Brilliance. Sheer brilliance. That school admin is fabulous.

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In the UK schools are now told to follow the recommendations in the Cass report. It’s a shame the NHS is still captured.

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Aaaah Scotland….I should have said England 🤦🏽‍♀️Wales and Northern Ireland are struggling too but little Terf Island is pushing back.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Has anyone else here also read that ridiculous Mamamia piece about that psychologist "respecting" the plainly paraphilic son's "therian" identity? 🙄

I cannot concieve of my mother ever having played along with any new claimed "identity", FFS. I can't even really imagine how weak-minded most of these parents are.

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For a few summers as a kid at home I pretended to be someone else, (e.g. Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, a witch, Florence Nightingale, a restauranteur, a pregnant mouse, a spy). My parents would play along for the first couple days, then ignore me (the whole "I'm going to suck your blood" bit got old really quickly). Then, they eventually signed me up for a theater group, and my summers of being someone else ended, because I had a year round outlet, with an official audience, to indulge myself in being someone else. I played a lot of male roles in that group (mainly because I won the try outs because I was a better actor than most of the boys).Wonder if something like that would help some of these kids? A contained place where they can indulge their false self, then when the show is over they get back to real life. A bit of indulgence from a parent is likely okay, but there is a time limit and place for it, and it depends what fantasy are indulging (e.g. a son walking around on all fours at home and woofing once and a while okay, dressing up in a corset and heels and talking about his pimp not okay).

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Oct 14·edited Oct 15

Indeed. This is all too emblematic of our society and it's current "all or nothing" approach to social issues that should clearly be addressed with a considered level of nuance*.

It also sounds like you were an extremely cute and talented kid, tbqh 🥰

*I know that it's generally a loathsome word nowadays...

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Yes, it is an atrocious article, shame on that woman.

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The best for the child is having a parent not an enabler of madness.

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18:28 I believe that in the UK now, the only parents still being pressured into "going along" with the trans identity of a child are those unlucky enough to have an ex weaponise it during a divorce, but at least there's no longer the threat of them plotting to/"supporting" them whilst they're put through the heartbreak of the entire medicalisation process.

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He handled that beautifully!

The mother is a demon.

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When the school official went into rugby right away I thought, 'staged'. Regardless, parents deciding they needed to be friends with their kids* is one of the worst things that happened to children. Parents job is to assist their kids to deal with reality, not devolve into living a life of lies.

*Which decade did that start? DId some nutty parenting "expert" write a best selling book that posited that idea? Was that Dr. Spock? I used to know this.

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It does sound completely staged.

I had seen that the clip had been passed around online over the weekend, but I hadn't really been home for long enough to have bothered looking at it previously.

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Why Kai? She is clearly in the UK. Boys play rugby.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Is it appropriate to expect the boys' rugby teacher to deal with a girl who was christened "Francesca", wants to now be named "Freddie" and presumably be allowed to change, shower, and practice with the boys, horning in on the boy's time and space while placing herself in danger unnecessarily - all in the name of "affirming" that girl's subjective and transitory sense of self, though?

Girls' Rugby exists and is the appropriate venue for girls who want to play rugby.

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It was because worst case, one of the most ridiculous, scenarios was jumped into right away, and without the mother bringing it up first.

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It’s quite normal and the school has likely considered this. Most schools outside the inner cities boys play rugby once football season is over. I hear you though and it could be a skit still.

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It's normal for a girl to play rugby on the boys team?

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Fuck no. Firstly she'll suck at it when trying to compete with boys and on the extremely unlikely event she actually intercepted a ball she would get pummelled

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Mom is a psycho narcissist out to damage her daughter permanently. Mirror mirror…

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Well done this school, that's a perfectly executed refusal.

As for this woman. No dear your job isn't to "support your child" that is one small aspect of your job as a parent and only if it's appropriate to do so. Your job is to care for, feed, cloth and guide your child until they are old enough to do that for themselves, not to give into their every whim!

The name thing is easily solved they could change the kid's name by deed poll to Freddie, but you need both parents consent to do so. What's the betting the girl's dad said "fuck no" and is no longer in the picture.

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