Beware the "reasonable" tranny

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There's no such thing. I think the people pushing the 'reasonable troon' myth are more dangerous than the troon. The troon might not know he's lying; he could be so demented that 'truth' has ceased to be something he actually understands. The handmaidens and other troon simps, however, know troonery is insane and they sell it anyway. That's highly anti-social.

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They are the worst because they are inconsistent.

They think they're superior because they admit they're men. THEN GET A HAIRCUT, SIR.

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He can keep the long hair. Drop the woman's name and all other claims to being anything other than some kind of degenerate loon.

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I get what you're saying though I view this like people with binge-eating disorders. If they know eating a donut triggers them, they need to avoid it and doctors advise them to avoid high sugar foods. Normal people can eat donuts though.

If Mr. Higdon has this particular mental problem, growing his hair out is how he is triggered and engages in autogynephilia (even though he says he doesn't "perform stereotypes"--he clearly is).

It's like entering the military, where men get a buzzcut to break them down. They just need it lol

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Exactly! They think they are 'special' and 'set apart' from the extreme crazies and the riff raff of the trans movement. When in reality they are just trans supremacists. They still want to impact and affect society and the world with the same delusion of being the opposite sex and having access to exclusive opposite sex spaces, like their extremist and crazy-making, trans identifying, brothers and sisters.

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Trans supremacists. Accurate description for the "nuanced and reasonable transsexuals".

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These men are worse than the troons who insist that they're women because at least those troons are consistent. If they say they're women they want to play women's sports. We're the ones who have to put them in their place by pointing out the whole thing is bullshit. And we will.

The "reasonable" or "moderate" troons are worse because they think they can admit that they're male and that sex is immutable--in that case, what is the point of anything they do? It creates a tension they cannot explain or compensate for because then their lives are useless.

If he KNOWS he's a man, how can he FEEL LIKE he's a woman? In that case, what is the point of anything he does?

His whole life is a lie, and this whole time he was just a narcissist with stringy man hair. How else would this man get attention? He is particularly ugly and he doesn't even try to pass.

"Trans" does not exist. And Samuel Higdon proves it. He's just a man, and there is one kind--an adult human male. He didn't enter a special category for calling himself "Sara" or growing out that nasty hair.

There is no "post trans" because there is no "trans," and that applies to "transexual" or "transgender." It's all the same bullshit.

I wrote a whole post on this in 2023:


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"Terfs" are the only actual leftists in the US. Everyone else is either conservative misogynists or liberal misogynists.

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Pretty much.

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Only if you consider women's rights left wing. Left and right are equally misogynist, in my opinion.

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Why can't they just admit they're cross dressers? There isn't supposed to be any shame anymore, after all. They want to live this lie and expect us to pretend to believe it, when we all know what's going on here.

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That would be giving up the game. They'd have to admit that they've been nothing but cross-dressers all along. We know that, they know that, most people know that. But we've had entire government policies created, millions of people's lives adversely effected, women raped, children mutilated, women's rights lost on the say-so of these clowns. If it the beneficiaries of this travesty admitted that the Dems simply caved to transvestites for votes, it would be a worse disaster than the Dems are already facing.

We already know these clowns get off on wearing women's clothes, pretending to be women, imagining themselves as female. It's plain as day. That's not the narrative, though. The narrative is that they're delicate, vulnerable, special, etc. needing special protections. The entire mainstream media has been complicit in promoting that BS. Blowing the lid off trans would discredit them even more than they've already been discredited.

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Absolutely! Simple as.

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I fail to see the utility in Higdon declaring himself "post trans", as surely he's still going to be taking exogenous hormones etc (because he's post-op IIRC).

It just seems like yet another exercise in attention seeking when these guys make pronouncements like this, tbh.

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This is why it's so confusing. It's the same old shit, but he's acting like his identity has undergone some fundamental shift.

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Professional "Reasonable Trannies" can't be trusted and to see conservatives praising them, knowing full well that they're still using the women's bathroom and locker room, is pathetic and nauseating. 'It's so refreshing to see a [man, who's jacked off into his sister's panties and claims to be cured of an imaginary dysphoric ailment by using the women's bathroom], telling other men to not use the women's bathroom.' Jfc

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It's entertaining in a dark, bizarre way.

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There are also female "reasonable and nuanced true transsexuals" who are not to be trusted. Susan (Buck) Angel and Marcus (no idea what her real name is) Dib come to my mind.

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Oooooh! I just remembered - I'm not on Youtube, so I can't get my channel yanked if I criticized Susan and Marcy. I'm SO excited!

Regarding 'reasonable' female troons (called 'pooners' in some Twitter circles), I think they're even crazier than the dudes. They get absolutely rabid when they're pissed off - like evil shih-tzus.

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Sex mimics...works for me

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Professional "Reasonable Trannies" have learned that it's no longer advantageous to claim to be women and use women's spaces. They've graduated to calling out other men for demanding to play in women's sports. They've successfully stolen the spotlight from the 1st wave Temu-tier trannies and are now being celebrated by moderates, conservatives and the Ana Kasparian types.

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Anna Kasparian has fallen for the 'reasonable tranny' BS? That's disappointing, but not surprising.

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This just shows men are crazy lol

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How can he say with all seriousness and that unfortunate looking face that he is not delusional? He is! They all are! I’m so tired that we have to acquiesce to their coveting what they will never be, their mental illness and perversion.

I have no compassion whatsoever for them.

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This man is a ridiculous hot mess.

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I can't believe you listened to this crap TWICE, Karen. I saw the vid and thought NAH

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I was trying to understand what the hell he was talking about. Usually, troons aren't quite this void of substance when they're talking about their specialness. I thought I had to be missing something. Even Hayton, vile a liar as he is, makes some actual point. Higdon managed to waffle on for over five minutes and say absolutely nothing. I find crap like that disorienting.

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I do like OSI Karen. Better than my "male who thinks he is not male" and "female who thinks she is not female" phrase I have trained myself to use in conversation. Excellent deconstruction of all aspects of this video.

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Higdon = Professional Tranny.

1. Who gives a fuck what you are calling yourself? Call yourself Shera Queen of the Jungle if you want, who gives a rat's arse.

2. How does that change anything?

Transsexual: is a Noun for 60 years it was in the dictionary described as "A person who had undergone medical treatment in order to look like the opposite sex. (Note NOT become it)

A noun just like "Woman": Adult Human Female or "Amputee": A Person who has had a limb removed. Just a descriptor not magical incantation.

So you are calling yourself a transsexual, so what? What difference does that make to the Ideology. None!

A Transvestic Fetishist can still be a Transsexual (Higdon case in point) . An Autogynephile can still be a Transsexual. All they need do is chug down some hormones and/or chop a few bits off and Bingo Transsexual! Changes nothing

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It seems to me that it's all about an attention grab, particularly attention within "conservative" circles.

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Conservatives can be chasers and idiots, too.

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Oh, I know!

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Karen, "lying shitsackery"? Seems I recall a peppy little ditty: 🎵"Self righteous windbaggery/When your argument is weak and staggery..." 🎶 Is "lying shitsackery" the second verse? It works, anyway! "Your lying shitsackery..." 🎵

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I was thinking the same thing.

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