Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Young woman defending pedophilia, greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. A new twist on being a fucking handmaiden. "Judgement" has gotten a bad rap. Judgement is yet another safeguard that the predators and their supporters are trying to strip from us. Judgement is imperative in order not to have a life full of rotten people.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

I prefer the words "discretion" and "discernment". Both being pretty great qualities to possess.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

They are more palatable, but they are not the same thing. I considered using discernment, but thought, 'nope, being judgemental is valuable' in some contexts. Discernment doesn't have emotion attached. Judgement does, which can be very useful in maintaining boundaries. The two also feel very different physically to the person doing the discerning or judging. Though they may look the same to whoever is being judged or discerned . Have to give more thought to discretion.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

💯 I use the term discernment for spiritual matters, as in my experience, many or most who claim spiritual visions, contacts, etc. seem to lack it. They tend to be overly sensitive to the term judgment, as well. We’re doing it all the time, just not consciously. Like when judging whether or not a person is a threat. Definitely our gut instincts are being disparaged and actively suppressed by this ideology. 😕

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

In order to bring back kink shaming, which needs to be done, we need to bring back judgement. I think being discerning can have a much more grounded, some might say spiritual feel to it than judging. I don't think having airy fairy feelings about pedos is useful. It is just fine to be judgemental, just so one knows when to be and when not to be and that they are judging when they are judging and why. And, if one can't figure all that out that's okay, trust your gut (most women have a pretty good one, and have been trained out of trusting it to their detriment).

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Good points.

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Those are discouraged these days. They're discriminatory, ya know. Screens out the kooks.

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This is becoming more common, actually. Are you on twitter? Have you seen Exulansic's latest bout of pedo simping? It's quite the eye-opener.

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Well, here's hoping the simps never breed. I'm not on any social media. Have no interest in watching Ex, frankly. Generally prefer to watch people that I consider sane, or are working toward it.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

The medical profession and academia are infested with these vile enablers. They keep referring to pedophilia as a "sexual orientation" and "diversity" in order to Trojan Horse their way into normalization and ultimately legalization. If the line against this madness crumbles, we are done as a species. (If a murderer decides not to kill someone, does this madwoman want a parade thrown in the creep's honor? I'm betting yes.)

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

"Virtuous murderers" seems like a good way to point out the absurdity of the virtuous pedophile nonsense. Whether they have ever done it or not being around people who consider murdering or raping people on a regular basis is a bad idea.

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Exactly. We see this play out in the UK every day, with the nonces getting suspended sentences and walking free. Child molestation has been, essentially, decriminalized over there. The pedo enablers are working on it over here.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Paraphilias are by definition dysfunctional sexual desires. They are abnormal and harmful.

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Now, now, Madeline, you're gonna make the pedos feel bad.

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OH NOOOO. We wouldn't want that

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

This woman looks absolutely deranged, even if some pedo claims to have never acted on their desires, would anyone actually trust them to be alone with a child? Any pedo is always going to be a potential danger.

I heard a "virtuous pedophile" during an interview (in which he was anonymous) trying to justify why he got a job that would put him in direct contact with small children on a daily basis. These children were in the age range he was attracted to, he couldn't explain it, but promised to never offend...how can anyone buy that? He could have got a job on an oil rig or something far from children, but chose not to.

This woman is either naive or willfully disingenuous.

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I wonder if she's a CSA survivor who's bought the Virped line to minimize what was done to her. I can't imagine anyone buying into this for even a quarter of a second unless they're a pedo themselves or a victim whose trauma is completely unmanaged.

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I hadn't considered that, it is entirely possible. I cannot understand her thinking otherwise.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

The other possibility is that she could be a pedo herself trying to come up with justifications

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Very true, that is a disturbing possibility.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Alcoholics working at bars, nooooo problem. Morbidly obese working in fast food restaurants, nooooo problem. Arsonists working in lighter factories, nooooo problem. Foot fetishists working in shoe stores, nooooo problem.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

They should be mandated to work somewhere isolated and away from all children, such as on an oil rig IMO.

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I've heard there's lots of room in Siberia, and mines always need workers.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

She looks to me like she’s been programmed by a cult. 😳

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She looks like her eyes are going to come rolling out of her head if she's not careful.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

She also has a Facebook page and a CensorTube channel called "Sexplanations" (1.2. million subscribers, that's scary) for your terfing pleasure. I feel bad for her parents.

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I'm sure most of her patrons are perverted men who like being validated by a crazy broad.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

It is astounding that a woman of all people would defend paedophiles! Answer this Dr. Doe. "How do these so called virtuous paedophiles know they are sexually attracted to children and not just some passing aberration of a thought unless they have indulged it in some way? Do not try to convince me these creeps have not indulged in child porn at the minimum, because I don't believe you bitch.

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Exactly right.

I can't believe that I used to laugh at people who said that there was a push for society to accept paedos being mainstreamed. And it wasn't that long ago, either.

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I worry that Doe may have kids of her own especially given the company she seems to keep!

What's next? Are we supposed to applaud men who want to rape women but don't? "Ooh look how virtuous he is. His sexual orientation is geared to forcing women into sex but he is not doing that. Let's all be understanding because all he does is watch rape porn or pay prostituted women act out his fantasies instead."

These people are fucking idiots.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

The really frightening thing is the realisation that there are a great many credulous enough to buy into this “virtuous predator” bollocks in the first place, among the adult population. Not to mention the reach that these despicable groomers have into the minds of children on platforms such as YouTube and especially TikTok, which activists have rendered impermeable to reasoned discussion regarding even the most unhinged of extreme TRAs.

Also: I could not agree more about the concern that Doe may have children of her own. Just horrifying.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

If the state of non offending is the best some people can do, then being dead guarantees they are better than good. It never ceases to amaze me how some males seek praise for what they don't do... But this unhinged dick-maiden is on a whole new level of psychopathy. Look at those crazy eyes! Is she on something??? she looks like she's either taking too many pills or not enough...

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Not enough antipsychotics, arguably...

I went to have a quick look at her YouTube channel, and it's precisely what I was expecting but possibly even more ridiculous. Of course young women who talk about sex ad infinitum are going to garner LOTS of views (crazy eyes notwithstanding) but she does seem genuinely unhinged with it too.

It's also unmistakably aimed at minors, which is obviously pretty despicable. YouTube platforms all manner of blatant "TQ+" propaganda, yet scarcely tolerates women speaking in defence of their own human rights and very identity. It's absolutely cooked.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Well, males think they need to,be praised if they put a dish in the dishwasher or pick up their sock off the floor, so... 😕

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

yep, let's sing them a song of glory and pass the medals

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Italy seems to have the right idea, they want to pass a law so they can chemically castrate rapists and pedophiles https://www.politico.eu/article/italy-giorgia-meloni-legalizing-chemical-castration-rapists-pedophiles-sex-offenders/

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Alas, there's evidence that castration doesn't stop many offenders from reoffending.

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There's always life-long incarceration or execution. I'm all for that,

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True. The psychopathy is in the brain, not in the balls.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Part of the problem with that is people might deem them safe, whether chemically (they can always just stop getting the shots) or surgically. Best to just keep them locked up, whether in prison or a civil commitment facility. So many people say that men should not be housed in women's prisons if they haven't gotten the chop*. Yet, there is a man housed in a women's prison in California who got the chop and there have been reports from multiple female inmates he raped them with an object. A lot of these men will just figure out different ways to hurt women or children.

*Of course there is a whole lot wrong with this type of thinking, but I'm not going to start spewing about it right now....other than to say that comment makes me want to go out and buy one of those Nerf bats to bop them in the head.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Oh I agree with keeping them permanently locked up, preferably on a deserted island surrounded by sharks. The problem is a majority of the time they do not appear to be getting any prison time, or of they do, it is joke sentences like 3-6 months.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Viva Italia!

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

La Scapigliata is sharing chapter of her book, "Born in the right body", on 'The myth of the virtuous paedophile {including revelations from the Paedophiles Manifesto}' on her blog. Thorough.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Thanks for sharing this resource!

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

This woman is evil.

She is empty behind the eyes.

This vile deplorable action on attempting to intellectualize depravity, the perverted, nonces, is truly from hell.

Bring back shaming!

I don’t care if they say that it is judgmental, I would rather be that than a complicit nonce supporter.

She and her ilk must be stopped.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

Hang on. When she said “I try not to judge either,” was she saying she also tries not to judge child molesters? What?! Someone check her hard drive.

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One can't use a faculty one doesn't have. I'd suggest Dr. Doe lost hers years ago.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

She really did seem to be saying that she tries not to judge the full gamut of paedophilia, from convicted pederasts through to those who "merely" peep on children and/or CSAM.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Well, she can go right to hell with them. See how she likes them then.

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she suits the lindsay doe name

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

It's missing the "p".

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Hey, serial killers, sociopaths and DV men are part of this great "diversity" palette. Should we be celebrating them, too? Crazy Eyes needs to have her hard drive checked. I'm not interested in prosecuting people who have yet to commit a crime but I'm not about to invite them into my house either. Telling children they should "be kind" to people who make them uncomfortable is grooming.

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Sep 23Liked by Karen Davis

I'll bet she is a pedo, who hasn't been caught yet as she coerces young boys to her bedroom.

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Or her husband is.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

She apparently has three children of her own...

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Give her time, she will bring a pedo into the house, if not already, and those children will be victims. She might already create and distribute her own kiddie porn of her kids to her pedo pals!

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I'm sure she has already. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if her husband/bodfriend(s) haven't gotten after her kids. Also wouldn't surprise me if she's a victim herself.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

😱 🤬

Those poor children! Someone call child protective services!!

That news makes me angry and sick to my stomach.

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La Scapigliata is the name of a Woman physician (MD.), Maja Bowen (MBBS) in the UK. She wrote a book "BORN IN THE RIGHT BODY" under the Pen name of Isidora Sanger. She has shared a chapter, on the topic 'The Virtuous Paedpohile..myth' from her book, on her blog. https//la scapigliata.co..........which is relevant to this thread. Thankyou everyone who has commented. Especially, I thankyou Karen Davis.

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