I am a friend of a child of a man who transitioned. There is no support for these children, everyone tells them they have to accept it and even be happy. She looks back at time with her dad on his custody days, the parties with cross dressing men, drinking and drugs going on around her, all wrong. It took her many years to look back and realise what he did and that all she wanted was her dad back, he died, but returned as a Troon

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Mar 1Edited

Yay! Iowa revoked "transgender civil rights protections" (aka trans privilege, erasure of women's and girls spaces and sports) today.

Ooo, "a metastasized tumor of awfulness", that's good!

So often when I hear about these men, that should not be anywhere near children, their own or anyone else's, the torch scene from the 1910 Frankenstein movie comes to mind. The torch bearing villagers storming the Frankenstein castle to rid them of the abomination, Frankenstein who threw a girl into a pond and she drowned as a result. I'm not suggesting torches and killing, but some form of banishment from society of these men is warranted.

Lime Soda Films on YT released a concise piece today, the story of a woman who lost her husband to troonery, and how the legal system impacts women and children in her position negatively. Worth watching, should be sent to legislators, judges, and DV programs.

"Does he want my womb? Will he be satisfied then?" - Story of Julietta


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I saw on X today that Vaishnavi Sundar has some freaky dude stalking her. What he's been putting her through sounds utterly vile.

I have to wonder if it's not some aeriated laydee tbh.

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It's just the way men are. It's never enough. They will end us all

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why be a mother when you can't protect your child from an abusive ejaculator??? The child will remember and resent that!

But then again, these kind of parents will be abandoned eventually

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Because she views her husband's approval as more important

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This was certainly true for my mom. I stopped talking to my dad at 16, and eventually stopped talking to my mom because she wouldn’t stand up to him. It took 10 years to repair my relationship with her. I still don’t talk to my dad.

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Yep,she's an idiot for referring to him as a woman.He is not and never will be her 'ex wife'.

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No, he won't. I suppose though that anyone who wants to get advice via Reddit has to play the troon pronoun game.

Same thing no doubt applies to most, if not all, other "Agony Aunt" columns/websites too, unfortunately. I'm hoping that the culture surrounding this is going to start shifting soon, but the actions of certain Dem run states over the past few weeks don't exactly fill one with optimism.

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They're not going to take getting back to reality lying down.

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No, they really won't…

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It's all about the dique

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Mar 1Edited

Astoundingly, even for the rare ones who get the peen chop, they still manage to make it about the dick.

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Always, wherever they go, whatever they do 🤢

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Patriarchy is a cancer

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Any woman that guy's age who chose to dress like him would never hear the end of comments about "Mutton dressed as lamb", etc, etc, to use the most polite yet relevant turn of phrase I can think of.

If it were the child's mother dressing that way, someone would probably call Children's Services on her too! You can't tell me that these guys aren't insanely privileged at the moment.

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The fetish dress sense in always obvious in the Transvestite and AGP lot. I'm always shocked people don't see it for what it is! They start making excuses for them like this woman does. "All the years he was repressed" bullshit!

And while I'm on the subject of Tranny dress sense. Even the gay trannies on YT seem to have this obsession with tiny little strappy (or strapless) tops and dresses. All well and good if you live in LA or Florida but half this lot are in the UK in December! It's minus 5C outside FFS.

Also could somebody tell me if Americans have very short arms? Or do American garment manufacturers model tops on an Orangutan? When they do wear a top with sleeves (always off the shoulder whether it was designed that way or not!) their hands never seem to extend past the end of their sleeves! Maybe that what the ridiculously long plastic fake nails are for?

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Are you referring to YouTubers like Alexis Blake? Yeah, Alexis does seem to wear a great many strappy and strapless tops, the UK winter notwithstanding.

IDK about you but I can't stand ultra long fake nails on anyone. They tend to give me the ick for some reason.

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Whenever I see those ultra long fake nails, i wonder "how do you wipe your ass when you shit?" I don't think our arms are any longer or shorter than anyone else's (relative to our heights of course), but American long sleeve shirts often have too long arms and not long enough torso, and pants are ridiculously long as well. I would fit a 31" inseam if it existed, but it's easier to find 34" women's pants than 28" (despite the fact that I'm taller than about 65% of the women I know and most of the short ones would probably need the 28")

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OMG! I always wonder exactly the same thing whenever I see that kind of nails too! 😂

Isn't that the entire reason they became a status symbol in the first place? To demonstrate that a woman is far too well off to engage in such lowly activities as housework etc? IDK, but I personally find it difficult to even keep nail varnish on my short nails for any length of time.

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It's not just Alexis The likes of that TRA loon Katy Montgomerie and many more and it's not just the UK there those in Canada and places like Colorado when there's three feet of snow on the ground and they're dressed in a sequined boob tube! I know they're doing this shit for clicks but I don't know a single woman and have never known one who gets up in a morning and spends two hours slapping on that much makeup and fannying about with their hair before stepping out the door to go to work.

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No, you're quite right…

You know, I'd almost forgotten about Monty’s existence altogether - I'll try not to hold you reminding me about him against you! 😉

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😂. Sorry. The only reason I know of Monty's existence is because I subscribe to Maria MacLauglan's channel.

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He's a menace on Twitter - so friggin hateful towards women. He was one of a tiny handful of accounts I had blocked, back when one could still do that.

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Hope that wasn't Sierra calling you again. 😳 She's creepy.

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There are no moral nuances when it comes to this issue. It is a black and white issue with no grey areas. This wife is almost there, but her sense of morality is not quite strong enough, or she wouldn't be questioning whether she is on the wrong or right side. Even with low self-esteem, she should still know that trans ideology is morally corrupt on every level, and she would never even consider being "nice" by calling him Laura, or referring to him as she or her. Some issues are more nuanced when it comes to morality, but this issue is not one of them. She can even see the harm that his behavior is causing her son, and harm is how you determine right from wrong. Yet she is still questioning. True morality has nothing to do with what the bible says. There are many harmless prohibitions in the bible, and many harmful things that are supposedly A-OKAY. So a truly moral person can't place his or her moral code strictly on biblical guidance. Most, if not all of these degenerates refuse to see the harm they are doing to others, and simply don't care. Instead, they claim that they are being harmed by their actual victims.

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"Fairy Terfmother" that's great Karen.

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I'm going to take a guess this poor woman is living in some Democrat run hell hole like California by the reaction she got from those strangers. I'd get the troon in court and at ten years old the son is old enough for the court to take note of his wishes, not to have contact with cross dressed dad.

You just know this woman spent her entire marriage to this self obsessed loon being brow beaten and put down. She has probably had the fight ground out of her.

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The people denigrating this woman have almost certainly never had to deal with a personality disordered, trenchant and narcissistic man determined to get his entitled freak on to the detriment of his entire family before.

They would have no idea. None.

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Can you imagine the condemnation a woman would get from these other women if she started showing up dressed like a $10 hooker to pick her child up from school? Ooh but because he says he's trans everyone has to support him and feel sorry for him.

The world has gone crazy

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100%! It's surreal.

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I can't be around women like this who gaslight me with calling their husbands "women." Come back when you've accepted reality.

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Also: that poor, poor woman! Being dragged through the Family Court by her lying POS ex-husband.

His trajectory into it was crazy - a bit like "ROGD" for grown men.

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No such thing as adult RODG in men, These clowns have been doing this in secret for years. Only coming out once the porn obsession takes over their lives.

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No, I know! The man in question has obviously lied about many things over the course of his relationship with the woman in the newest film on Sundar’s YT channel.

He's also the type of crossdressing guy who openly admits to not feeling any anxiety over his natural body. Well, until he was fighting his ex over custody of their little boy through the courts, anyway. 🙄

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I've never seen one of these men dressed in anything that a woman in her right mind would wear.

Everything is tiny,sequinned,slashed to the hip and designed to expose as much hairy man flesh as possible.

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It's terrible for so many children whose fathers abandoned them for whatever "reason", like this guy, nearly the worst reason imaginable. If it were me, I'd move to another city/state/country so my son could have a partially normal high school experience. I did not read this book, but I read her other feminist books which are smart and sensitive to men. Susan Faludi, who wrote Backlash, the Undeclared War Against American/British Women (depending on where sold), and Stiffed, The Source of Male Rage, also wrote a book about her relationship with her father, about his nutty problem (my words) who was/is an agp. She survived it with such grace as she was a Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journalist before she wrote the bestselling Backlash (Highly recommend, 1990, the last great REAL 2nd Wave feminist--my era). Maybe there is some healing these children of troons could gain from reading her story, it's bound to be good to know that one can grow up through it, heal from it, forgive (pretty sure that's what she did, and, that he was hopelessly perverted beyond anyone's ability to understand and empathize with at all--so it was probably the 'scissors forgiveness', i.e., I forgive him and will never set eyes on him again, cut out of one's life), so don't expect a family reunion.

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