The power of the trans-cult to force cowards and enablers to implement its tenets, no matter how delusional or harmful, is staggering. Why is the fear of being called a “transphobe” or “right wing” or “bigot” so overwhelming that a male gets free access to girls’ locker rooms? It’s actually worse than that because parents who do resist in Blue States are crushed: We’ll take your kids and trans them against your wishes. We’ll keep it secret from you by the power of the state. We’ll roll out shrieking celebrities like Jamie Lee Curtis to foam at the mouth about the cult’s wishes. “Trans Uber Alles” might as well be the new national anthem.

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How many people have to be vilified with now meaningless terms before *everyone* accepts that they are, in fact, completely meaningless?

"Transphobe!". "Right-winger!" - boohoo!

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I've said this repeatedly and when called 'transphobe' or bigot for standing up for women's rights & for children's right not to be medically mutilated, 'sex-lobotomized,' I consider that a badge of honor-it's water off a duck's back.

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Before I really peaked, I remember trying to get the point across to someone that dialogue and compromise and things like that are important because otherwise there really will be a right wing backlash. Their response was basically 'what we're saying is right, therefore there's no BaCkLaSh, the person was just secretly a nazi all along'.

It's not a cult though, right? 🙃

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You weren't wrong though, were you? There really is a significant shift towards the right in the countries which cleave to this nonsense the hardest - the members of these cults will accept none of the responsibility for it, though.

Look how many votes that Nigel Farage guy got in the UK! I refuse to believe that EVERYONE who voted for him is a hard-line conservative or racist. I know of quite a few who did because they consider themselves to be "anti-woke" and to be fair, he probably was the only viable option for those who are opposed to trans ideology and wanted more than a "protest vote" for something like POW.

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Right. Even at that time (~2 years ago) I was noticing people being practically shoved to the Right. Like, some kid asks a genuine question and rather than explain he's called a nazi? Great way to recruit for the right wing there 😬👍

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So interesting, bc doctors have the mandate to "do no harm," and Mengele, experimented on children.

And of course, Nazis sterilized ppl on purpose and "by accident."

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I voted Reform because they were the only ones to say they would get rid of the gender crap. And I have never been right wing. Same with a younger friend of mine who is bisexual. She voted for them for the same reason.

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You also got a bunch of moose lambs in Parliament this time; pro Palestinian reactionaries. Good luck to the UK, you're gonna need it as are we all

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Ugh, I fear for them, I truly do. The terrible mess over the Channel is only going to spread more freely now. Dark times for women and girls. Really dark times.

Even here in relatively parochial Australia, we have this lunacy with far-leftist sympathy for Islamofacism. An Australian politician, a WOMAN born in Afghanistan but blessed enough to have grown up and been educated in Australia is now saying that she "JUST HAS to vote her conscience" about the state of the Middle East. Fair enough, one might say - but what she actually means is that she is refusing to renege her Afghani citizenship in direct contravention of our laws, and the Labor party are agitating to allow it. It makes me so mad! Why the loyalty to a bunch of the most vile kinds of men on the planet? Had she grown up there, she'd be semi-literate at best and possibly maimed or dead from lack of medical care. Fuck them, and her honestly.

I used to be diametrically opposed to our (putatively) more Conservative government's absolutely closed borders policies, but since I was blackpilled into feminism I can now see these open borders policy as the stochastic and actual terrorism against women and girls (and the men who actually care about them) that they actually are.

UPDATE: Payman has finally been struck out of the Labor party, more for having dared to cross the floor in contravention of their tradition of solidarity than anything, it would seem. Will she instantly be cut off from her cushy salary and other benefits, though? I'm really not sure.

I'm personally sick of all this talk about "From the river to the sea" etc.. it seems to me that 99% of those saying it have no idea as to which either actually are, or genuinely care about the women and children affected. It's a horror story for them, and the last thing they need is for Hamas to be given any more power. It's just vile. I don't understand how anyone can remain blind to that, whatever their views about the legitimacy of the state of Palestine.

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don't forget Kelli-Jay's Party of Women. this is the answer. women need to get together and stand strong and, like Karen, call it like it is.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Kellie-Jay sure achieved her goal of being able to ask some *very* awkward questions of shifty and dismissive politicians, didn't she?

I was very impressed, particularly given the lack of time and the very real obstacles placed in her way at both the interpersonal and even the institutional level - a considerable proportion of them blatantly illegal. It would be phenomenonal if women around the world were able to do the same in the run-up to the next elections in their own countries.

I'm not convinced that they would be able to garner anything approaching popular support in the short term, but it would be incredibly useful to have a number of flies in the ointment to steer the conversation around to women and children's rights and safeguarding.

This all said, I think that Moira Deeming and Sall Grover are both capable of great things even on their own. Together they just might prove unstoppable.

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Lida, Would you send me Karen's Youtube URL again? Thanks.

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I’ll add another one – anti-semite.

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It's interesting encountering one of these Queers For Palestine types still openly hypocritical enough to attempt to accuse women defending their and children's sex-based rights of THAT one - still far too common, though.

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I will never understand how so many parents are okay with this.

My father would’ve NEVER allowed this to go down. He would’ve pulled me off the team so far and raised hell at the school. It seems so many parents nowadays are just cowards and don’t care about their daughters well beings.

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My mother would have personally camped out in front of journalists' houses if something like this had been going on at school, or wherever. In fact, the school would probably have seen fit to call the cops on her, because she would definitely have been screaming at them for facilitating it.

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My mother would have been fine with it if the pastor said so, and my father would have just drank some more. They were pretty worthless. Good thing I'm a realist in all things from the start

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It’s the same with those parents in Canada ( I think) who have a 50 year old pervert on a girls swim team. What are they thinking and do they even care?💜🤍💚

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

They care. And they'll vote for the hardest right party tranada has to offer, whether they promise to only ban these men or to institutionalise them.

If I were conspiracy theorist I'd say this was a deliberate ploy to drive people to the right.

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"Boy"? You call that dude standing next to the rest of the team a boy? He looks like a whole ass man compared to the rest of them! That was something that confused me when I first saw the picture over on TwiX - I couldn't believe it. I know that's not the point, there should be no boys or men on female sporting teams or in their locker rooms - but I thought it was probably yet another case of a "trans age" creep identifying his way near minors while they are vulnerable.

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Oh Shucks

At first glance I thought the big Dude was a Coach‼️

There needs to be private sports teams for female athletes in school

This is a frightening situation. It also psychologically f's up the girls on the Team as well as the Coaches that don't believe in this shit.

The big brothers and fathers should take the big Dude on a fishing or hunting trip for him to never be seen again.

Sends a good message

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Refashioning society to supposedly save men and boys from killing themselves that are not worth saving.

https://oshs.oldsaybrookschools.org/staff (contact form for Old Saybrook high school staff, the Principal Joseph Anastasio is the second listed). Please contact him to let him know he is the pimp, the sexual abuse facilitator, that he is.

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Now I can't unsee it: that long-ass orangutan arm he has around the girl totally is touching her behind.

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Give 'em hell, Karen. You laid out the truth.

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Fathers sometimes are the ones who pimp their female children

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Too many step-fathers don't care at all, especially for a daughter.

But how any parent who is attached to a child "by LOVE" can feel okay about taking chances with their daughter's emotional and physical safety, just to be part of a cult or not make waves with the woke, is beyond me.

If a parent can be convinced that the feelings of ONE or two sick males are more important than the girls, who have NEVER been afforded RESPECT to begin with, gets me so mad!!! The coaches are pathetic, as well!!!!! Maybe no more males coaching female students, for a while, or forever.

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I agree. Sadly, so are the mothers sometimes. And too often fathers (mostly) are also making sexual use of their daughters (and sons) in the home for their own gratification and power trip. The whole nasty belief that children are chattel has not fully gone away. That's why the many examples of trans lunacy and child abuse, like Karen's frightening example here, are not surprising to me, though they are depressing, enraging, and disgusting.

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Pusillanimous. What a marvellous word. A perfect descriptor of these gutless adults failing to protect their daughters.

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Omg my fing Lord! I thought the guy was a retread towel boy. What the hell is he wearing dear lord get me a smoke.

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They look like men's pajama bottoms to me.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

It seems to me the girls could sue based on the protected category of sex. And it's not just about safety it's also about privacy and dignity and about fairness to allow males in any women's sport.

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Sex is no longer a protected characteristic since the very definition of what a woman/girl is has been dismissed by legislators & institutions. Worse : citizens who don’t comply with this utterly misogynistic post modern verbatim are being harshly punished

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1:50 he is already touching them in this picture.

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Its an absolute disgrace.

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I absolutely love Substack Karen. Thank you for telling it like it is. I don't even bother with YouTube except to go hit the like.

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