Apr 15Liked by Karen Davis

I would certainly buy that this cat was a vampire long before I would buy that he's any kind of woman - and I do not buy into vampirism and lycanthropy any more than I ever would transgenderism.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Karen Davis

5:36 "Meh! We can probably lock him up if (when) he reoffends. No biggie! Why all the stress?" 🙄🤦‍♀️

Nobody in power actually gives a shiny shit about what the victims of the trauma that sickos like this wreak on others are forced to relive, day after day. Makes me so fkn furious. Don't even let me get started on so-called "progressive crime fighting" policies...

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When a registered offender is released into the community, the Sheriff's dept. sends out flyers. I don't know about other communities, but here you can sign up for email notifications. They won't give you an exact address, but you'll know what block or cross street they are on. This is because they are likely to reoffend because there is no cure for sex offenders. The mental health community knows it, and law enforcement knows it. They don't imprison them for life due to their rights. However, there is a way to get around that for the worst offenders. Contrary to the article, I don't think this is controversial. They all belong on an island, permanently. This demon from hell will reoffend when given the opportunity.


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This is just horrific. Thanks for keeping us informed. I’m turning all my Facebook friends off by reposting this stuff but everyone needs to know what’s going on.

One wonders, if either Ted Bundy or the BTK killer were being sentenced now, and “identified as a woman”, would they be sent to a women’s prison?

Is there any “bridge too far” when it comes to this insanity?

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‘Sane’ and spineless people are enabling this travesty. 😫

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When I saw your beautifully censored take on YouTube, I started to get it… obviously horrific but as a cope I automatically pivot to humor. Afterall, on it’s face, absolutely bonkers… he resembles that other troon who dresses his poor little dog like him and tries to cause a scene at restaurants… then I saw the full headline and there’s absolutely nothing funny about this DSMV disorder buffet, oxygen thief. This is the worst type of human: the type who preys on the most vulnerable.

I think we need to bring back humane asylums, learn from the past atrocities that closed them. There’s no cure for this. There was this court officer whom I’ll never forget: I was waiting to go into a courtroom to apply for a protective order. I was nervous and afraid and he for me talking, when he heard what brought me there he said, “sometimes the only solution is a hank of boiled rope.”

I’m inclined to believe him and I’m generally opposed because death is too good for him. Then again, is someone capable of this, someone who can’t blame it on some intoxicant to sort of mitigate… is keeping them in a box and treating them like a human, whilst wasting resources. They deserve to be forgotten. Victims and survivors of these monsters should be talked about, given the help, instead of feeding these cancers.

Sometimes I think it’s good to be triggered. It keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground, because it’s too easy to live inside of my little therapeutic bubble. It reminds me that I have to pour everything I have into breaking past active ptsd so that I can go on and use my energy to make a difference.

Thank you.

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This is someone who just needs to be warehoused, no question. I'm talking high security psychiatric hospital, doped to the gills to make him more compliant and less of a threat to the staff and fellow patients. 70 years ago his "treatment" plan would probably have included a lobotomy, which I'd be fine with, TBH.

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The worst man is more important than all women

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Ooo, just one minute watching the Youtube version, it became hard to watch how you had to black out words and restrict yourself with every phrase. Coming here is like opening the window getting fresh air to air your heart out.

I still wonder how long it will take for all of these crimes against humanity are getting stopped? (Hope Sall Grover will win, will be a landmark).

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This guy is a perfect candidate for what I call the woodchipper cure. First we need a woodchipper, preferably used, with dull blades. If possible, I suggest lowering the horse power on the machine so than it runs slower than a new, efficient one would. My suggested procedure is to bind his arms and legs tightly to limit his ability to fight. Then proceed to insert him feet first. When he is partially through the machine, perhaps to his knees or hips, turn it off and let him experience the pain completely, and possibly bleed out slowly. If necessary, run him just a tad further through and stop again. Repeat this process as often as needed until he is nothing more than a bad memory. I believe these bastards deserve death but it absolutely must NOT be humane. We are talking monsters here, not humans. Treat them as such.

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I am still fascinated that through his years of "feminization" this man looks more like a man in 2024 than He did in 2016. 🐓

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Most re-offend. I think they need to be institutionalized. Why should they be free to roam and cause mayhem; people need to be protected. Putting him into a women's prison is a recipe for disaster!

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Sabrina is the name of a powerful vampiress in the game Skyrim. Of course the AGPs have to ruin Sabrina too 😩

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do you still upload to YT? I check my subscriptions every day and haven't seen anything from you in weeks

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