Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

You know, I'm really not sure that the Australian government could possibly choose a more loathsome individual to back in their fight to destroy the rights of women and girls in this country. We shall see, though, because the pessimist in me suspects that this may paradoxically win for them - on account of the fact that other men presumably feel sorry for such a profoundly ugly and disgusting old man.

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Or because they simply hate women that much.

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More like this reason. If there is anything that this ideology has ‘exposed’ is the deep rooted underbelly of male misogyny, which includes envy, jealousy, competition with, superiority and hatred of women. This is a situation that has been created for and has been driven by men for men.

This was a boardroom take-over. A merger and an acquisition. They used the exact same Company/Commercial tactics ie with a business plan, powerful business coalitions to wield immense power on others to comply, a marketing strategy and a quick franchise like roll-outs in the West and in emerging markets eg India and Latin America, etc.

At the heart of all this, it is all about tearing down boundaries. These men are driven by the spirit of narcissism and we all know that narcissists hate other people’s boundaries with a passion. Tell them ‘No’ and they will plan an all out attack and that is what the Tickle v Giggle case is all about.

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Yeah, he went “out of society”... So that’s what we’re calling that pathological behavior nowadays? 🙄

I mean, call me a romantic, but when I was coming up, disengaging from society due to some overarching philosophical grievance, meant moving to a remote cabin in the wilderness somewhere like Lincoln Montana, or starving to death in a school bus in Alaska.

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I stopped using Ovarit and Spinster because both platforms allow women "of all persuasions" and some actual men can participate in some conversations. Giggle, as far as I know, was the ONLY women-only app.

Sall has to win this case!

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There was also lot of name-calling and clique-y BS over there. So much 'no'.

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"all persuasions" WAT!

Good Grief!

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That's not true for Ovarit.

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I left for political reasons. Because apparently being against genocide is a bad thing. I don't do team sports politics.

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Many of the women on Ovarit are most afraid of a Trump 2nd term. If you were talking about not voting for Biden, you are going to get some pushback no matter the reason. You should have stayed to keep a conversation about the Palestinians going.

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I was on spinster. Most are not Americans, so they don't give a rat's ass about our election. They just loathe Muslims. I would have stayed if by staying I could have changed minds.

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You must not have spent very much time on Ovarit because I've been there almost since the beginning. Men pretending to be women are blocked once they are discovered. The few actual men are limited to specific circles which are easy to avoid. Unfortunately, there isn't much they can do about TIM lurkers.

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So, I wonder when Benjamin Boyce is going to invite him to have a 'calmversation'??? Boyce likes his AGPs, especially now that he is part of Genspect. LOL!

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How nauseating.

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Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

Yes, Benji really should buckle up and take one for the rest of the Genspect team, shouldn't he?! LOL

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Hockey Australia has had a DEI policy for years. He's lying - which is why I suspect he changed sports so he could challenge the athletic associations without DEI policies. He is a vexatious litigant.

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Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

Yep, and that was largely put in place by Tickle's bro in cheap frocks Callum "Hannah" Mouncey, IIRC

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Is Callum the big ol' lump who wants to play on a women's rugby team?

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Yep. He was actually playing in the Australian Football League Women's elite division for one or two seasons.

It was beyond a joke - he was about twice the size of the women. He's 6ft 4 I believe and built like a brick shit house. He broke two women's legs.

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He didn't like the smells and sounds in men's locker rooms? Well, well, he was letting his fetishes show. A crappy hockey player with no naked prey to perv on....

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he didn't like the sounds and smells of the men's locker room so he's going to bring them into the women's room.

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Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

Seriously a fetishist man pretending to be a woman so he can enjoy the intimate smell of women's pee instead of the rank males' pee. Anyone buying into this is quite deluded. Karen, I had to chuckle at the 'slapping dick's' sound being glued to one's chair; I've never belonged to a team and I love exercise. Sal Grover needs to win this case for more than just Aussie women; it's for all biological women!

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Exactly. This has world-wide implications.

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Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

What a disgusting, narcissistic individual.

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2) .. "i didn't like the smells... oh, that makes sense... i'm not sure i would be around if it wasn't for them..."

i hate him already. mediocre man realized he's ordinary & not a "Chad". buy a convertible & come out of closet.

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Apr 9Liked by Karen Davis

Who *does* like the smell of the locker room, for crying out loud? What a ridiculous timeline we live in for a man to come out with such errant nonsense and not be challenged even one iota!

I agree with Renee - he inadvertently really let his freak/fetish flag fly there. Gross. 🤮

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What if women don’t like his male smell? He’d clearly expect us to put up and shut up. Something he was unable to do. The hypocrisy just oozes out of the pores of these deluded men.

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I love that you used an image from that SBS Insight episode. I can tell you why he looks so much himself 😂

It was filmed during covid times. Normally, there would have been hair and make-up done for them, but was not permitted because of covid regulations.

Pmsl when I read the troons complaining about how they turned up expecting hair and make-up at the studio and didn't get it baaaahahaha

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Not that make-up improves him 😂

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And I'm sure he smells great. We should all start grunting and expressing flatulence when they come in there. He's acting like such a victim. 🙄 Why are they even giving him their time?? He's spouting the same script and excuses they all say. Sounds like he kept badgering and intimidating people until he got the answer he wanted. Most people don't off themselves if they don't make the team.

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I have a feeling this Catholic Dignitas Infinitum is going to go far for us. How people can't see the men in this movement to destroy women's culture again is proof feminist theory has gone in the tank. Here it is "I want what you've worked for, and I'm gonna take it, give it here. I even want what you ARE give it here! You are nothing, I am all. YOU don't count, I do" Same thing for centuries...dicks first, semen seminal

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I wish. Humanae Vitae was a prophetic feminist manifesto, but no one listens to the Church. Trads reject compassion. Libertines reject self-control.

TERFs are slandered a hate group and the Church is slandered a hate group.

When Catholics and RadFem agree on everything except abortion you'd hope that people realize we're on to something. But no, the feels of delusional men are more important than all the rest of humanity.

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I guess we'll see. But it's not just the church, it's a whole bunch of others jumping on now. Sports bodies, the Cass report, the resistance to Scotland's hate crime laws. Maybe this will get people to take a closer look. Of course, I still see newbie men blaming women for it all, but that's a given/go to. The church still has a lot of sway as people want to go to he'ven 🙄

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1) i gotta buy u a cocktail. i prefer Hoboken but you can pick any place.

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26:26 💯 correct again. "Narcissists don't off themselves but they DO use the threat of suicide to control other people." So true. I've been saying this for years but I'm old 😁

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Not unless they are really backed into a corner and made accountable via eg life imprisonment. The malignant type narcissists/psychopaths would rather delete themselves, as a last strawberry in your face and act of power and control.

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He played hockey from 16 to 26, then abruptly stopped and he states, he didn't like the smells and the noises of the locker room as his reason why he quit. He is too afraid to admit, he was sexually harassed or sexually abused by one or the other players. That's why he didn't have friends anymore. Something happened in that locker room, that his friends didn't like about him or he was too ashamed to tell anyone what really happened. So, he stopped playing his sport and ate his depression into being overweight. Also, maybe his mother or sisters or anyone woman didn't believe him, so this is his revenge against women. He can't seek revenge against males. Women are much easier target. Between porn and TQ+ cult movement, he found place, where he could push around someone else, Women. He saw how easy it would be manipulate others into forcing women into a corner and let him on the team, all against their wishes. They may be all smiling in that photo, but I'll bet too many of them, hated sharing a locker room and the field with him. Every time, a male pushes his way onto an athletic team or in a restroom, he is figuratively, raping women. They can't consent, he forces himself on them, and they just have to accept it without a voice! This is the ultimate male fantasy!

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And they have to pretend to like it.

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I think he was just a fat, unfit perve myself.

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He is one of several serial litigant depraved men in Australia.

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Is she kissing his ass enough? Or does she need to apply more tongue?

Zero regard for women. Sports governing bodies are now entirely run by men, which is why he approached them instead of asking the women on the team. Note the emphasis on "legally" not morally. And when he doesn't get his way, he goes to court. So he really doesn't care what anyone else thinks, only what he can get away with.

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