Well, to be fair, there is nothing there, nothing in his pretty lil' head that is.
For the life of me, I do not understand how this, and most of the other troon surgeries, are legal.
Just did a quick search on cost for orchiectomy in the US, $5,000-13,000 per testicle. Plus, found a suggestion that if one can't afford that to inject each testicle with Everclear twice and they will atrophy and die. Yea, these people are sane...NOT!!!
Regarding hormones and crying. I recall reading that testosterone inhibits crying and prolactin, which women have more of, promotes tear production.
Yes, I've also heard women who've taken testosterone say that they can't cry anymore. So maybe that's why men cry far less than women, NOT because they've been socialized to not cry. Hmm, maybe biology is real!
Seriously, surely performing orchidectomies on healthy young men is so lacking in any ethics that it should be illegal? I can see how some believe that the entire "trans" trend has been entirely orchestrated by shadowy elites from the WEF, etc.
Hard for me to believe the hospital staff in the operating room think this is a wonderful idea unless they themselves are psychopaths--it can't just be the financial incentive. FFS, I cup myself protectively just thinking about it.
I have had health problems that required surgery. if it was repairing something, like surgery to widen my very narrow esophagus, that was one thing. but i was never giving up any organ without a fight.
I remember watching an interview with a young man who got swept up in the troon craze. He was a sweet chonky gay boy but when he went to college he fell in with the rainbow club. Instead of welcoming him as a gay man they convinced him he must be trans. He got fake breasts and went as far as an orchiectomy. No one told him that it was okay to be a garden variety gay man. It was sad, he seems so sweet. He will have to take testosterone for the rest of his life. Would have been nice if he could have been accepted in his healthy body. He was just gay. 😞
The implications in this surgeon's letter are not just for the well-being of the men involved. Additional patients with multiple chronic diseases, created unnecessarily, are the opposite of what the UK's National Health Service needs right now. This could be a persuasive argument for health officials who are ambivalent about funding elective genital removal.
Yeah, I remember the EDI Jester on Youtube saying that the success of your NHS is one of the organisations whose success can be measured by asking the simple question: Is the patient better? Even if someone hasn't learnt anything about this subject before reading this surgeon's letter it surely must be obvious that the answer to that question is a resounding no. I like how it is all couched in concern for the trans identified people involved - it will hopefully protect the author of accusations of bigotry and make it harder to dismiss.
Thanks for all you do Karen! I love your talks and Stay Strong Ladies!
So these guys go get their beans removed then decide whether to invert their tootsie roll. I mean once the beans are gone, what good is the ting a ling. It won't get hard or spit out man juice. So, why not go for the full monty!
Well, to be fair, there is nothing there, nothing in his pretty lil' head that is.
For the life of me, I do not understand how this, and most of the other troon surgeries, are legal.
Just did a quick search on cost for orchiectomy in the US, $5,000-13,000 per testicle. Plus, found a suggestion that if one can't afford that to inject each testicle with Everclear twice and they will atrophy and die. Yea, these people are sane...NOT!!!
Regarding hormones and crying. I recall reading that testosterone inhibits crying and prolactin, which women have more of, promotes tear production.
Yes, I've also heard women who've taken testosterone say that they can't cry anymore. So maybe that's why men cry far less than women, NOT because they've been socialized to not cry. Hmm, maybe biology is real!
Yes Oestrogen makes you more in touch with your emotions and testosterone lessens some emotions but heightens others like anger!
But this crap is bullshit removing testicles or taking oestrogen does not cause you to wander the streets sobbing. It's just sexist fantasy.
Yes, you never know... 🤭
Wow! Talk about daylight robbery! Twice over.
Seriously, surely performing orchidectomies on healthy young men is so lacking in any ethics that it should be illegal? I can see how some believe that the entire "trans" trend has been entirely orchestrated by shadowy elites from the WEF, etc.
Perhaps it’s the globalists version of modern day population control! 🤯
Hard for me to believe the hospital staff in the operating room think this is a wonderful idea unless they themselves are psychopaths--it can't just be the financial incentive. FFS, I cup myself protectively just thinking about it.
Some surgeons have come to the same conclusion about psychopathy among their colleagues. Please see my article on this topic, comments welcome.
Thanks for the link! Great article!
I have had health problems that required surgery. if it was repairing something, like surgery to widen my very narrow esophagus, that was one thing. but i was never giving up any organ without a fight.
I remember watching an interview with a young man who got swept up in the troon craze. He was a sweet chonky gay boy but when he went to college he fell in with the rainbow club. Instead of welcoming him as a gay man they convinced him he must be trans. He got fake breasts and went as far as an orchiectomy. No one told him that it was okay to be a garden variety gay man. It was sad, he seems so sweet. He will have to take testosterone for the rest of his life. Would have been nice if he could have been accepted in his healthy body. He was just gay. 😞
I always wonder just how much homophobia guys like this have had to put up with during their formative years. So sad.
Universal healthcare would bankrupt the tax payer with these guys. Am I wrong?
Nevermind all the health issues, so worth it as it gives me reason to talk about my genitals all the time…my biggest joy on earth
These men, really 🤬 I almost feel sorry for this shallow man. (I said almost!)
The implications in this surgeon's letter are not just for the well-being of the men involved. Additional patients with multiple chronic diseases, created unnecessarily, are the opposite of what the UK's National Health Service needs right now. This could be a persuasive argument for health officials who are ambivalent about funding elective genital removal.
Yeah, I remember the EDI Jester on Youtube saying that the success of your NHS is one of the organisations whose success can be measured by asking the simple question: Is the patient better? Even if someone hasn't learnt anything about this subject before reading this surgeon's letter it surely must be obvious that the answer to that question is a resounding no. I like how it is all couched in concern for the trans identified people involved - it will hopefully protect the author of accusations of bigotry and make it harder to dismiss.
Thanks for all you do Karen! I love your talks and Stay Strong Ladies!
you should write a book on the psychology of troons, I would buy that!!
Thank you for another great video, Karen!
I'm so glad that I downloaded the Substack app. I was having trouble watching your videos through the Chrome browser. 👍🏻
So these guys go get their beans removed then decide whether to invert their tootsie roll. I mean once the beans are gone, what good is the ting a ling. It won't get hard or spit out man juice. So, why not go for the full monty!