It seems that the job of the police is to 'protect' TRAs from prosecution.

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That seems to be the case.

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Transgender pastor Micah Louwagie at St Mark's in Fargo ND compared trans killer of 6 to the martyrdom of Jesus. Meanwhile, Callous Kamala does not attend any of the funerals, but goes on other business. Then press secretary Jean-Pierre incites more trans violence by saying "Trans kids are fierce. They fight back. And this administration has their backs..."

Endorsing the trans get out of jail free card for the most protected criminals ever - the troon goons!

What a world.....

What a frickin' mess

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What a sicko ("Micah" Louwagie).

Your administration seems to be even more disturbingly captured than the government in my country. Terrifying.

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I don't know if Jean-Pierre realizes that she is encouraging mentally ill people to 'fight back'. I'm sure she meant by peaceful rallies or protests. But unstable people often react in violence against people who disagree with them. Many people in the Whitehouse don't seem to know whats going on, out here in the streets.

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Some of Kamala's business was to go to Nashville to praise Democrat lawmakers for using bullhorns and starting a riot at the state capitol.

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But certainly not to visit the grieving families of the victims of Audrey "Aiden" Hale, I understand.

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There's no social credit in that.

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I listened to a trans minister; Lord, I hope they're aren't too many! Jesus was trans, good grief! There is nothing holy about trans, yet Queensland and the Federal government want to have Christians and other religious teach transgenderism but no way! The Catholics have already drawn a line in the sand. I think it's demonic possession as most people have no God compass and have become gods unto themselves. Until two years ago we were thinking of visiting my birth country, Canada, but after seeing how agro and violent trans are (with the police sitting on their hands) I have no desire to every go back. Canada is the worst! I no longer tell folk to go visit anymore; it's beautiful country with the disease of wokeness and transgenderism up to the ying yang. In the UK a paster misidentified a transwoman as he and was arrested; these trans folk have it their way but what a miserable, humourless, angry bunch; I think it's the hormones and surgeries. Queensland is going to try to pass a bill that would allow men without bottom surgery to change their birth certificates to female and have at women & girl's safe spaces; great, trans, paedophiles & rapists! It's a tough go for anyone that possesses sanity. One bright spot is those fighting this in public like sane MPs, Billboard Chris and a growing number of de-transitioners, and angry parents, lawsuits (hope that increased a millionfold). We mustn't lose hope.

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Yea, I have thought for months there will be acid attacks. They are going to kill someone. If KJK had not gotten up they would have trampled her to death. The punch to the face of a small woman I witnessed one of these huge wannabe women deliver could have killed her if a crowd had not prevented her head from hitting the concrete. They are even going after men now. One tried to push a man into traffic at a Calgary protest against Drag Queen Story Hour. within the past several weeks. If they kill someone in the US, the current White House administration will create a marter out of the killer.

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Yup. And they know it. Quite a few men who impersonate women have served in the military, which means they're trained in hand-to-hand combat. It would be easy for them to, literally, punch a woman to death with one blow, particularly since the Terven skew older and to the smaller end of the chick spectrum.

I didn't know about the man getting pushed into traffic in Tranada. Doesn't surprise me, though. Have you heard about the cops being attacked in Vancouver, BC because they cleared out a homeless encampment? It's really quite amazing what 'woke' does to metropolitan areas.

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Yep, "one punch homicide" is really a thing. Had not heard about the attack on cops in Vancouver, but it does not surpirse me. On more than one occasion I've forgotten to avoid East Hastings Street there. The sidewalk is littered with drug addicts. It was frightening to walk down it a few years ago, last time I was there. Can imagine the city is much worse now, as are Seattle and Portland, which are nearby.

Think the Calgary footage would really interest you. Along with trying to push a guy into traffic, a rainbow bedecked man spits his drink all over another man, cops are laughing about it. and a T dude is allowed to just run away. The mayor's response seems to have been to pass a law that limits protesting of these drag events, not to discuss the assaults by the people who support the drag events. Her response is likely unconstitutional and will wind up being disputed in court. The city has a handmaiden in charge.

Here's the footage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXpo0mWEOvg

If the link doesn't work go to Youtube channel "Keann Bexte" and look for the under 10 minute clip titled, "DISTURBING: Child drag show supporter violently assaults parents".

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I watched the video. FFS. I'm so done with TRAs. I'm convinced that they're whole goal is to intimidate and abuse. They're not even defending trans rights - they're demonstrating their dominance.

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Just listened to Maria MachLachlan's. Peak Trans, latest YT video and she was saying she is no longer going to call them TRAs. Instead, she is going to call them "anti-woman activists". Sounds like a good change, for various reasons, but one is saying "trans" rights validates the notion there even is such a thing as trans.

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This shit isn’t going to end until people and institutions start paying through the nose. LAWSUITS need to be filed!

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Yep,money is what this nonsense will boil down to in the end.

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I'd be perfectly happy to see someone wade in and taser every last one of those morons.

I might even pay ten dollars to see it.

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The police could clear out the mob. They certainly have the means to do it just not the will. The police are captured and no doubt under the direction of those in charge of the city and state. The true believers of the 'trans' 'gender' BS are aiding the state in their physical/mental destruction and the destruction of women's hard-won rights and opportunities and they are too blind to see it.

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The transgender mob have taken over California. As I said last week in the comments, California is the sanctuary state.

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New Mexico is now also a sanctuary state. Legislators just passed HB7 to prosecute public bodies or entities "who deny, restrict or interfere with" transition--with no reference to the age of the person seeking transition "health care".

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I did not realize that New Mexico was as woke as California.

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Shamefully so!

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Vermont too now considers itself to be a "Sanctuary State" - to the extent that they have moved to always ignore the Family Court (and any other courts) edicts from any other state. Effectively they will always side with the parent trying to medically harm a child, even if the child was kidnapped by said parent.

I'm glad that nowhere in my country has lowered itself to that.

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She needs to sue the police here that did nothing, the campus for inviting her and allowing this, and file criminal charges against the abuser that hit her, and the rest guilty of kidnapping / extortion!

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Noble terrorism is still terrorism.

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The 70 year old woman who was punched twice at the #LetWomenSpeak melee in Aukland had bones in her face broken. These mobs are escalating and GC people everywhere need to demand better from the police.

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They've been emboldened by police inaction. The violence will continue to escalate until someone gets killed.

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All over western cities where women are speaking up about our womens rights they have no protection from the police

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Tranada, Transtralia and the USofTrans are all utterly awash in this madness! The UK (aka "Terf Island" - O how I love the sound!) seems to be making some headway - and several Scandinavian countries are doing well to protect children. Never fear, and never surrender - we will win this!

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I wish I could agree, but in the wake of the trans shooter, and the purported "Day of Trans Vengeance:" and but for the fact that White House media experts meticulously go over every single word, comma, pause, and smile/stern look - the entire statement and its delivery is curated! Except for Biden, who can't even read a teleprompter! (I'm a Dem btw) The media is fed questions to ask, and if they throw off the speaker, they lose privileges. These conferences are highly organized - little is anything is left to chance.

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small minded children given adult powers. hold the line against these terrorists, ladies. it's unsustainable. the amount of self harm will reach its logical conclusion. keep safe & hold onto reality. "Dark & Demonic" in any culture!

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Interesting - seems they are taking up the same tactics as the Troon Goons to stop ANYONE from speaking! Or vice versa... Damn politicians, the lot of them!

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IDK about anyone else here, but I found the interview Gaines gave to Tucker Carlson uplifting in the extreme. The only real "downside" will undoubtedly be the alacrity with which the online TRA mob will elevate the woman to "Voldemort" level as they have already done to JKR herself.


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Thanks for the link

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