The mini muscle boys like to think they're fooling people (why are they all 5'1"?) but they just look like the Lollipop League to me. If they are happier running away from themselves, that's one thing. But to sell it to kids and traumatized individuals is criminal. Clearly, she couldn't run away far enough to avoid male sexual violence. Instead, she invited the wolf into Grandma's house.

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Teacup TIFs do not look like men. Go look at male jockeys, for example. They are short men, but their proportions are all male. Nothing looks right on these sad women trying to look like men.

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I think her heroine must be Buck Angel. Both heavily into porn and making the ugliest looking men.๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’š

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Jun 21ยทedited Jun 21

Dealing with your mental illness yourself is one thing but pushing and celebrating it for others is simply evil and morally bankrupt. And I'll victim blame for the right situation. If you make it your business to sell yourself and your persona as a sexual object why are you shocked when some abuser sees and treats you as one.

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I agree, it is clear that some activities one puts themselves in can and do result in terrible consequences. Is that victim blaming? no its reminder that you are equally responsible for your actions. Are there true victims yes of course but lets be real here, some people by their own actions put themselves in danger.

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I think the difference is reaching the age of majority. Once an individual is no longer a juvenile, they are becoming active participants in and promoters of the abuse. Sad, but true. Many victims of (whatever form of) abuse theyโ€™ve endured do go on to perpetrate it themselves. For instance, I have a close friend who bitterly dislikes former military personnel speaking out against war. Yet I remind him that it must be part of spiritual/psychological growth to have a life learning curve like this, because some of the most eloquent and effective anti war activists were previously naรฏve flag-waving soldiers, you know? Who am I or anybody to sneer at that, when it must be tremendously difficult to admit to actively have been so wrong in the first place. There is narcissistic grifting going on in addition, and some are reversing course to cash in on the (well deserved) public sentiment that has been building against this particular insanity. (Karen has posted on that particular aspect. ๐Ÿ˜ณ) Anyway, I think we could probably all agree on the point that the individual spotlighted here is an adult who is now actively promoting this abuse to others, which is definitely grooming. Itโ€™s definitely abusive, and sheโ€™s a chronological adult. (Wonder if she took the โ€œpuberty blockerโ€ hormone cocktail? ๐Ÿค”)

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I didn't even try to comment over on YT. This is utterly sickening and makes me angry and sad all at the same time. These people are child predators just like the ones that go online seeking to meet up with children, even though a good portion are never going "to do anything", they just get their rocks off talking that way to a child. None of these predators care that they ALREADY raped that child's mind. Exactly like this bastard and all of his other pervert friends are doing. They are ALL predators, just go about their grooming a bit differently. Our society is doomed if it stays on the path it is on. Karen is right when she calls it downright demonic. God's world is full of structure, peace and order. Satan's world is full of confusion, chaos and destruction. Whose world does it appear we live in?

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The story about Sage terrifies me. My younger sister is about to go into 8th grade, also in Virginia, and also is starting to align with the "LGBTQ" community, I'm sure it's due to influence from her social group and social media. I hope she's not changing her name at school and identifying as a boy since it clearly would be endorsed.

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I can understand your concerns, maybe if she may be susceptible to listening, you could show her something like this to just give her food for thought? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k2-e_wJthmk&pp=ygUYSG93IHRvIHNwb3QgYSBjdWx0IHRyYW5z

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Jun 21ยทedited Jun 21

That story about Sage was horrific the first time I heard it. I think it sums up this movement entirely that child safeguarding was not a concern, only furthering the agenda. I actually wonder if some of these authorities actively hate these confused children, which is why they are content to allow them to come to harm.

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I'm surprised no prosecutions came out of that case -- it was so egregious. When trans mania is over, we need to get out the tar and feathers. Everyone responsible for railroading children into this needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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I think the doctors don't care about trans people, because they think their already mentally ill, and they might as well make some money off of them, with the hormones and surgeries.

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Jun 21ยทedited Jun 21

Women can be sexual deviants too, they are few in number but here's one of them to prove the point. What the HELL is wrong with these people and not just this perv but the people who follow them? What is this obsession with sending dick pics? Not just trans loons even the men who do it.

I have nothing against penises, I mean I'm very fond of my husband's but I don't want to see a photo of it every time I open up my fucking phone! What kind of looser goes out of their way look at some random strangers dick?

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Right????? What makes them think females are impressed with that thing???

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The poisonous levels of testosterone sure don't help these already unhinged women, do they?

Everything about this woman screams "severe pre-existing trauma" and it's my belief that she should never have been allowed to embark on the "trans" train. She needed lots of intense therapy - although, having seen her Twitter timeline perhaps it wouldn't have helped much. IDK though, I've known women who started on T and the change in their personalities was like day to night. She must be on HEAPS, too. She's so heavily virilised.

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Jun 22ยทedited Jun 22

I was watching a podcast and they were talking about the women on "T' in prisons. They are constantly fighting with the other women. And they create a problem in the understaffed female prisons. Some of the guards have 8 inmates. And they still give these women "T" in prison, like it's medication. Their creating more problems giving the trans hormones,they don't need.

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That sounds like a recipe for disaster! Androgens promote higher levels of aggression men get conditioned socially to reign in that aggression with each other, when men fight they risk getting seriously FUBAR! Women and girls don't get that conditioning so giving a small proportion of a prison population drugs that will increase their aggression levels is madness.

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So did any off you hear of the trascender who murdered her parents and tried to kill her brother in Utah yesterday ? Some family said they were scared of her And said she hated her family

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The mainstream media is ignoring that story as hard as they can. And this is not the first TIM to be a family annihilator - there were a few in the Eastern USA last year. Family annihilation is a mostly male crime.

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Looked this up. Absolutely depraved, ๐Ÿซฃ I hope he winds up in the men's jail where his fellow men can decide how to treat him https://www.westernjournal.com/transgender-double-murder-suspect-gave-chilling-message-police-taken-custody/

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Scroll through these posts by Gen Gluck (Reduxx) and listen to this man esp. re 'trans' and children. 'Trans' is a misogynist, homophobic, child-hating movement filled w/ all manner of depraved, sociopathic narcissists it seems to me. How any society allows this is beyond my understanding.



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This mentally ill woman talks about her mutilation like she is selling aluminum siding. All of this trans stuff is evil vile cultish nonsense.

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LGBRXYZ+++++++ doesn't care about sex trafikking or SA , pornogrophy of kids All their goal is to trans as many kids as they can them. This is a planned agenda. Parents need to grow some testes. Go theough thir bedrooms and do a deep dive search Go though all their social media, emaild, snap chats, tik tok and all media. And not just one time And don't care if you piss the kids off.

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The Sage story --- there are men who can spy out a vulnerable young woman immediately. These TIFs are being served up on a platter to the predators.

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The famous TIFs are niche porn acts. The famous TIMs are billionaires, government officials, media stars, etc. Sad that so many people can see this.

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Jun 21ยทedited Jun 21

Surely the X-sex hormones along w/ the influence of those she hung around with, social media, and the already present mental problems she had must have caused this person to become utterly depraved. Is she modeling herself after Buck Angel (only worse) who was into porn? Again, why are we allowing these mentally unbalanced people to do this to themselves and why do we allow those who do it to them to do it?

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Severely pornsick - but in their circles porn is empowering, being against porn is transphobic (extremely 'mask-off' when they come out with that one), and exploring and being mundanely open about your kinks and your trauma is So Important

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Buck is still involved in the industry somehow His wife if I am right just got started in it and I think it may be producing it or making films

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do a video on marcus dib

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Marcus is at least sane. Some, incl. Blair White, call GD a mental illness. I donโ€™t know what it is. But if someone knows very well they dress like a clown, and then later on in life complains that they donโ€™t get jobs, respect, etc., and then compares themselves to ppl who, for ex., suffer racial prejudiceโ€”THAT is insane.

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Troon Child Mutilation Salesmen, Ms Aaron Kimberly coached kids at a BC Gender Clinic, for a decade โ€” yet this criminal woman LARPing as a man is treated as a GC ally hero by many of the Canadian anti-tran$ A.W.F.L.s ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ


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Sage's Law has been brought up by Virginia State legislators 2 times and each time, the spineless Democratic A$$holes wouldn't approve it. They shot it down each time. Unfortunately, the control the State right now, I'm hoping, we gain more Republicans in November and maybe, the legislators will bring up Sage's law again and it will pass!

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