10 bucks says he's still using the women's bathroom and his post is more of the same, boring ass, attention-seeking behavior that has become synonymous with the idea of "trans."

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All of this.

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I'll see you that 10 and raise you 10

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He has thoroughly blown his chance in this lifetime to be one of the good ones, good human being that is.

Used to be men needed adulation for "babysitting" there own kids, cooking a dinner, or washing a dish. Now, they need praise for cutting out some of their perving, for respecting one of women's basic boundaries?! Yea, he's a colossal jerk. Next, he will want a cash prize for not killing any women....good grief!

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Nothing has really changed. The bar for men is in hell

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In one of the lower circles of Hell, too.

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LOL He ended by mansplaining to women in the UK, and showing his lack of solidarity with women in the US. Our voting choices are between two parties, both of which want to erase women's rights (just different ones).

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Why do these men refer to themselves as girls? Asking for a friend

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It's the pedo in 'em

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Part of their pedophilic fantasies.

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Because men like little girls 🤮

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I am 70 now, but when I was about 31, I had a crush on this gorgeous guy who happened to like teenage girls. He called it a Lolita complex. This particular teenage girl who was about 13, convinced him to dump me for her. Then, when I went with my second choice, she went after him and also convinced him to dump me. Then, I went back to liking the first guy, and she went after him a second time. She got him the second time, as well. There was a third guy that I didn't really like, but he liked me so I went for it because that was the only option I had left, at the time. This teenage girl went after both the guys I liked because she wanted to beat me out. She was obsessed with beating me out. She learned the vamping game at a very young age...I assume from her mother. I am 70, and I still haven't learned that game, and don't even want to. These two guys weren't troons or anything, though. They just both liked young girls for some reason. I don't know if any of the other guys I had a thing for in my past, had a thing for young girls, or not. If any of the others did, they didn't show it to me in any way. I have never met a troon in person, in my life And, I hope I never do. The ones I see on videos disgust me enough. I did see a group of transvestites in a restaurant that I used to work at,, back in the early 70's.

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Because they're degenerate male trash that belongs in insane asylums.

Then they try to act like "the good ones" because they hate women just are desperate for attention from us.

It's male behavior distilled into its purest form. But don't worry, he's a good one!

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I've not seen a lot of women talk about the sexual validation that gay men get from this and I appreciate you doing so. They get off on being accepted as "one of the girls" and being preened and in control of a group of them. It's more of a power gratification but comes off as very sexual (when did we forget that men can get off sexually from power?) Women need to understand that gay male cross dressers are not any better, it's not all "internalized homophobia" (and even if it was, that doesn't make taking shit away from women okay and they know it) and stop caping for gay dudes. Especially lesbians. We've been here before, so many times, being used, lied to, and fucked over by the gay man and look where we are now. Why do you keep doing it?

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We can only hope that one day, when he's nearing his extinction, the man will realise how good it would have done to him to have transcended his misogyny.

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What a HEro!!! Give me a break

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One troon not using the ladies is not going to make much of a dif

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Nope. Not until the space invaders start going to jail.

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These men who think they're "one of the good ones" because they're not raping children all day are the worst.

You KNOW you're a man--what is the point of anything you do?

You admit that you did not go from male to female--so TRANS does not exist. Why use it in reference to yourself? You know you're not a woman, why use the term at all in any way?

These ones are worse than the complete troons because at least those pigs are consistent. These men are inconsistent.

"Trans" does not exist, as Karen said. "Transexual" does not exist.

There's one type of woman and one type of man--and the "good ones" are the worst.

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Did you all see that the violent troon, Alvin who murdered the postal worker in NYC got put into the women's wing in Rikers? They didn't even say "trans: they just called him a woman.

1984 is here folks

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I think all these male troons coming out and claiming they don't use the ladies bathroom recently is the latest grooming tactic towards women (especially terfs). Too many women caught on that if you use the ladies anything, at all, you are a predator because you're breaking a set boundary by entering at all. So now they're all claiming they've stopped or never did when I'm willing to bet they still do. Lies, lies, from tiny eyes. The only women who actually believe it are stupid or groomed ones. No man would believe it because men can clock abusive men better because they are men themselves. It's why I've got no patience for all these men crying out for "nuance". They are not fooled by these men at all, just trying to justify their own fetish or make it look less serious by platforming obviously insane men.

There are no good perverted men. Hold the fucking line, women.

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This is all part of the 'trans' reboot strategy. Again see >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr4SMPyzf98

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Good men do not need to be asked to stop hurting women.

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i’ve noticed a huge spike in “sensible transsexuals”. i think it’s because more and more people are feeling comfortable calling out the harms of gender ideology/trans. so these “sensible” ones see the tolerance tanking and are desperately trying to get off of the the proverbial sinking ship by trying to save themselves by claiming they’re “one of the good ones” but like you said Karen; none of them are.

no pet troons!

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Threat,no threat,good,bad,indifferent;they're all men and they can all stay the fuck out.

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