Me, me, me! He, he he! "Transgender women* aren't women" is exactly the message that needs to be sent.

I think it was a WOLF, Women's Liberation Front, lawsuit that made it possible to keep MIss USA female. Seems like a strange lawsuit from a radfem organization, but it has larger implications beyond beauty pageants. And, It at least keeps one space where men can't steal scholarships meant for women. Remember the morbidly obese teen boy that won a women's pageant? Kid could lose all the weight and still wouldn't be remotely attractive, or a woman.

Do all these men have faulty mirrors? He is in no way close to the level of attractiveness of any Miss USA winner., though he could possibly win the "Not the Worst Looking Troon on the Planet" contest.

*poop cookies

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THIS ridiculous oik!

I'm sure that there are already competitions for troons. These assholes just can't help themselves, can they?

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They can help themselves, they choose not to. It doesn't help, at all, that they are being enabled, applauded even, to be morally bankrupt pieces of shit.

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True. I wonder how much that creepy fkn voice of his cost in "lessons". Makes my skin crawl.

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There are Trans Beauty pageants in the Far East many more than there are for Women!

I have to say though defending this, would not be the hill I would choose to die on.

The point is so often made that dresses, makeup and heels do not make a woman so do I give a shit if some tranny wants to parade around in a competition which is about looking pretty in an evening gown and bathing suit. Fuck no.

Keep them out of women's prisons, rape crisis centres, lesbian only spaces, women only jobs.

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i hate troons and trans bs

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please do a video on jamie raines she needs a take down

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Yes, she does.

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Now that one really does have internalised homophobia. Once went down a rabbit hole with that one in a comments section. Massive tantrum when I told Jamie they were a lesbian irrespective of what they look like to an outside observer because the partner is also female. Delusion at it's finest.

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That is pure virtue signalling bullshit! That no way was there not more attractive women in those beauty pageants.

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Actually "Transgender Males" are not Women, they are still men. And the dude in the video, looks like a tall man, he doesn't look like any kind of woman.

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Aaaack! Just realized he looks like a younger version of "Charlotte" Clymer.

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The truth is a "harmful message" to this man: transwomen are not women. And the media, of course, indulges his wanting everyone to accept a lie and refers to him as "her" and "she." The pronoun game is foundational for the spread of the insane virus that is trans-ideology. Without it, the virus cannot take hold and that is why the TRAs and their enablers are so adamant about compliance with it, even to the point of wanting personal destruction and legal penalties for "misgendering". Misgendering = accurate gendering for those of us who see that the emperor is wearing no clothes.

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All the makeup, hairspray, expensive wigs, hormones and surgery in the world still can’t hide their maleness. And what is with his creepy, fake soft spoken voice?!

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