Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I believe this is the dude who was waiting to have bottom-mutilation surgery until he was ready to have children—and he meant he would be the one giving birth to the kid. Whew, talk about uber-level insanity. It’s indeed clown world, and by that I mean “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” level craziness.

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Yeah, the extreme activists got to gain a lot of power when everyone and every organization was suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. Some examples can be seen in how the language has changed. For example, they noe say that s persons gender is "assigned" by the doctor when you're born. The gender is identified, not assigned. All the opposition to normativity and gender is part of far left socialist Queer theory, which is becoming part of the curriculum taught to anymore studying to become doctors, teachers, lawyers ect

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sad delusion times we live in at the moment

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Five days post surgery? Bull Shit 5 days post major surgery you feel and look like warmed up crap.

Let's start by saying NO it's not a real vagina its a copy of one, but then transsexuals are not women they are a copy of one. Done well they can be a very good copy but still just a copy.

Penile Flap Inversion Vaginoplasty (PFI) has been around for about 70 years. Historically there were a handful of surgeons in the world who did this procedure and they were all extremely experienced and skilled reconstructive plastic surgeons (not your average "tits, nose and ass" guys). These days every second year surgical resident with an itchy scalpel is in on it because they think its a get rich quick scheme (and it is!) Couple that with the propensity for complications in some patients and this exacerbates the number of complications we are seeing now.

In PFI the tissues stay attached to the body and the blood flow is maintained throughout. The moment you have to start stitching in tissue from elsewhere on the body the potential for complications multiply exponentially. Five days in and this one is already celebrating "no complications"! (someone is counting chickens before they hatch). Stay tuned to this one there will no doubt be more to come in the months ahead. Sex can be a somewhat, shall we say, vigorous activity! I wouldn't have much confidence how that patchwork quilt will hold up the first time they try to use it.

Wouldn't you just keep mouth shut until you were a couple of years in and knew there were no complications? Or, better still never mention it again!

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You'd think so, but the motivation seems so frequently to get these surgeries as a means of assisting in enhancing one's cred and notoriety as a Very Special Micro (or even Macro-ish) Celebrity nowadays. Add to that the fact that all safeguards and "gatekeeping" have been dispensed with as "ontologically evil" or whatever and this is the result: a bunch of vulnerable and mentally ill young people taken advantage of, and a corresponding group of antisocial narcissists who are attracted to the idea of bogarting their way into places they don't belong. I don't even know which group this person is more likely to belong to, TBH. Possibly both?

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Stories about emergency abortions being denied make my blood boil 🤬

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So what exactly is the point of their “self lubricating” manhole? It’s not going to produce more mucus when he’s turned on right? It’s not a sexual organ? So I don’t understand it…this is just so disgusting and insulting! I’m so over these nasty misogynistic racist males!! I saw one on Reddit talking about ovulating like FFS how are they so so so detached from reality? These skinwalkers are frightening cannot believe this shit has become so mainstream.

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The period, womb and ovary envy is a large part of the AGP culture. There's a LOT of it on Reddit in particular because it's now run almost exclusively by AGPs.

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11:30 Of course, nowadays you will be compelled to get out of bed the very day after all manner of major surgery - I was forced to get up the day after having my fractured femur repaired a few weeks ago. This guy looks very bright eyed and bushy tailed, though. I'm sure it can't just be make-up and false eyelashes either.

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I think it's drugs... And not only prescribed ones.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I used to feel a little sorry for this one for some reason.

It's hard to imagine that someone would do all this in an attempt to conceal their homosexuality if they didn't grow up in a shockingly repressive family, but I could be wrong I suppose. It's sad in any case.

And yes, this shit really got going in Australia under a conservative government that was in power for well over a decade, too.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

That is part of why I hate this movement so much. Rather than encouraging people to accept themselves as they are through things like therapy, it says that happiness can be found at the end of a scalpel and never ending medical procedures. It is so parasitic and evil. Whilst some of these guys are obnoxious to start with, there are a whole bunch of vulnerable people who are being exploited as well.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah, it's beyond ghastly. And while Zaya(?) here probably started off on TikTok as a troubled young man, I'm thinking that the popularity and money it afforded him really helped turn him into part of the trans-industrial complex. Now he's grooming thousands upon thousands of kids** and vulnerable adults, all while making usurping the rights of demographics to which one does not belong appear more "reasonable", natural and righteous - even to normie onlookers.

**He has 4.8 M subs

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What!! This loon has almost 5 million subscribers! The world is doomed.

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Yeah! Isn't it crazy?

I think that's probably partially what it's about - pseudo-progessives not only get to virtue signal, they get to watch the contemporary version of Bedlam while they're about it. Unless they genuinely think that his put-on behaviour is somehow normal…

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"this is a nightmare & a travesty"

evil & greedy too.

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"why do you care when it doesn't affect you?" is a common thing these people and their supporters would say. Generally I'd agree with that statement for 95% of things - people want to indulge in their kinks in the privacy of their own home and there's no children or nonconsenting people involved? have at it. But the minute that children become involved; or it ends up requiring taxpayers to support him on disability because it turned someone who wasn't disabled before into someone disabled, in addition to paying out the ass for medical treatments to fix whatever disaster that was caused, it ends up affecting all of us.

Also few people talk about the opportunity cost of training medical professionals to cut off junk or deal with the aftermath of cutting off junk. Every doctor being trained to cut off junk is one who could have been trained as a heart specialist, lung specialist, urologist, etc. Every hospital room being dedicated to operations that remove junk is one that could have been used to treat someone who needed heart surgery, emergency care, etc. Every wound specialist used to deal with the aftermath of cutting off junk is one who could have been used to treat car accidents and gunshot wounds. And so on.

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Exactly. I suppose that another way to look at it is to remind oneself that at least the most sociopathic in the medical profession will be attracted to such naked money making in the first instance, but I concede that'd be rather cold comfort for those who cannot find a doctor at all.

It's already getting more and more difficult to find a GP/Primary Care in my country, and it's the same in Canada and the UK.

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They're often so histrionic and dramatic, urgh

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Why did he need "gender affirming surgery"? I thought they were already Women? He looks mighty healthy for someone who had surgery 5 days ago. He might be lying for clicks and views.

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He'd better dilate his new hole 4x/day for 20 minutes each time. He obviously didn't dilate his last peritoneal wound

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I gather that as a result of the glut in the "GAC" market and the undertrained surgeons rushing to fill it, quite a few of these guys end up with a scar-filled cavity regardless of how much they dilate.

It sounds horrifically painful.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

If you actually were that "gender," you would not need surgery to affirm it. You would not need others to validate it. You would not need to learn fake female speech and mannerisms. You would not need to get hair extensions and wear heavy makeup. You would not need to burden our health care system with cosmetic drugs and surgery paid for by the taxpayer. The social costs of trans have never been debated in the public forum. We are just expected to go along.

This is what we get instead of infrastructure repair, disaster response, after school programs, etc. We need to start prioritizing where our money is going. The narcissism of this movement needs to be exposed.

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100% 👍👍👍 well said 👍👍👍

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"These guys are leterally f@cking themselves"! Lol 😂

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Where did 🥇 go?

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