Bullshit! The body remembers and is traumatised!!!! Asshole!!!!

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Exactly! "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk may be the most popular book ever written on healing from trauma. The mind might not remember, but the body does.

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I wonder if Bailey would have this same disgusting take, if someone were to drug him and molest him so he couldn't remember the event? Somehow I doubt it! In his world it seems like ability to consent (which children can never have) and actual consent are not even a passing thought!

I wonder if he thinks that Pelicot should be let off for his crimes as his wife was drugged the whole time? I am sure he probably feels that the abuser is somehow the victim.

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The Pelicot case is exactly what I thought of when I read his ridiculous statement.

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2:50 The body truly does keep the score, asshole! Even if the victim/survivor has buried the memories away from the conscious mind there's still a price to be paid by them.

This guy should really shut his trap as far as I'm concerned.

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I'm glad his comparison of pedos to people with Down (there is no 's) syndrome got a lot of responses. The comparison so stunned me I can't come up with anything to say about that. Bailey is a write off as a human being. Most men, contrary to how it might seem during the current Golden Age of the Perv, do not rape children. Are we supposed to be having parades for them now? Is this our new standard for heroes, men that simply are not kid fuckers? Bailey is a university professor. This sort of crap is why I am no longer in favor of taxpayer money going to universities. We might even be better off if people stopped going to colleges since they now seem to be places of inoctrinaton.

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I love "Golden Age of the Perv," which I think nails it.

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History will, I should think, refer to this time as 'The Age of Madness' for all of the 'transgender identity' lunacy and this de-stigmatizing pedo nonsense as well as other items on the 'woke' agenda.

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His defence of paedophiles yesterday was somewhat hysterical; almost too defensive. It was ... interesting, to say the least. I'm drawing no inferences as to his motivation, but it does make you wonder.

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I am absolutely drawing inferences as to his motivation.

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From this statement one may also conclude that this guy thinks of Down Syndrome as a vile affliction that people cannot help.

This is what the menster really thinks. Not only does he side with those who would rape kids and want that the entire world to scratch them between the ears for something the didn't do, but also thinks that the "poor little pedo" is a victim of nature and circumstances beyond his manly power to control and own. I do belive society can have a better grip on pedofiles than it can have on chromosomial anomalies. Vile!

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His argument that it is not so bad if a victim cannot remember the crime is terrible. Gisele Pelicote could not remember anything either, so according to Michael, the perpetrators should get away with lighter sentences. In Zürich , a man was filmed by CCTV cameras repeatedly raping a completely drunk male student from Poland. According to Michael, that would not be so bad either.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

I seem to remember reading that Ms. Pelicot said that as a result of her multiple times of being raped she contracted a number of STDs.

Pedophilia is a paraphilia and should not be rebranded as a sexual orientation to try to make it more acceptable. And does Bailey actually believe that a traumatic experience such as sex abuse of a child can't be buried but still affect that individual throughout his/her life?

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Is that supposed to be an example and instruction how to look like a non offending ped?! (Make sure the victims are asleep, unconscious or mentally disabled, don’t leave visible marks, so they won‘t remember?!)

The body definitely remembers and I‘m sure he‘s aware of that fact, so why is he writing this crap? What is his goal I have to ask myself. Decriminalizing peds?!? I‘m struggling to find words…

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We certainly have fallen through the bottom of hell. Karen, thank you for your tireless efforts to haul us back out.

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It really gets to me that the news entities and others insist on calling it child porn when it is nothing of the sort. It is nothing but CHILD SEX ABUSE MATERIAL.

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the punishment for rape should be death. the punishment for pedo supporters should be exclusion from any contact with children.

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In Saudi Arabia they do just that. They behead them and televise it! It's doesn't seem to act as a deterrent because the number of executions for rape has increased every year. But it certainly means the bastards don't reoffend!

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He wrote the eye-opening book "The Man Who Would Be Queen" about AGP's, but that was in 2003. I think the field of sexology attracts a lot of perverts.

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Yes, and it was such an insightful and readable book! The comparison of his early work and his current arrogant "acceptance" of the worst forms of child exploitation really couldn't be much starker.

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Using this insane illogic, the use of a date rape drug and leaving no bruises on the victim is somehow exculpatory or a mitigating factor. The ultimate goal of such gaslighting is the normalization and legalization of sexual abuse against children. If a child can consent to medically unnecessary trans procedures and drugs--even over the objections of the parents--then it's not surprising that those who support such madness would extend the concept of "consent" to include sexual relations between children and adults. At that point, the Blue States will make themselves sanctuary states for the perpetrators. The ick factor is off the scale on this!

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The body remembers what the subconscious does not and trauma isn't fully realized sometimes for decades. Pro pedophiles are just basking out in the open now and not getting the vitriol that MeToo libfems gave men who committed the infinitely abominable sin of catcalling.

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I think tying it to a disability is 100% on purpose. The queering of the disability community was vital for the "trans movement" in order for them to get their medical demands covered. If these nonce-supporting men seek to medicalize pedophilia, as they appear to want to (what with Cantor's org and their plea that it's "inborn" and "needs to be treated"), winning over the disabled community once more will be easy peasy. Why do you think they put the pedo flag so blatantly in the "disability pride" flag?

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Gods, I miss Twitter.

Thank you, Karen xxx

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