🌞Hello Karen

☀️Hello All

Great job Karen 🍷🌹

I wonder what type of training and practice Audrey had with assault rifles and how she was able to get the guns and ammo⁉️

I wonder why Generation Z harshly rejects their own gender and anatomy⁉️

If Audrey had a reality of a functional penis and testicles, she would've had a major heart attack in the morning knowing she could not control a morning erection, that men get.

Seems like the hardest of hardcore, anti-gay Haters are Generation Z Trans.

I've heard a progression of Gen Z saying they were:

1. Non-binary

2. Pan-Sexual

3. Cover-up/Deny their homosexuality

4. Full Throttle Transformers

I have come to understand that the criminally insane are demon possessed. Their behavior went far pass the medical Richter Scale of mentally messed up 👿

I also noticed she blames everything on her Mother‼️. This is why abortion needs to always stay legal and safe.

Lastly,The happiest day of Audrey, imo, was seeing the SWAT Team take her permanently out‼️

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The hatred of the Mother is so sad 💔

(and shows how patriarchal the cult is)

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agree. she wanted an end to the possession. her Rainbow Pride wouldn't let her revert to God .. so "suicide by cop" was her option.

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Yes I also thought about "suicide by cop".

I will forever hate her for killing the innocent humans who did nothing against her.

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Ugh so she was into Plushophilia. The child molester in my neighborhood would cut holes in his victim's stuffed animals, fuck said holes, splooge inside of them, then put them in places where his victim's would cuddle them at night. The child's mother knew about it and still let her child sleep with those stuffed animals. Ugh. Plushophilia is a special kind of fucked in the head. So demented.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 9

Ugh. How incredibly revolting.

Hale had to be a very special kind of fucked up for a woman, anyway (duh!).

ETA: We can see that this was indeed the case through the way in which she aped the behaviour of men even in the deranged manner in which she chose to LARP.

I'm actually glad that she was shot dead in the middle of trying for her "ultimate act of infamy" - even though it is a shame that her flagrant mental illness wasn't flagged and treated properly in time to have prevented all of those tragic and potentially avoidable deaths.

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YouTube deliberately delete or obscure most of the comments on your channel Karen. I have lost count of the number of comments I personally have posted where the Bots just block them. They appear as I post them but if I use my Husband's log in later they are removed from view. You Bad girl! Lol.

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If you learn which words and phrases youtube doesn't like, you can work around it. I.e. v1olence, women and grls, R ped, etc. Copy your comment, wait 30 seconds, like your comment and if an error message comes up, your comment was deleted. If not, your comment should still be up there.

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I've seen a couple of big channels talk about keffals lately, but they're either genuine believers or too scared of losing their channels to call him what he is. One thing I've tried doing is recommending a story to true crime channels when they ask for them. Of course they tiptoe around the baby blue and pink elephant in the room too, so 🤷‍♂️

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The Fraud of Keffals began with the lie that he's a woman. Too bad ppl refuse to come to terms with that.

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Right :/ Fence-sitters will say "not every tranny is a liar and a fraud 🥺". Like, friendo, where are your critical thinking skills at?

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Immature is definitely the word that blared through in her writing. She was a true sicko and the world is better off without her.

I feel bad for her mom. It is so hard to realize that 20+ years of you life that you have deeply invested were seemingly wasted.

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That’s why I’m not risking having kids.

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The way the US justice system and the mainstream media that are both entirely run by Democrats have obscured the intentions of this terrorist and shown zero interest in making them public makes me speechless.

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thanks, Karen

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So Audrey was a dickhead.

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This young woman sounds as though she was reading too much fantasy stuff online. Let these opp sex impersonators stay in the 'trans' lunacy lane and leave sane, sensible, self-respecting LGBs alone. These weirdos are in a different cohort that has nothing to do w/ being LGB. They upturn society w/ their opp sex impersonation and bastardize the language and supplant others' rights and expect society to accommodate them and society-including most LGBs-are fed up w/ these nutters.

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I check the genital surgery subreddits often and it always blows my MIND how detached from reality these people are. They are all absolutely delusional!!!

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After watching several gender pretender females from their TikToks, Instagrams FB and YouTube channels, I have come to find that too many of them have other mental illnesses (i.e. ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, severe depression, OCD, Dissociative Identity Disorder), they take a shit load of prescription meds, on top of testosterone, have some form of sexual trauma and live 24/7 in their heads. If you think about it, little girls fantasy a lot about boys and their future, whereas, now too many of these girls are doing the same thing, but have been brainwashed into the cult of trans. Many are in their late teens and 20 somethings. Their thoughts are unrealistic and they have this image of a guy in their heads, in which they want to look like. This is what pushes them to start their steps into destruction. You see it in the beginning steps of chopping their breasts off and starting on T. The ones, who fall deeper into the phalloplasties or metoidioplasties, are chasing that fantasy so much so, that they all experience complications to serious complications, but still put those double thumbs up and recite the cult speak, "It was worth it"! I watched one adult woman fast tracked by doctors from T, to top surgery, to a radical hysterectomy to metoidioplasty all within one year. She is waiting on her ball surgery, that got delayed.

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Her "imaginary penis" was an assault rifle. At least when women pretend to be men, they get it right. She may have hated her parents but was still living with them at age 28. She could have just moved out but I suppose she preferred feeling like a victim. Trans indoctrination promotes a feeling of helplessness coupled with vengefulness that guarantees a violent and unhealthy response.

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