What these men understand about women's bodies can fit on the head of a pin. Even so, certainly most of the ones claiming they have periods know damn well they don't, and are just lying for attention/affirmation/fetish. Lying and attention seeking is what they do. And, I'm at the point if blood is spraying out their peens, I don't care. Their never-ending misogyny and stupidity is utterly exhausting, They've drained the caring right out of many.

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Without listening to this one's nonsense it's difficult to say whether this is an AGP fetish (which is very common), just some delusional wishful fantasy (also common) or they have post surgical complications, which would only be relevant if the surgery was recent. Either way what this one is experiencing is not a period or any kind of menstrual effect. Taking extraneous oestrogen does not induce period type symptoms it's all fetish, lies or fantasy with these people.

My mother had a full hysterectomy in her mid 30's due to health reasons and was prescribed HRT to prevent her going into early onset menopause, which she has taken ever since and she never experienced a period symptom ever again. No uterus no period cramps that simple.

Taking extraneous oestrogen does not induce period like symptoms in males. Strange that you don't hear of men with prostate cancer who are prescribed oestrogen for the condition proclaiming that they "got their period"!!

If this one is experiencing stomach cramps it's likely that dodgy burrito they ate the night before. If they're bleeding it's more likely to be bladder or prostate cancer!

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The other day, on Shape Shifter’s channel, I saw a video about a Reddit thread wherein the owner of the brand new franken Fanny (spectacular) was sent to a gynecologist to stop the bleeding. The troon online may be lying but if he isn’t, I feel so bad for that doctor. Hopefully it was a man.

This feels a lot like those people who will never admit when they’re wrong. This might be the hill modern medicine dies on.

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“Modern medicine” is good for emergency trauma, and surgical reconstruction after said trauma or congenital defects. Allopathy means “opposite” and I only want that kind of tending if it’s an emergency situation. Otherwise, most other health modalities produce better results. I think it’s mainly because of the whole money-power-social status thing. This industry, as organized, is all about sadistic domination, control, power-over. Please, Terven, take care of yourselves! No one needs to have their joints cut out either, etc. The info is out there already on diet and lifestyle. Modern medicine, as defined and performed by corporatists, is already dead, and is in zombie mode. 😳

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This Google bull highlights a huge flaw in AI too. If you train AI on lies then it branches out like the butterfly effect, tainting every other answer you might get from it, no matter what you ask it.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

My advice: Never use AI. Just use your brain. The more searching practice, the better your brain will get at it. Or take an online searching course, if they still exist. Okay, enough said about that. But, for reasons Karen has clearly shown with her example here, if you do use AI, don't trust the response you get. So in other words, don't use AI. It's good for some things in the world, but not for individuals searching the internet for true information (which is hard enough to find on the internet anyway). P.S . Karen outdid herself in this video with the gallows humor. She is a marvel, and I thank her immensely.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I could not agree more. I don't understand how anyone can even imagine that outsourcing their own thinking and intellectual or creative efforts to AI could ever have a positive outcome.

AI surely does have positive applications, but electing to participate in one's own intellectual downsizing ain't one of 'em.

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Well Said 💯

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Hello Jai Byrd and Lida H. -- I second that "Well Said" to Lida's comment! So glad to know you, even somewhat anonymously via Karen's Substack. Lots of good and smart people here❤️😊👍

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Artificial "intelligence" just turned as STUPID as those who code it. As if we didn't have enough natural stupidity...It seems men and biology belong to two different solar systems.

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As they used to say in coding: garbage in, garbage out.

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There was also one very important surgical risk missing from that list. DEATH! 5-7 hours is a long time to be under a general anaesthetic people can and do die on that operating table.

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We know who controls AI, google and the whole tech field… so it‘s no surprise what the feed AI with . Don‘t look for facts through AI, it‘s just probability based on who is feeding the device with the program that all is based on.

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OMG! Can’t believe you made a video on this because I wanted to send you another video just like this one, the video is called “Trans women and periods (FULL)” and the channel is called “Ellie!!!” (Because of course that’s his name lmao) but it’s on youtube, not sure if it would be ok to link the video or not sorry. I hope you watch it because listening to this tool mansplain periods legit gave me a headache because I was rolling my eyes so hard and then not to mention the dumbass comments on top of it! Also want to say this dude in the period subreddit said something along the lines of “cis women seem to be getting period and menstruation mixed up and ackshully we totally real male women get periods too” I hate these disgusting males I am OVER it, they’re trying to take everything away from REAL women. I can link the Reddit thread too if you care at all, you will be truly flabbergasted at the amount of other males talking about their “periods”

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When these bros showcase their Dunning-Kruger so openly I honestly don't know whether to scream with rage or cringe to death first.

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Lol right? I’m kind of over the laughing at it phase it’s more so cringing and anger now, it’s all just too much anymore. They’re just sickening!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Also - check out *this* BS I happened across while looking for "Ellìe's" "Trans Women and Periods" video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/vBUfn0aEJXk?si=BYGUQ_MWLCZqAwT8

This great hulking brute has his poor wife colluding in his folié a deux delusion (well, all of them actually) that taking exogenous estrogen has somehow made him shrink three inches... 🤦‍♀️

Also, he's TOTALLY skinwalking his poor wife - he pretty much exemplifies that trope. It's so, so disturbing.

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Oh FFS! God damn that’s disturbing! I just had to comment on his period video because I’m so sick of this shit, they always say “cis” women can’t speak on trans issues but yet skinwalk all of ours! Ty for the video just….wtf?

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If I cut up a piece of spam to look like a steak, add whatever seasoning to it, then grill it up and cover it in steak sauce; it will still never taste or really look like a steak. It is not to cook it as spam and admit that reality. I could carve it up to be “steak presenting”, or slap steak sauce and seasoning on it, I could add every garnish and topping other steaks get. At the end of the day it will never be steak. One may not wish to accept the truth that it is spam, and do everything in their power to make it into a steak by doing all the steak preparations but despite what you do to deny it, that first bite, inside will always be spam 😉

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

These guys have so many delusions, it's hard to believe anything they say.. This man probably just has a period fetish. If he had actually been bleeding for 3 years, he wouldn't be sitting there dancing. We don't have any accurate statistics on how many trans get the bottom surgery, but I have heard it's less than 5% of the trans population. If you use the prison stats in Chicago in 2019, there were about 300 guys waiting to be transferred to the Women's prison, and only 1, had the bottom surgery, so that would be less than 1%. But this is probably a low income population.

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It‘s all to „prove“ they have „become women“ 🤢 to gain access to women‘s spaces, it‘s just too obvious. It‘s still a mystery to me though how some women support this delusion w evil background🤬😢

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Yes, they want you to believe that the trans in the women's prison, have the bottom surgery. But we know it's not true. The dude in New Jersey got 2 women pregnant. He had a life sentence and one of the pregnant girls had a life sentence. Who is going to take care of these babies?

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AI is only as "intelligent" as the person who programs it.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

👏 I refer to it as Artificial unIntelligence. 😳 It is deeply disturbing to witness the kinds of things it does. I won’t be clicking on any more YouTube videos unless they’re personally recommended to me, because of what I experienced last week. The subject of the video was a woman who had a home-improvement show on cable television for years, and then the U$A government fined the show for not protecting their employees from lead exposure. There was a stretch in the video where the narrator had been pronouncing the word “-ed” then switched to “-eed” twice in a row and then went back to pronouncing it “-ed” with zero change in context. 😳 My cognitively challenged neighbor wouldn’t do that, because they’re CONSCIOUS. Artificial unIntelligence isn’t, and it’s on display for everyone to see, if any care to notice. 😳

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Dead people don't sue.

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Well they do but it's a dam site cheaper to compensate for a death than it is to permanently maim someone for life.

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This is true.

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Their estate (i.e., relatives) can sue for wrongful death. Happens all the time.

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Mama coming, and no amount of re-enslaving women will solve that either. No one can save us now; male humans have transgressed every natural law...It's over

PS: War is the rationalization/justification for patriarchy

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🔥Artificial Intelligence is great, but it can't compare to Natural Stupidity 🟥

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man bleed from back door sign cancer

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He'd better prepare for his funeral ⚱️ and get his life insurance together.

He's got internal bleeding

And there needs not be any Go-Fund-Me just donate his dead ass to one of the Science Projects for corpses.

🌿 Google is a lying mother fucker.....I can't stop laughing 🤣😭😆😅😂😆😂🤣

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