His disarming of them was quite effective. Terrell looked as if she were about to pose a (possibly challenging) question, as she looked quite shocked. This didn't change when Bailey blew the proverbial ass smoke, but you could see from the rest of her nonverbal communication that any wind she had in her sails had stopped blowing by the time he finished speaking. Quite a clever trick by Bailey, to prevent any potential challenge, because he knew what he'd said prior to that was utter rubbish.

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These two are not the most emotionally robust individuals, are they?

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Yes. It's rather vile.

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Great job Karen!

"We need scholars, not idealogues"?! In other words, we should just accept that child sexual abuse exists and go with the flow, rather than work to punish it and end it. Free speech is really important, however, when someone starts normalizing pedophilia (which the Democratic party is working towards btw), it seems reasonable that cops immediately show up at your door with a search warrant, seize your computer, and check you harddrive. Can we get away with also tattooing a big scarlett P on their foreheads too?

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Yeah, he's implying that if you disagree with him and don't support nonces, then you're an "ideologue". As if there weren't very good material reasons to not be in favour of raping children.

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Aaron K now says she is a 'medicalized lesbian' or 'butch lesbian' but lesbians are women and women don't have beards unless they are in a circus side-show. If she wants to call herself a lesbian (a woman) she needs to at least lose that beard and stop the fake man bit but she probably does not want to pass as a woman-even an uber butch one. She's caused herself to go bald by taking testosterone for years and had a double-mastectomy and I think genital surgery and has been larping as a man for many years.

The loon in the red hat I think has said she thinks she's a gay man so she thinks if she dresses like a man and is attracted to (gay) men she has autoandrophilia when it's actually just heterosexuality.

So having a homo, hetero, bi sexuality is going to be contaminated by these lunatics by rebranding every pathology under the sun a sexual orientation? Homo. hetero, bi sexual intimacy is between consenting adults (usually only two) and does not involve abusing minors and the disruption of society by male opp-sex impersonators who supplant women's and LGBs' sex-based rights and invade their private spaces. These pathologies are in service to men and it's minors and women who are always the ones who are the losers in society b/c of males' pathologies.

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Well said. Key word 'loon'.

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Troon Kimberly also groomed a TransHandmaiden, Scott Geiler, to invite Ms Troon to join the @LGB_Alliance_Canada group — the ultimate insult to Gays!



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Yes! I was worried I hadn't seen you for a couple of days here on this channel. I love when Karen can speak the truth freely. And boy, did you speak it about all three of these perverts! Looking forward to the next!

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It seems to me that a great deal of the invention of the profession of "Sexology" was intended as a means to mainstream the acceptance of paraphilia such as paedophilia.

When I look at Bailey now, that's precisely what I see. The pretence at scholarship really seems to have fallen away.

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Hi Karen , happy Labour Day!

Where is the rest of the video?

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They were too big to splice together so part 2 is the latest.video I posted

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Trans men. You are incredibly disrespectful. Phil Illy is an AGP man who wrote a very insightful book. Read Autoheterosexuality. You are making gross assumptions.

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People’s humanity is deserving of respect, however, their delusions and non-reality based beliefs do not warrant automatic respect. By colluding with a false premise such as when you refer to “trans people” as if they’re some new variant of human able to transcend biological reality, you are doing unhappy, confused people no favours. Collusion in therapy is not good practice.

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Well said.

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I have had trans friends for 30 years. I use correct pronouns and respect them. I am able to love and respect people different from my and even my personal values. My friend, Veronika Fimbres, in SF has taught me more and brought me so many gifts as a friend. We couldn't be any more different, but I adore her and thank God for her. When I meet people as individuals in therapy I get to experience a positive relationship with people completely different from myself. It is a small exception when I don't truly dont like a client. I have pretty rigid ideas but the world has taught me to love unconditionally. You guys just project disgust, contempt for, and intolerance of a rare human condition.

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It's not rare,there are perverts everywhere you look these days.

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Most are Heterosexual

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Most men in frocks are heterosexual.

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Most perpetrators are not AGP. Just go out and bash people and tell them to their face how delusional they are. Is this private forum really working for you. Try telling people how you really feel about them to their faces. Spread your disgust and hate directly.

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OMG!!! It is so painful to watch and see the desperate need of father approval in those women's eyes when the pedo begins licking thier asses. Horrible. They look like children on Christmass morning about to open their gifts. It is pathetic...It speaks of how unaccomplished the male parenting is! It is a global disaster!

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You are projecting some pretty sick 💩 onto them. You are over generalizing and making false interpretations. Identifying and considering pedophilia as a sexual orientation was discussed. You filled in the blanks with your sicko projecting. Listen to yourselves. You are all rabid and still don't seem like you have any redeeming intentions here. Angry rabid tribe that slander the Aaron's. You are biased and wrong here.

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just as you are projecting your shit onto me. don't worry they've got a brave warrior and protector in you. Projection is a defence mechanism and bewteen you and I, it seems you are the one who suffered an attack and feels the need for some defence. Do you share in their affliction or just love the sexually twisted? Hate-watching it's clearly affected your mental wellbeing

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I'm still waiting on her to explain how its cruel or lacking in respect to use correct pronouns i.e calling women "she"

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Aaron Kimberly is a stealth “tran$” shill

this conwomam is selling “tran$” thru her very own, For Profit!, LGBT org — its on her FB page 3X - and she Blocks anyone who questions her about that



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You are slandering and villifying them. That's your sicko karma. You have looked and listened to them through a distorted hateful lens. Go pick on a real acting out pedophile or rapist. You can swing a cat and hit one.

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these two LARPing conwomen are Troon prepadators, and youre a TransHandmaiden 🤮



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Thank you, Karen xxx

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Kimberley can desist as much as she likes,she's stuck with that beard.

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Bailey also said that WOMEN do not have sexual orientations.

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He did not

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FYi-Behind The Looking Glass - FIRST EVER Documentary about the Wives & Children of Trans-Identified Men

Lime Soda Films


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I haven't listened/watched yet but I wanted to share that all three (3) original members of Gender Dysphoria Alliance have 'detransitioned'. Both Aarons and Ken (Kellie) Pirie. All three women now identify as lesbians. They have detransed and reclaimed their femaleness - for fun and profit - again. There is still heaps of money to be made in the gender industry especially as Genspecters.

The Aarons have competely retconned facts and history. Surprise, surprise, said no one ever. Kimberly and Pirie are Tranadian so in addition to their new Genspect alliance, Pirie shared a stage with Meghan Murphy and other radfems, while Kimberly is getting friendly with the GC interview circuit (Canadian Culture Wars and Gender Report). Most of the old website has been archived, removed, hidden and moved.

Useful idiots is an understatement. Useful idiots for both sides and they are still full of shit.

Thanks Karen. You covered all of this a few years ago. You exposed them as grifters then and grifters now. Brava!

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You are spewing nothing but lies and slander. This is the Fox news hate propaganda blog

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He didn't normalize the paraphillia by characterizing it as a sexual orientation. Both Aarons are brilliant and bring a lot of insight self disclosure and transparent conversations to the table. The reality is trans people exist as do AGP men. We as therapists treat them as do we treat and care for children caught up in this trans mania. Seriously think about how you come across particularly without the mental health training and background. Phil Illy's book is what you all need to read.

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Vile venom's view of humanist with empathy.

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Spoken like a True Believer

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Like a true believer who knows how evil the trans top down agenda is and what queer theory has done to entire generations but doesn't exploit the individuals who are trying to navigate their lives living in it. A radical moderate who respects human dignity despite people's behavior and beliefs I don't agree with. My entire field is captured. I stand alone and isolated being critical of the medicalization of kids and vulnerable adults. But I am not an asshole insisting my clients and friends are delusional perverts.

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Calling the delusion that a man can be a woman a sexual orientation instead of a pathological paraphilia is making it more acceptable, that is, it's normalizing it. And as to those in the so-called helping professions who enable & promote 'transgender identity' as a protected characteristic in law on par w/ the material reality of sex indicates how captured and degraded those professions have become.

Phil Illy has no qualifications in this area but can talk a lot of nonsense that some think makes him sound smart.

Both Aarons are women pretending to be men and fell prey to the 'trans' claptrap. Aaron K was a butch lesbian w/ internalized homophobia apparently who thought mutilating her body and becoming a fake man would make life easier. Aaron T seems to be an extremely confused heterosexual woman. Subjecting yourself to unnecessary medical interventions is not a smart thing to do as you would know had you spent years working in medicine as I did.

There are men pretending to be women, sex-fetishists, some w/ other paraphilias. Some are homo and some hetero or bi-that is their sexual orientation. There are women who are same-sex attracted (homo) and women opp-sex attracted (hetero) and as Bailey has said women have such a different sexuality from men they likely don't have paraphilias as men do.

'Transgender identity' is an incoherent invention for all of the above cohorts that has redefined and bastardized the integrity of hetero, homo, and bi sexuality-it's absurd pseudoscience. Men who pretend to be women are too dangerous and disruptive to society-esp. for women, LGBs, and when promoted to minors.

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Its not "instead of". It remains a paraphilia. Phil has every qualification and did a tremendous job both in his personal interviews and writing. You can't take the human beings out of this. I'm caring fir some of them. You all sound as cruel, bigoted, and disrespectful as the far left rabid activists.

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More catnip!!

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More non argument inane put downs.

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Your lot are taking the human beings out of the picture-the women & LGBs and their embodied sex and sex-based rights. Why no mention or consideration for women who have been the most genuinely oppressed class across race, ethnicity, time and geography. Women were not historically denied rights b/c they 'identified' as women but b/c they were women. Those were hard-won rights and no man pretending to be a woman is going to supplant them if self-respecting women can keep it from happening.

Women are still oppressed by men around the world b/c men always know who the women are. Entitled, privileged men don't get to 'identify' into 'womanhood' and play oppressed victim at the expense of women's rights. And don't lecture women about being cruel, bigoted, and disrespectful when their kindness has been weaponized against them-it's known as 'suicidal empathy' and women need to stop doing it.

Women's, Black's & LGBs' equality took no rights away from any other group as men pretending to be women do to women and to lesbians. 'Transgender identity' is not an immutable characteristic of an oppressed, powerless group and is incoherent and undefinable and therefore no human should be legally protected as belonging to the opposite sex-class than the one they were born into. And there should be no right to fraudulently change official documents to the opposite sex. You can be a different kind of man but never any kind of woman. LGBw/oTQ

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A caveat: I appreciate what Aaron K has tried to do in speaking out about the resistance of 'trans' activist clinicians and 'trans' activists in general to safeguarding those who are so-called gender non-conforming and often experience some discomfort with their bodies and are or would likely just be LGB. The 'transing away the gay' is a huge problem and causes untold damage and regret to minors and vulnerable adults rendering them sterile, inorgasmic, lifelong medical patients.

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Yes, Aaron K has been extremely brave and helpful to young current and future LGB people in Canada - who, as we know have been subjected to extraordinary pressure to "transition" and pretend to be people of the opposite sex at great cost to their health and fertility. There is still a great deal of ground to be covered there for the return of the human rights of these vulnerable groups and particularly the full human rights of women and girls, but brave whistle-blowers have a central role to play in this.

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so why is Troon Kimberly LARPing as Sean Connery, with a fake male name, and pushing her own for-profit “tran$” org - check her FB page

youve been duped by Troon Shill conwoman



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A notation: The term "suicidal empathy" is from Prof. Gad Saad who coined it in relation to out of control immigration into Western democratic countries by those who are averse to the values of those countries and refuse to assimilate and integrate into the culture of those countries.

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I work with families of young people caught up in this. They aren't perpetrators, they are victims of the ideology and medical industrial complex.

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what has anyone said here thats "cruel"?

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Insisting on pronouns and calling the Aaron's " she/her" and how delusional and paraphillic they are, insisting Michael Bailey is endorsing pedophiles. It's so angry judgemental and accusatory. It's completely black/ white thinking and its cruel. I guess I am unable to embrace the dehumanizing language here. I know plenty of trans persons and cringe when I hear these comments. It's derogatory language. These individuals aren't responsible for what's been unleased on us.

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how is it cruel and dehumanizing to call a woman "she"?

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A trans man living and passing as a man deserves a little more respect in my opinion.

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What is cruel is encouraging delusions. What is cruel is trampling over others healthy boundaries and insisting they ignore their own senses and lie.

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That's a lot of assumptions there. Those agp men I believe you are expressing fears about are quite rare. Being respectful to trans persons and the argument about protecting female spaces, sports, and defined womanhood are different. Again, I'm standing up to the harmful ideology and practices. Give it a rest and figure out how you can help beyond being outraged and intolerant.

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