Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Karen Davis

P. Tatchell is extraordinarily disingenuous re women's pre-existing sex-based rights and spaces. 'Gender identity' is an invented, incoherent nonsense used as cover for male paraphilias & sex-fetishes by men who pretend to be women. There is an inherent conflict regarding sex and the

con of 'gender identity.'

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Karen Davis

"Journalists" really need to be called out for interviewing Tatchell. He is on shows continually, it's inexcusable. Tatchell should not be granted an audience. He is a misogynist (who calls himself a feminist), sexualizes children, and is a pedo apologist. For safety's sake I think it is quite reasonable, prudent, to assume pedo apologists are themselves pedos. Check his harddrive, give him a court injunction ordering him to stay 500 feet away from children, and banish him to a cave on Mount Everest.

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He really is. Not a week goes by that he's not on some show or other. But, then again, the UK is becoming a noncery, so they have to put the chief nonce on TV as often as possible.

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It's crazy what he gets away with when you consider that people can be arrested for saying that men can't be women.

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He is an agent. What don't you understand about that? The interviewer is actually a part of the network which will keep the shit in order for those who profit.

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Sep 17Liked by Karen Davis

I got about 6mins into his interview and had to shut it off. He doesn’t doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

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Sep 17Liked by Karen Davis

PS Karen I love you. Your commentary makes me feel less alone in my fucking rage at this bullshit!!!

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Glad to help. This shit is infuriating and ridiculous.

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I think I made it as far into the interview as you did, and the whole time my brain was doing what you did on video. “Alright, that’s about all of this that I can take.” The man’s clearly not educated and Gold doesn’t carry notes in with him so frequently mentions facts he can’t remember fully or reference so he sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Better to turn off the vid than bang your head against the wall or tear your hair out.

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Gender identity as a concept was invented by Robert Stoller.

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I learnt about Stoller from this essay on Tatchell which really exposes him, no pun intended. https://open.substack.com/pub/malcolmrichardclark/p/peter-tatchell-the-missing-years?r=uapgh&utm_medium=ios

Tatchell is a thoroughly nauseating individual. Promoting the horrifically cruel and violent paedophilic practices of two New Guinean tribes as examples of sexual enlightenment is utterly unconscionable.

His defence of men pretending to be women, who are taking everything from women, as you so rightly point out, Karen, is infuriating. I’m disappointed in Andrew Gold tolerating such nonsense.

A huge part of the problem is the mindless acceptance by almost everyone of the term “trans people”. There is no such creature. No human can transcend their biological sex.

This terminology deludes the listener and reader into believing that some new, sexless, ethereal species, existing more in the spirit realm than the world of matter, bodies and biological urges, has evolved. It’s a complete con. We must reject this mind-numbing language in order to eradicate this toxic ideology.

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Andrew Gold said Tatchell would not come on his podcast if the pedo issue was brought up so instead of refusing to platform Tatchell Andrew Gold capitulated to his demand to avoid discussing an issue Tatchell is known for discussing. Here is an exchange b/w Gold and Malcolm Clark re this matter. https://x.com/AndrewGold_ok/status/1836017144498180404

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I read that 'gender identity' was popularized by John Money of the Johns Hopkins Reimer twins disastrous 'experiment.' I'm not sure about the timeline regarding its first use. At any rate, the idea that a human can change his/her sex seems to have more strongly taken hold b/c of the lies perpetrated by Money relating to his Reimer twins disaster.

In the US the George 'Christine' Jorgensen story about 'sex change' captured people's imagination for a time in the 1950s. To follow is an article re John Money and the invention of the 'trans child' and attendant 'gender identity' concept. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/02/05/dr-john-money-and-the-sinister-origins-of-gender-ideology/

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Sep 17Liked by Karen Davis

Andrew acted tongue in cheek I thought. Still didn't hold any toe, let alone feet to the fire, ya know?

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20:55 AGAIN with Tatchell's mythical "tiny wee transwoman friend on the sports team", huh? Not ONE interview with Tatchell seems to go by without him mentioning this patent bullshit. Even if it were true, he would still be a man and thus possessed of over 170% more strength than any comparably athletic woman, Peter!

I do not believe that Tatchell is so stupid as to be unaware of that...

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There's zero chance someone who advocates for pedophilia is not a pedophile. Zero.

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I can't believe he's still trotting out the 'women are just tiny men' argument.

Gerbils aren't tiny dogs.

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Can you link that article you were reading from in the beginning?

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He has spent decades jumping onto every civil rights campaign he can find in the UK.

It's classic deflection tactics. Even in my own obscure interest groups, he's worked his way into their

publicity. I've just refused to pay my annual subscription to Republic, (I've told them), until they stop platforming him.

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To be sure, it's not just Tranada, the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Women have lost their rights to single sex spaces all over Europe as well, including my country The Netherlands - home of the notorious Dutch protocol...

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Women in Germany are asking women all over the world to protest at their German consulates on November 1st to show solidarity for their protest of new "gender identity" laws. Fuck all this. It's not a grass-roots movement, it's top down from perverted rich men with the (sex)drive, money, and influence to change laws to suit themselves (credit to Jennifer Bilek).

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Well if it happens in non-Western cultures it must be good, right?? Any culture that isn't Western and white must be good for women and children. Misogyny only exists in Western Europe lol

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Even if a man with a identity disorder in a women`s prison was really just a thief, how long would it take for him not to give in to the oportunity to approach one of the women against her will?

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Tatchell is wheeled out because as mentioned in this interview it's almost impossible to get opposite sex impersonators to talk to him.

There was that 'Katie' lump a few months' ago,but as Andrew said Pete The Perv is generally the best he can do.

It was a frustrating watch though,Pete was talking shit and they both knew it.

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Gold's affiliated with Genspect now? FFS!

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He is one of the speakers scheduled to be at their conference in Lisbon later this month

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That’d be right! I mean, yes, he’s interviewed quite a few people with regard to the topic - but i’m not sure that lends him any special expertise.

Are you SURE you don't want to drop over 500 euro and your precious time to go to the next Genspect conference? LOL

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I would rather pull my own teeth with a pair of rusty pliers!

This is Genspect's love affair with internet personalities at it's best. I find Gold to be a mediocre interviewer at best and has zero expertise in this area

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If I had 500 to throw around plus airfare and expenses I would. A lot of the people who speak at their events are great. Andrew Gold maybe not so much. His name might be the draw though, he seems to have a large following.

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I am ashamed for the woman who had to mother these shits. Disgusting and disgraceful. When will males understand that betraying their mothers is betraying the human species and that includes their shitty failing asses???

Technology will not be a better "mum" for these pieces of vile shit but they deserve to have a try. The only mother they deserve is the " grinning lady with the scythe".

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