"Chase Strangio threw her given name, Kate Bachrach, away for her current odd moniker which wouldn’t pass muster in a badly written super-hero comic penned by a friendless teen."

Ouch! True though

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Bravo, Karen. This was extremely powerful.

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Excellent, Karen. After contributing to the ACLU for decades, I stopped last year and told them why. Of course, my little contributions affect nothing, but they need to hear the truth of the damage they’re doing.

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Of course, MSNBC gives Chase Strangio a platform in the mainstream media.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

There's a whole lot of really weird, dumb bullshit in this article. It's pretty clear you don't know wtf you're talking about when it comes to pretty much anything. But I do thank you for sharing Kate's real name. After seeing a sanctimonious post about how hurtful real names are with some self-righteous whining about how you could pretty easily find Kate's real name but shouldn't because it's violence against trannies or something, I immediately began searching. It's actually not very easy to find, it's been scrubbed from most places. Took me a solid 20 minutes to find this.

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Public Enemy that individual, and that name strangio is so apt.

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