Dammit! ! I am so sick of PCOS being dragged into troonery. I have PCOS, as does my closest friend, we don't look remotely like men. No one has ever mistaken us for men. Plus, she never wears makeup (shocking! I know!). 5-10% of women have PCOS. 5-10% of women are not being mistaken for men, not even close. I will give troons this, they have an exceptional capacity to insult women and be utterly devoid of any empathy for or understanding of women. I don't consider them committing suicide a tragedy (yea, I said it, and at this point I am also exceptionaly devoid of empathy, sympathy, or any type of -athy for them).
Same. They have NO IDEA! I had to have two abscesses removed from my right ovary when I was 22. Unhinged, porn-addled men comparing their narcissism with my all too real and regularly painful medical condition gets right on my very last nerve.
4:35 Yes, this poor benighted guy has an incredibly masculine face (even for a dude!) but even if it were possible for him to achieve some semblance of a "feminine" visage through the artful application of cosmetics - the fact remains that his body is likely to be massive and masculine in frame also.
You're right about the incredible cruelty of this entire movement. All these men seem to do is blow smoke up each other's rears.
Choosing to go from a decent, even good looking guy to an ugly "woman" is yet another baffling aspect of troonery. Going from someone that people might want to approach to someone that scares young children is bizarre. This is never discussed, but I wonder how much of troonery is done to keep people away. Prior to it becoming commonplace., I knew a number of people with a lot of piercings and tattoos that admitted it was done, in part, to keep others away. Maybe for some trooning out is the same thing.
Baffle's the shit out of me, always has! Some big strapping good looking staight man (plenty of not so good looking ones too though) with successful careers, wives kids would flush all that down the drain just to play dress up!
That's how you know it's a fetish for them. Only sex has the power to make a man destroy his life like that.
All the makeup in the world wouldn't fix that face! Hell one of those latex masks from the Mission Impossible movies would work! Did you see that AGP Paedophile in Waiting Lilly Tino got a bunch of facial surgery? Still looks just like a dude dressed like a 12 year old girl.
Ugh, yes I did! He looks exactly the same to me too. Oh, tell a lie - he's got a bit of a ski ramp nose now rather than the huge mannish honker he had naturally.
Did you happen to see that TikTok he made a month or so ago when he was complaining about a 3 year old girl clocking him in the women's restroom somewhere? Absolutely made my skin crawl.
Was that the one where he claimed the girl was alone in the bathroom? That was a lie. Made up story to try and garner sympathy. I have never known a woman leave a little girl that age outside the stall in a bathroom. Ever!
No, I wasn't sure whether to buy it either - but apparently when I was that age I used to disappear if my mum or whoever took their eyes off me for a nanosecond because I had zero concept of what kinds of creeps even existed.
Implausibility aside, don't you think it's also a *really* ick “Poor little me!” fantasy to even cop to having, particularly from a man who dresses like an eight year-old? I did…
Yes it's vomit inducing. That one is a serious danger. Maybe the three year old didn't just clock him, maybe she was thinking hmm I have a barbie hairband like that!
Watched a news piece today interviewing young women marching for International Women's Day. They seem to think that women's rights means only legal abortion access and Dems being in power. They made a point of stating that people were not there for "only" women's rights, but also trans rights, LGBTQ+++++++++++++ rights, Gaza, etc. What we need is women who think fighting for only women's rights is just fine and acually know that women's rights encompasses a vast array of issues. Decades ago my stepmother gave me something called a Dammit Doll, a soft cloth ugly doll for throwing at the screen, instead of yelling, when one is angry about the news. I threw it at the screen today.
I wouldn't mind one of those Dammit Dolls myself! Seeing anyone who seems to believe that women's legitimate rights begin and end with access to a termination is irritating enough, but when it's other women implying that it's incredibly frustrating, I agree!
This "All Lives Matter" style of fauxMENism has got to GO! I'm reminded of a phrase I kept seeing in my mum's collection of feminist literature from the 1970s - "consciousness raising". That's what adolescent girls and young women really seem to need. Other women letting them know how vital it is to believe that they deserve full human rights and agency, a notion at odds with this "abortion access is the only right you need" school of thought
Women's Declaration International USA (and likely other branches) seems to be trying to create a sort of old school consciousness raising. Sad to say, but what I think a lot of women need first is to have a conscience creating. So many seem to be robots that are just repeating stuff they heard, there doesn't seem to be any real thought or heart behind it. People get angry when I suggest that maybe we should give up the word feminism, replace it with something new. 3rd wave, 4th wave, those weren't feminism. It has been twisted into something unrecognizable, often harmful to women, for decades. Popularizing a new word might be a lot easier than redeeming the word feminism (which I'm not convinced is possible).
I think there's not much else they can safely do and still be acceptable in their ideology (and even then, abortion rights are PeOpLe'S rights 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🙂). Can't be anti prostitution. Can't kınk shame or be too snippy about the over-abundance of porn (terribly anti-troon to criticise porn 😢). Talking about sexual violence obviously needs to centre the poor, delicate troons. The gender pay gap definitely affects TransFeminine individuals more than anyone else ever…
It's really sad how many young women have been psyop-ed into thinking they have to put men and transhumanism before everything else. No one's required to prove their empathy just because a man might have a sad - advocating for women's rights is valid all on its own
Ain't that the truth! Barely a week goes by when I don't have to tell my husband to "Stop sulking you're not a fucking child!" They don't do it with each other though (present company excepted obvs!) they use it as a manipulation tool with women.
LOL, this bloke is an extremely blokey Australian BTW! His interests seem to revolve around cars, owning a pretty nice motorbike and attempting the utterly impossible whilst alienating all of his friends and family.
I'd have thought so, but apparently he drives a Corolla. He had a new one until recently, when he traded it in for one that's 10 or so years old - just so he could move out of his long-suffering parents' house 🙄
There were dozens of cope filled responses to his whinge about having to downgrade his vehicle...
Regarding suicide attempts, that's exactly what they try to emotionally blackmail everyone with to make us comply with their narcissistic demands ie trying to make us responsible for their adult mantrums and mental instability that results in chaotic and unstable emotional suicide attempts or completed acts of suicide. The whole thing is so sad and toxic because they are not getting the mental health support that they absolutely need.
Right? His boss made it clear, in a very reasonable and polite way, that going on about any so-called transition isn't an appropriate topic to discuss during work hours. IDK why anyone would complain about that! Except, I guess it's because it means that this guy's narcissism wouldn't be validated.
Seriously though, having a co-worker go on about their sex life or lack thereof is usually cringe AF.
Dammit! ! I am so sick of PCOS being dragged into troonery. I have PCOS, as does my closest friend, we don't look remotely like men. No one has ever mistaken us for men. Plus, she never wears makeup (shocking! I know!). 5-10% of women have PCOS. 5-10% of women are not being mistaken for men, not even close. I will give troons this, they have an exceptional capacity to insult women and be utterly devoid of any empathy for or understanding of women. I don't consider them committing suicide a tragedy (yea, I said it, and at this point I am also exceptionaly devoid of empathy, sympathy, or any type of -athy for them).
Same. They have NO IDEA! I had to have two abscesses removed from my right ovary when I was 22. Unhinged, porn-addled men comparing their narcissism with my all too real and regularly painful medical condition gets right on my very last nerve.
4:35 Yes, this poor benighted guy has an incredibly masculine face (even for a dude!) but even if it were possible for him to achieve some semblance of a "feminine" visage through the artful application of cosmetics - the fact remains that his body is likely to be massive and masculine in frame also.
You're right about the incredible cruelty of this entire movement. All these men seem to do is blow smoke up each other's rears.
Choosing to go from a decent, even good looking guy to an ugly "woman" is yet another baffling aspect of troonery. Going from someone that people might want to approach to someone that scares young children is bizarre. This is never discussed, but I wonder how much of troonery is done to keep people away. Prior to it becoming commonplace., I knew a number of people with a lot of piercings and tattoos that admitted it was done, in part, to keep others away. Maybe for some trooning out is the same thing.
I agree that there's almost certainly something to do with that in many cases, yes...
Baffle's the shit out of me, always has! Some big strapping good looking staight man (plenty of not so good looking ones too though) with successful careers, wives kids would flush all that down the drain just to play dress up!
That's how you know it's a fetish for them. Only sex has the power to make a man destroy his life like that.
All the makeup in the world wouldn't fix that face! Hell one of those latex masks from the Mission Impossible movies would work! Did you see that AGP Paedophile in Waiting Lilly Tino got a bunch of facial surgery? Still looks just like a dude dressed like a 12 year old girl.
Ugh, yes I did! He looks exactly the same to me too. Oh, tell a lie - he's got a bit of a ski ramp nose now rather than the huge mannish honker he had naturally.
Did you happen to see that TikTok he made a month or so ago when he was complaining about a 3 year old girl clocking him in the women's restroom somewhere? Absolutely made my skin crawl.
Was that the one where he claimed the girl was alone in the bathroom? That was a lie. Made up story to try and garner sympathy. I have never known a woman leave a little girl that age outside the stall in a bathroom. Ever!
No, I wasn't sure whether to buy it either - but apparently when I was that age I used to disappear if my mum or whoever took their eyes off me for a nanosecond because I had zero concept of what kinds of creeps even existed.
Implausibility aside, don't you think it's also a *really* ick “Poor little me!” fantasy to even cop to having, particularly from a man who dresses like an eight year-old? I did…
Yes it's vomit inducing. That one is a serious danger. Maybe the three year old didn't just clock him, maybe she was thinking hmm I have a barbie hairband like that!
Happy International Women's Day ladies! 💚🤍💜
Watched a news piece today interviewing young women marching for International Women's Day. They seem to think that women's rights means only legal abortion access and Dems being in power. They made a point of stating that people were not there for "only" women's rights, but also trans rights, LGBTQ+++++++++++++ rights, Gaza, etc. What we need is women who think fighting for only women's rights is just fine and acually know that women's rights encompasses a vast array of issues. Decades ago my stepmother gave me something called a Dammit Doll, a soft cloth ugly doll for throwing at the screen, instead of yelling, when one is angry about the news. I threw it at the screen today.
I wouldn't mind one of those Dammit Dolls myself! Seeing anyone who seems to believe that women's legitimate rights begin and end with access to a termination is irritating enough, but when it's other women implying that it's incredibly frustrating, I agree!
This "All Lives Matter" style of fauxMENism has got to GO! I'm reminded of a phrase I kept seeing in my mum's collection of feminist literature from the 1970s - "consciousness raising". That's what adolescent girls and young women really seem to need. Other women letting them know how vital it is to believe that they deserve full human rights and agency, a notion at odds with this "abortion access is the only right you need" school of thought
fauxMENism 🤣 🎯 💯
Women's Declaration International USA (and likely other branches) seems to be trying to create a sort of old school consciousness raising. Sad to say, but what I think a lot of women need first is to have a conscience creating. So many seem to be robots that are just repeating stuff they heard, there doesn't seem to be any real thought or heart behind it. People get angry when I suggest that maybe we should give up the word feminism, replace it with something new. 3rd wave, 4th wave, those weren't feminism. It has been twisted into something unrecognizable, often harmful to women, for decades. Popularizing a new word might be a lot easier than redeeming the word feminism (which I'm not convinced is possible).
I'm of two minds concerning the term too.
There are a LOT of radical feminists on YOUTOOBE now. I just found another named Therese...she is FIRE!
What is her YouTube channel?
It's just her name.......Therese
Here's a few more: Imani F. - 30 Reasons Why Men Deserve Nothing
and: yv-edit- she's kinda lib femmy but very radical too.
Once you start watching them, YT will show you more
I like Women's Liberation
I think there's not much else they can safely do and still be acceptable in their ideology (and even then, abortion rights are PeOpLe'S rights 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🙂). Can't be anti prostitution. Can't kınk shame or be too snippy about the over-abundance of porn (terribly anti-troon to criticise porn 😢). Talking about sexual violence obviously needs to centre the poor, delicate troons. The gender pay gap definitely affects TransFeminine individuals more than anyone else ever…
I always just used a pillow (a small one)
I've lived alone most of my adult life, so I just yell at the screen. 🤷🏻♀️
It scared my last dog, so I stopped.
Yelling really scares my cats, so I try not to myself.
I'd probably have to change my entire personality if I had a cat.
It's really sad how many young women have been psyop-ed into thinking they have to put men and transhumanism before everything else. No one's required to prove their empathy just because a man might have a sad - advocating for women's rights is valid all on its own
And to you!♀️🥰
Correctly gendering troons at Target is so satisfying 😌 But I always have eyes on the back of my head in case they Troon out and attack.
When you think about it, most men act like toddlers when they don't get their way. Hope this bloke doesn't go postal, they like to do that too
Ain't that the truth! Barely a week goes by when I don't have to tell my husband to "Stop sulking you're not a fucking child!" They don't do it with each other though (present company excepted obvs!) they use it as a manipulation tool with women.
It's their idea of unconditional love they didn't get when small...or something that only little babies get...mommy as bang maid
LOL, this bloke is an extremely blokey Australian BTW! His interests seem to revolve around cars, owning a pretty nice motorbike and attempting the utterly impossible whilst alienating all of his friends and family.
What's the betting he drives a Ute?
I'd have thought so, but apparently he drives a Corolla. He had a new one until recently, when he traded it in for one that's 10 or so years old - just so he could move out of his long-suffering parents' house 🙄
There were dozens of cope filled responses to his whinge about having to downgrade his vehicle...
"No one picks up a guitar and plays a song on day 1."🛑✋️ Non-musician alert ⚠️ 📢 🚨
Regarding suicide attempts, that's exactly what they try to emotionally blackmail everyone with to make us comply with their narcissistic demands ie trying to make us responsible for their adult mantrums and mental instability that results in chaotic and unstable emotional suicide attempts or completed acts of suicide. The whole thing is so sad and toxic because they are not getting the mental health support that they absolutely need.
Well, as a hetero woman ( thankfully, well past the menopause!) my first reaction on seeing this guy is "What a waste"! 😂
Do they even realise how they are fulfilling the Transhumanist's depopulation agenda, by taking these fit young guys out of the gene pool?
Who cares what he looks like? He's nuts!. We sure don't need more bad code in the gene pool. There's enough already
The title of this video made me cackle out loud 🤣🤣
What a great boss! "I don't care and it's your personal business."
Right? His boss made it clear, in a very reasonable and polite way, that going on about any so-called transition isn't an appropriate topic to discuss during work hours. IDK why anyone would complain about that! Except, I guess it's because it means that this guy's narcissism wouldn't be validated.
Seriously though, having a co-worker go on about their sex life or lack thereof is usually cringe AF.
Men Created Religion For Men! | Why You MUST Deconstruct Religion to Decenter Men
Imani F. - 30 Reasons Why Men Deserve Nothing