like Fred Flinstone? How are you going to convince a child that you are a concerned competent adult stranger with the child’s best interest as your only motivation when you sound like Lurch from the Adam’s family? You burn your kids college fund on voice coaching. She needs to focus on increasing her customer support, add walking lessons with books on their heads, teach them how to curtsy if ever introduced to Prince Charming. They need to know there different silverware and appropriate table settings. Ms. Weir cannot convince me that any woman who doesn’t have a court ordered caretaker has ever shown even the slightest interest in her romantically. Honestly I think she probably scares children.

Sorry, this has been building up since her video remarks during the TLC Jazz train wreck.

Karen you are great, you have been there for us through thick and thin. Your words and humor have kept this old second wave woman with a glimmer of hope that people still have common sense and the urge to look at things with a skeptics mind and curiosity. Thank you.

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Well said and thanks so much!!

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

Let's make March 31st* Be Kind to Pedos Day!

Why does everything have to be a pathology/mental illness? Along with kink shaming we need to bring back the notion that some people are simply monsters, and also personal accountability. Hate the idea of throw away humans? Then, study the heck out of pedos while they are in prison so we can learn how to prevent people being sexually attracted to children in the future.

Why does Exulansic appeal to some people? I could tell within the first five minutes I listened to her, when she was on CensorTube, that she was a few sandwiches short of picnic. Just because being against** trans ideology is an indicator of sanity, that does mean in and of itself that makes you sane.

*Whoops! My bad,, March 31st is Trans Day of Visibility.

**Is Ex. against trans ideology?

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She's not against trans ideology. She's argued that AGP is a disability and should be accommodated.

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How are "smart" people so fuckin' stupid

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Sometimes they prove to not be too smart after all...

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You’re full of crap Exulansic is totally against this transgender ideology and completely explained what happened at genspec. She is not for AGP or any of the lies you’re claiming she is. You’re a very bitter person and very Jealous she has dedicated years into informing and speaking out against transgenderism you’re spreading complete lies. You’re either extremely ignorant or a huge liar and I’m gonna say it’s the latter.

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

Isn't she a detransitioner herself?

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No. She took Depo-Provera, birth control, and said it was trans medicalization.

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LOL what

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

What?! She took Depo as birth control and is calling that trans medicalization? Or, are you saying she took both birh control pills and Depo? Also not trans medicalization, but sounds pretty harsh on the body. I was on the pill for fifteen years, were they trying to turn me into a man and I didn't even know it? (joking, of course) The whole trans thing is just one big 'ol stinky onion, layer upon layer upon layer. Pregnancy prevention as trans medicalization is a new one to me.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Isn't that nuts? I was prescribed depo provera as a teenager myself, but it didn't stop my period - in fact it did quite the opposite! So, "gender affirming" or no, in your opinion?

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Well, in Menophilia Land,, probably the larger the flow the more of a woman you are. Good grief!

Years ago, having heard all sorts of details from many women about their birth control method, Depo usually sounded like a bit of a nightmare. I haven't heard of such a thing, but there should be a book of women's birth control stories. I have a funny personal one about the contraceptive sponge, rather Seinfeldesque.

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Perhaps I should start collecting stories about women's experiences with contraception with the aim of compiling a book on the subject? I’ve never seen or heard of one either, so it would presumably be a bit of a shoe in, given what a near universal experience having to deal with menstruation and contraception is in the West.

That is if one could find a publishing house that's not been completely captured by handmaidens and various other fans of trans ideology.

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No. She said it was to stop having periods because, as a trans man, she shouldn't be getting them. The reason she started it were transition based. That is what makes it's trans medicalisation. She stopped after she desisted. She covered it when she discussed her reasons for referring to herself as a desister.

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I have to say, I find her reasoning fine on this point. The idea of being born in the wrong body is malignant and it can affect all kinds of choices a person makes whether or not that person ever gets to the roıds and surgical mutilation stage

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

I think she has said that, but haven't listened to her enough to state she has with any certainty. However, if she stated that, it might be reasonable to question whether that is true, or something she states to try to give herself more seeming credibility. O'Malley springs to mind, who, whenever she has stated she wanted to be a boy, my total b.s. detector skyrocketed.

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It's easier to have thoughts like that when there's no real pressure or way in which it can happen..... Bring a little tomboy in Ireland back in the day is understandable as all kids were outside getting filthy.....

Having crazy notions and being indulged is fine, I think she exaggerates it for effect.... Fine.....

As Ex has said, she was with the T Agenda until she realised it was BS ..... As she got treated differently by others for having long hair....

She assumed it was a cool thought experiment but nobody truly believed or over reality, until her ex girlfriend got surgery.

She was following the protocol, e.g. getting rid of her periods, into she was snapped back into reality by the two aforementioned incidents.

Snapped is a term from the cult survivor arena but I think it fits here.

She was considering top surgery until she experienced the outcomes from an observer's PoV.

As an ex Arts student in the early 00s, I understand where she was coming from..... This gender swap stuff was a cool thought experiment for us but never meant to be an actual reality.

I get how she was swept up in it as she's younger than me.

Listening to cult podcasts and reading about post cult deconstruction, I understand her description of how she snapped out of our when she no longer looked the part.

O'Malley is playing to the audience.

I get high functioning ADHD from her so the B&W magical thinking isn't too far off the mark!!! 😂

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Interesting. I have not listened to Ex. much, don't care to. Luckily, I have the advantage of being Karen's age and not having had this gender b.s. be an issue.

As for O'Malley exaggerating for effect, it's not really fine, it's a lie.

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Now I'm confused.🤔

But exactly why would Exulansic want to work for or be associated with GenSpect❓

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Money, power, prestige, being one of the cool kids. And she's pro AGP.

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That's a misconception. She understands that some of it could be a brain injury. She's doing that thing, which he has fully admitted to before, of taking a thought and extending it to its most absurd outcome. This is to show that in the most extreme situation and circumstances that it is going to be detrimental.

She has frequently spoken about their sexual elements of cross-dressing and AGP. I think it is more so a clever way of leaving the door open for possible rain injuries so that that is not used as a where to flip it on the GC community.

Because she's already highlighted that as a possible answer. Now explain the crossdressing when somebody does not have a brain injury.......

If they do have a brain injury then it falls under their umbrella of a disability....

If they don't have a disability, then we are in sexual fetish land.......

Kin you can't have your cake and eat it

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yes, I recall Sierra saying that AGP's should use the toilets built for the disabled.

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

Because nobody with integrity, dignity, or a sense of duty in this fight is popular, loved, or getting money. Only the ppl dick-riding "nuance" are.

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Well said.

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

Because she is not simply in this fight to end things. Some people are also in it for self-aggrandizement. Those folks are the ones that most easily lose the plot.

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"Wow", what? Do you think I'm off base?

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No My surprise and shock is "No Shade" to you.

When I said "WOW" to your reply (and by the way, thank you) I am surprised/shocked at the behavior of Exulansic.

I am sincerely shocked and disappointed.

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It would have been okay if you throwing shade. Just wanted to know why.

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis

That ended very abruptly.🤣

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It went straight into an exulansic video for me and I was wondering why Karen would show one of her videos. I was almost 5min in before I realized Substack thought is was a video I would want to watch. I really don't like that new feature of Substack.

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Sep 30Liked by Karen Davis


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Hey Tumble!!

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I don't think Ex realises how terrible it looks that she keeps accusing women of trying to sexually harass her 😬 Girl, there's someone out there for everyone - I'm not gonna call you names. But even the most gullible TRA out there would struggle to believe that you're the main character in a harem manga 😬😬

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Yeah, bloody genspect, bloody genspect also say that "transition is okay for some people". For "some people"?? Who's "some people", genspect??

In other words, genspect still support the medical & social 'transition' of "some people" into changing sex - which we all know is an impossibility and only leads to profound and irreversible personal & social harms.

O'Malley may try and be clever with words but anyone who promotes the lie that humans can change sex IN ANY WAY is in support of gender ideology, which is a lie-based cult. So. Fuck genspect.

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Oh, And another thing! TT Exulansic blocked me, too, and responded with a nasty text telling me to go seek mental help (along with a link to Betterhelp online talking 'therapy' we hear advertised on every podcast going these days - hysterical, I'm sure *EYEROLL*) simply because I said to her that whilst I respect her intelligence and her research into this insidious cult, I do not follow her to listen to her in-fighting with other women also against gender ideology. She seems insecure and big headed to me now - a far cry from her earliest video's, the ones that drew her followers to her in the 1st place - followers she now feels it's acceptable to insult, ridicule & use mental health as an insult. That's a low, cheap shot to take at someone you do not know who simply said something you don't wanna hear.. She honesdtly disgusted me in her interaction, so arrogant, such a low punch to use mental health as an insult, but then I remembered:

It really wasn't so long ago that Exulansic/Sierra herself was totally comitted to the trans cult and spent a long time larping as a man. Whereas women like Karen Davies, Kellie Jay Keen, Magdalane Burns,, most of us followers, thousands of lesbians, hundreds of gay men, We never fell for that B.S at all in the first place, not ever. So. I don't care about how many academic qualifications TT/Sierra may have,, she is clearly an insecure and not that bright of a person. Just sayin';

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La Scapigliata is the name of a Woman physician (MD.),

Maja Bowen (MBBS) in the UK. She wrote a book "BORN IN THE RIGHT BODY" under the Pen name of Isidora Sanger. She has shared a chapter, on the topic 'The Virtuous Paedpohile..myth' from her book, on her blog. https//la scapigliata.co..........which is relevant to this thread.

'The myth of the virtuous paedophile {including revelations from the Paedophiles Manifesto}' is on her blog.

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I hate all these fucking sell-outs. Exulansic started out with some pretty insightful stuff, then blotted her copybook and now "loves" Genspect and their grifters. What happened to her en route?

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I live in a cabin in the woods alone. What am I missing?

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I guess she was trying to imply this woman was going to kill her or something similar

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Safer in a cabin in the woods than in the city 🤷‍♀️ thank you

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Thanks Karen. Everything gets so crazy confusing.

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I respect a lot of what Sierra says but she seems to have a touch of the pick-me in her. It's not a good look

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Girl!! Look at this THING!!! Trying to kidnap a little boy!! You’re kidding…. Right? https://youtu.be/mwZBzUJQabs?si=CjAtmz2KuDANbjdT

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