Opting into a eugenics program can scarcely be considered a "human right", and I highly doubt that it has anything to do with "brown joy".

Trans ideology IS the oppressor.

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And surely not the only one

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"Brown Joy" is Chocolate. Dark, milk or white, chocolate sends oxytocin running through our bloodstreams, unlike anything except giving birth or a runner's high!

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OMG I remember this goofy woman. She had a video go viral for the wrong reasons. She made a weird video claiming that white people need to listen to black/brown women and "trans femmes" whatever tf that means. Little does she know, my white ass LOVES listening to black women like Karen and Runawaysiren940 on YT and so many Asian and African and Latino terfs.

First of all, how is personal feelings of joy "resistance"? Resistance requires actual action. Not this passive bullshit that requires nothing.

Second, there's a special place in hell for women who are content being master's favorite dog when it comes misogyny. That's what troon simps are.

Trans activists really LOVE to force team white, fetishist men and black women by claiming that black women weren't considered real women either at some point in history so these two groups MUST have some commonality. I'm forever disappointed that too many black women fall for this.

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Losing Siren is really tragic. She had a powerful voice.

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I knew she was sick and that she was diabetic and diabetes is a bitch. It can take you at any time. But I really didn't expect her to go this soon.

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Yeah, she was just a baby. Heartbreaking for her family and friends.

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Terf joy is resistance against this 💩

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What does she mean by transjoy I wonder. Joy from crossing other‘s boundaries?

What about transhealiing? Healing FROM trans, from the mind virus? I can only hope for that…Probably she means getting dependent on dr‘s, pharmaka, attention of others for validation.. good luck with that one, it‘s a short lived joy and defintely not resistance& healing, it‘s the EXACT opposite. Funny how the so resisting woman doesn‘t get that..!

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Christ, that woman. All I heard from her was "ME ME ME ME ME". Singing like a fully paid up, fully stitched-up member of the cult.

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Well, black women are supposed to center black men no matter what. This was why, in the 2nd wave, they didn't show up with the radical white women. Of course, now we're getting blamed for that, but I knew they were trying to get their communities stabilized, after the civil right movement, as only women can. Now, they are waking up to the horrible dust of black men. I take NO responsibility for them not showing up all those years ago. So there!

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"Black women are supposed to center Black Men no matter what."

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Patriarchy...not just for white women

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Okay but I know what brown joy is! It's when you're lifted a box of chocolates and you think it's some of those horrible white chocolates that just taste like solidified condensed milk, but it turns out to be actual regular milk chocolate - that's brown joy!

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She sounds like a self professed preacher. But what she's preaching is demonic

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Her cadence reminds me of those Charismatic/Faith charlatans. Better give ALL your money to me or else Satan will rake your soul! Hallelujah!

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Haha exactly

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Christ, that was embarrassing to listen to her. Reminds me of the churchy people and "spiritual not religious" folks I escaped from long ago.

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🎶Tonight Dough Ice Creeeeam IS reSIStance. Cold Stone Creamery IS reSIStance. Ritz Toasted Chips IS reSIStance. Puff n Cooooorn IS reSIStance. Ordering shit off Amazon and being surprised when it shows up IS reSIStance.🎶

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The ancestors narrative always fascinates me too. Guns Germs and Steel was a good read.

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Hardcore History did ep 25 The Long View that was pretty great too💕

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Well Karen I was going to say welcome to my world but as the video continued it's clear you have had to put up with crazy fucks like these for years too. And this one is special kind of whackadoodle!

I don't know which phrase boils my piss more. "Trans Joy" or "Authentic Self" utter fucking shite!

There is NOTHING joyful about suffering Gender Identity Disorder, NOTHING! I don't care if you're the most passing, personally successful tranny in the world the best you can hope for is relief, to be able to cope, to get by and if you can you just might find some joy in life but it ain't from transition it's an aside.

"Authentic Self"! You're anything but! You are spending thousands, gambling with your health and potentially your life to try and live as if you were something you are not. There is nothing "Authentic" about it. It's the exact opposite of authenticity.

As for acts of "Resistance"! That one should try resisting that fried chicken and the doughnuts!

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Hi Karen! So glad to have you back :) I'm so relieved you're feeling better <3

Great video, as always!

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I hate “spoken word” poetry, too - and that slam crap.

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I know we’re the same age because you used the word “broad”. 😂 Also, how in the F are troons oppressed????

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Nothing says 'authentic self' like getting bit's of your 'authentic self' amputated,flayed and inverted.

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