"Female breasts"? As opposed to what? Chicken breasts? So now is it going to be female breasts, female vagina, male penis, male scrotum? Some times it is hard to focus on the content because the language of lunatics, and so-called journalists. No wonder trust in the media is at a historic low. I can;t even focus on Paul Mitchell and girls being sliced up right now. I am consumed at this moment with how loathsome the reporter is.

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It's utterly diabolical. You should see the state of things where I live.

The good news is that Kellie-Jay Keen has joined two local women politicians in suing the ABC and that slimy John Pessuto (former leader of the Victorian Liberal party) for defamation after weeks and weeks of insinuating that they're in a cabal with Nazis for daring to defend the rights of women, children and homosexuals.

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Well I've already heard of a female penis "her penis" if u will. So I'm pretty sure that's where we're all headed if we don't push back against this nonsense.

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Language of the lunatics! I like that

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Ugh, I saw this on TwiX earlier today but I couldn't keep watching it once that Dean chick opened her mouth. OF COURSE she uses her unfairly gleaned appointment as a "personal trainer" as an opportunity to further indoctrinate those foolish enough to pay. I can only imagine that most people are smart enough to lit out as soon as it dawns on them that they've been had - although she really does have herself a real pair of mad eyes, so hopefully it rarely comes to that.

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Outstanding analysis. Thankyou for your services to Humanity.

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She's gonna find out how well little men are treated in this world. Poor nutty little thing

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Yep. These women who decide to trans themselves into little “men” have NO IDEA how horribly short men are treated in society! Their misogyny runs so deep that they believe being “a man” is going to solve all their problems!

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Another brand crossed off. I'm going to be saving a lot of money.

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I love Paul Mitchell Hair Products. Did Paul Mitchell really groom these demons to get sliced like cold cuts❓

Her sexuality should be against the company policy to attach itself to this company. Anyhoo

My tax dollars are going towards this shit⁉️

Yet women who need an abortion are suffering in many states.

All of these transformer converts are not mentally disturbed, many of these cowards are followers of the fad just to be in the in-crowd.

The misgendering element is a form of manipulation and bullying. In ten years the suicide level is gonna jump exponentially.

I don't really have sympathy for these 🤡's.

The youth have made intentional decisions. The pharmaceuticals are going to get rich for the next 5-7 Years. It not going to last forever.

When the detransitions start and nature prevails these transformers will blame everyone but themselves for following the demonic fad they've chosen and using no critical thinking & research before making permanent mutilation.

Misogyny is a helluva demonic drug.

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I do have some compassion for teens and very young adults. They haven‘t seen real life yet, some overprotected, some neglected/ abused, both with limited chance to develop into adults with a healthy way to make independant decisions. It‘s taunting when the „cool crowd“ consists of lying demanding ppl who are celebrated by mainstream, music industry and Hollywood. The kids don‘t understand that it is about $$ for the industry and that the celebration on social media is intentionally pushed by some men w. immoral views and mentally damaging life style. Kids only see the sparkle and the artificially created image without being aware of the dynamics and psychological consequences their decisions will have. They identify with the image of a perfect version of themselves without understanding that it is an illusion, a lie, a sell tactic of an industry and of activists who keep pushing the transillusion as a solution for troubled kids, as an explanation for their struggles.( If you think you‘re trans, you probably are😳 What a dangerous and totally misleading thing to say to young ppl. As if there weren‘t numerous reasons to not feel ok with oneself as a teen or young adult, especially these days after years of unusual circumstances, with little real life social interactions, with too many choices to have, with so much disruption and distraction constantly, with difficult family constellations and a promise of total freedom for individual choices.. Not easy to stay focused and clear, especially when overprotected as a kid or neglected.)

But my compassion doesn‘t mean I accept their decisions and lies! It just means that I can see it’s easy to be misled in certain circumstances.

Like with some mentally severly ill men. I can have some empathy for their struggles and reasons for wrong decisions but I‘d never give an inch. They are not welcomed into any female spaces! Never!! And I‘d never accept their inappropriate behavior near me!

Unfortunately there are many women who fall into the empathy trap and don‘t understand that they are intentionally trapped to be manipulated into accepting men‘s behavior. Empathy doesn‘t mean you have to accept specific behavior towards you or society while you know it‘s not healthy behavior. So be careful and don‘t tell yourself you have to be „nice“ when the ones demanding that are treating you badly! Try to put the empathy away for a moment if it influences your judgement. Look at their actions, not words whenever someone is telling you to be nice! Be very careful to not take empathy as a reason to accept any abuse/manipulation!!

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You have a right to your opinion.

I'm not changing my opinion.

Thank you

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The grooming really tends to select for those with pre-existing psychiatric and severe psychological problems such as autism, untreated ADHD and depression etc, in addition to shamefully reinforcing the misogyny and homophobia that's already saturated throughout the culture. I do feel sorry for many of the young women and the kids who are caught up in this - the grooming is all-pervasive and quite relentless, particularly for those who are naturally GNC.

The other side of the coin is of course the groomers, the men who are doing this online in service of their coom and the many, many useful "real world" #BeKind fuckwits like the blonde woman from Paul Mitchell who seems to think that maiming and desexing confused young women is about "increasing their confidence".

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So if she is injured by her breast removal (perhaps limited range of motion), will she qualify for Disability? Do the taxpayers pay for it all: hormones, surgery, AND the consequences of her own actions?

Appreciate you more than ever these days. 👍🏼❤️

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You're so funny on Substack. I was cracking up in my hospital room 😂💛🤍💜

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The chances of me mistaking her for a man are somewhere between never and no fucking way.

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Odd. every trans-man i know is either: Ash, Beau or Ollie. what are the odds?

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This poor girl has done everything in her power to attract attention to the fact that she hates herself, and that she desperately wants acceptance from us in lieu of the acceptance she cannot give herself. That twisted mentality is the very definition of mental illness...

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17:40 I am pretty sure that without a LOT of physical therapy, she will not be able to raise those arms that high after a double mastectomy. I sure can't. And if she ever gets to the point of being able to do so, it will be quite painful. These people are so delusional. I refuse to go along with said delusions.

Thank you, Karen, for letting us know that there are still a few sane people left in this world. We need to stick together.

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I don't know any men with cosmetic double mastectomy scars...so he/him pronouns will never apply.

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She is pretty dumb - we understand these women and men all too well.

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She is pretty much done growing as far as height goes. She has a tiny skull and tiny shoulders and tiny hands. Being too trusting of TIMs is going to end up badly for her, IMHO.

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Agreed. 😞

You just know she must "identify as pansexual" or some such shite.

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🤮🤬 What an utterly vile ideology.

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