why are people allowed to bring their sexual proclivities from privacy of bedroom to the public library?

is public lewdness passe ?

public orgies next ?

so gross!

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Two minute into this I thought, "I'm going to puke'. They both look horrible.The best thing that could happen is the wrong sex hormones do him in quickly and he leaves his wife some money.*

*Unlikely, since he probably wasted it all to look nauseating.

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I am sure that was the clinical rationale behind the prescription of an endocrine disruptor to a shall we say, "hefty" man in very late middle-age.

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The so-called doctor who prescribed the hormones was obviously a troon himself

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Yeah! IKR...

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"My wife was uncertain, but still supportive...". No coercive control there!

Shades of the Beaumont Society...

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! I made the mistake of looking through the first page of their site, Puke City. One of the people on the page was pictured with her (woman larping as a man) dog. If we can't save women and kids from troons can we at least save the animals? Even if they aren't doing something weird with the animal, living with basket cases stresses pets out.

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Ooft! Sorry...

Perhaps you should all assume that any website that I might happen to link to should have been emblazoned with a huge Content Warning. By me. 😬

That poor doggo...

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LOL If you put a content warning that just guarantees that I'll look.

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At least now she knows who was constantly rearranging her underwear drawer.

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Right? Poor woman…

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Fred Flintstone, Crypt Keeper Mother Fucker. LMFAO OMG Karen you are too much!

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Well that is play acting but I'd bet Fred Flintstone there based his replies on his own experience so he probably was married with two grown up sons. Karen's summary that he sprung this on his wife when she was vulnerable with two babies will be spot on! He will have waited until he thought he had her trapped and wholly dependant on him before foisting this crap on her! He sure as shit didn't tell her before they married even though he said he'd cross dressed his whole life. Selfish evil bastard will now subject her to living her remaining years with this shit on public display. Doubtless their friends will now start to tactfully shun them, Their sons wives won't want their own kids near Fred so his wife will likely struggle to have close relationships with her grandkids, and she'll be stuck in the Tranny social circle of hell or lonely for her old age. Christ, these people piss me off!

One thing about this "Transgender" Ideology openness crap is it means more AGP's come out younger before they get chance to marry and wreck some poor woman's life.

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taking hormones away from women who actually need them!!!

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Why did the camera linger on his giant, bare man legs in his skirt? That wasn't necessary. Blegh.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Better than being on his face.

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Where the fuck was the referral to psychology ? It used to be you needed 12-24 months of psychotherapy before the let you anywhere near a hormone.

Where the fuck was the discussion about reality and what this will mean for Fred's life.

"Why do you want to do this?" "What do you believe the outcome will be?"

Where the fuck was the "We're not giving you hormones until we've spoken to your wife"

If this is indicative of what medical care has come to the world is way past saving!

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When he talks about his wife being "accepting" it reminds me of when guys talk about using the women's toilet and the proof that they "passed" is that no woman actively opposed his presence. Honey, just because women are rightfully scared to address a crazy ass man in the toilet doesn't mean we don't know you're a man.

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His 'doctor' is a raging perv,there's a shock.

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With a face that would literally terrify his own mother - were she still alive, too.

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I can't stop looking at the 'doctor',it's like someone drew a face on a ninety year old scrotum.

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Two old troons. Reminds me of the Two Ronnies.

Having seen Behind the Looking Glass, we know how "supportive" these wives really are. They are simply gaslit into compliance until they finally crack. Yet everyone's quick to celebrate the pervy men "discovering" themselves not realizing they were punishing their spouses for years while compelling secrecy so the women's suffering goes unacknowledged. Unfortunately, couples therapy is largely about pressuring the woman into going along, so there's also very little institutional support for these burdened and forgotten women.

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Les Dawson and Roy Barraclough's Ada and Cissie was my first thought.

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Trans Widows reality.

Outstanding film Vaishnavi Sundar. Thanks to Karen Davis for creating this Space. https://x.com/Vaishax/status/1837134170969317449

Behind the looking glass Film . Free on X

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man, if I caught wind that my husband was doing this, I'd have gladly have 'helped' him by doing a Bobbit on him. And that's just for starters.

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If the nursing home had a dressing up corner....

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100% thought this was a setup for a porn as it started.

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So true. I'm guessing a lot of the people creating and directing this stuff are just as porn sick as the men they're filming.

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Or one of those 'never stick a fork in a light socket' public information films.

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The acting was similarly appalling, I agree.

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