I know a healthcare provider who has to deal with these fools. When they are told the wrong-sex hormones are what is causing their heart problems, they don’t want to hear it. This nonsense is a colossal waste of medical resources.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Spirinolactone does not occur naturally in the body. It is a potassium sparing diuretic. It is commonly prescribed for women with PCOS, can help reduce acne and hirsutism and blood pressure (which could account for this dude's lightheadness and fainting).. Also treats heart failure. It isn't a bad drug. I have PCOS, was on it for a year and it did nothing to me, good or bad. A friend with PCOS has been on it for years and loves it. Cleared up her skin and lowered her blood pressure. The big difference between men who want to larp as women and my friend and I are is that my friend and I are sane, and capable of informed consent.

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The main difference is that you and your friend are women. A drug with the side effect of reducing testosterone either doesn't matter as much or is a benefit in a woman, depending on the medical issues for which it is prescribed. Men are taking it only for the testosterone reducing effect, which means things like it being a diuretic and lowering blood pressure are significant negative side effects for a man who has none of the medical issues for which it is normally prescribed to women.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I'm sticking with sanity being the main difference. All men do not take it because they want to lower testosterone. Some take it, short-term, to treat symptoms of heart failure. So, quite sane in their reasoning for taking it, to save their life. Taking it to become something you can never be, nuts.

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It really isn’t a good idea to take drugs all the time. People seem to exist on them now much more than when I was a kid (GenX). Glad I dumped them when I was 23! Never been back to the OB/GYNs since. I was having terrible mood swings and raging acne on birth control pills in my teens, and they’d say things like, “Oh, too many androgens in that one. Try this one next.” Every three months, a different kind. This was a Planned Parenthood clinic in the East SF Bay Area (California) late Eighties and early Nineties. After nearly two years, I met with one of two reproductive endocrinologists in the Bay Area who happened to be volunteering at the clinic on Saturdays, and he tried to tell me I had a hormonal problem, was probably sterile, and needed to stay on that dope no matter what. I hadn’t shaved my legs before the appointment, and because I wasn’t up to BDSM standards of clean-shaven-ness, he told me if I came into his office to let him take pictures of my body hair for medical college and paid for the lab testing, he’d provide his medical services for no additional charge. My second generation Italian American boyfriend at the time said that doctor was a pervert. I didn’t think he was a pervert, but declined the creepy offer anyway, and no more birth control pills! Improvement of aforementioned conditions was immediate and I never went back until 1995 for something simple. That’s the last time for OB/GYN! The reason I mention it is because medical technologists are legends in their own mind, and most of the OB/GYN “treatments” harm women’s health, especially those noxious synthetic hormones. Good on you and your friend for evaluating the effects of the spironolactone and deciding whether or not to continue taking it. I thought it was yet another synthetic hormone, which far too many women take without questioning, and is a major factor in their health difficulties. Damned sadistic specialty within a larger industry riddled with sadistic scandals from its inception. I’d be more admiring of the industry as a whole if it were actually scientific, not just technological. 😳

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Our society is over medicated in general. However, some people absolutely should be taking drugs all the time. The consequences of not doing so can be disastrous for many. I think the biggest problems are people are too trusting of doctors, do not educate themselves enough prior to taking something, just stay on it for years without question, and are not willing to explore non-allopathic solutions. If a doc prescribes something for me I generally tell them to hold off giving me the prescription. Then, I research it and call their office back in a couple days if I want the prescription called into my pharmacy. Most people do not read the package insert, which should be required reading before anyone takes somethng. Also, people need to ask themselves annually should I continue taking what I am taking?. Especially if they are having any new symptoms, since people can develop negative reactions to a medication they were on for years with positive effects. Personally, I tend to use more natural solutions (herbs, minerals, vitamins, dietary changes, exercises), but that is because they work better for me. I've had some horrible reactions to prescribed meds, mainly for migraines. I've never trusted any provider more than I do my current naturopath, who is a man (which was a shocker since I avoided male providers for years due a couple being condescending jerks when I was young).

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

"Death before detransition" is one of these crazy bastards' favourite little sayings for a reason...

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Oh, please don’t *ever* go throwing out the chocolate, my Terven Queen. Get a second opinion, and a freakin’ third one if you have to, because life ain’t worth living without chocolate! 🤣 Just kidding, but only halfheartedly. I do understand your point, as it was well made. ☮️❤️🐾

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

His own body is a terf that is to objecting to him hurting himself. Yet he refuses to listen to the obvious warning signs his body is giving him. Why take advice from several doctors when you can go to the reddit hugbox? I wonder if the other redditors would even give their true opinion, as the moderators would likely kick them off if they tell him to actually listen to the doctors. Also his colleagues have to pick up the slack for this guy being an idiot, he must be a liability to work with.

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Thank You Karen 👍🏾

"His titties Skittles".... I'm through 😂🤣😅😭😅🤣😂😭😅🤣😂

These Dudes are sick on all levels ‼️

👉🏾The Side-Chick is a ugly transformer on Dr. Phils show: this is some vicious shit


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Oh my, that is NASTY! Those two blokes - "Essence" and Dougie need to be honest about and with each other and leave that poor woman the Hell alone. Just incredible: "'She' makes me feel like a real man!'. Okay...


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Yes you're right. It's not only nasty it's abusive and dangerous for the wife and children

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I second your and Lida's take on that "trio." What a nightmare. The wife needs to leave asap and take the little children with her. Her husband is finally showing his true self, as a cheater, narcissist, closet bisexual (maybe he's not aware of this) and a misogynist -- "If only my wife would treat me the way Essence treats me..." -- as well as a totally crap father.

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Yes, I saw the trio. The drag queen was an ugly man. And dude don't look like a woman at all. It apoears that the wife was the breadwinner. Good luck to the husband and the broke drag queen

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I could be wrong but I think Tracey was suffering from abuse and didn't realize it because had she not continually thought about Doug as her investment of two decades and realized the children are also abused she would've gotten one of the Lawyers in her Law Firm circle and legally protected herself and the children.

A women's true Love and devotion can sometimes be our own downfall

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Doctor shopping and living in medical denial! I DO NOT envy the poor doctors this fool insisted on lying and obfuscating to - obviously he did for one of them to misdiagnose POTS and try to give the old fool salt tablets...

Someone like that deserves all he gets IMHO.

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He’s very likely to be on the spironolactone because a a side effect of it is lactation, called galactorrhea when it occurs unnaturally. He most probably hopes to experience this aspect of femaleness for sexually fetishistic reasons. Sadly there are women out there who are prepared to give (or perhaps sell?) their babies to these deviants.

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A side effect in men (just 10-15%) can also be gynecomastia, enlarged breast tissue. My guess it that that is a more common side effect than lactation. If he gets both moobs and lactates, he has hit the jackpot. Good grief! These men are utterly absurd!

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This Channel is really teaching me the physiological issues that occur in taking hormones that go against your natural hormones, such as this story. Thank You.

But as I think about and learn about these anti-human procedures and medicalization I can't help but wonder if Richard Leland Levine aka Admiral Rachel Levine is taking these hormonal meds, especially since HE (yes I said He) is politically pushing the medicalization and surgical procedures on children❓

I would appreciate anyone who can shed light on this question because it brings up possible hypocrisy as Richard (Rachel) Levine intentionally goes against the Hippocratic Oath by bringing harm to his patients and the entire Nation.🛟

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Oh, Levine is on ALL the "Ladyfeelz" drugs - despite the appearances. LMAO!

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Really❓Thanks for the response.

IMO, Richard Leland looks like an old dude with long hair.

Dude looks like a Dud for real. Levine knows the dangers of those drugs.

Rolling Stones Magazine needs to do an Interview of him and get answers to those questions since he's pushing drugs on children via prescriptions.

I get the feeling this is gonna end up one day like the opioid crisis.

America's future is doomed because of this. Finland made legal restrictions to this type of thing

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The parallels with the Opioid Crisis are really striking, aren't they? I feel so bad for the young and vulnerable people who are being swept up in this cult - it's just so dangerous and so many of the adverse effects are FOR LIFE. Impulsive kids and young people should not be allowed to fuck themselves up like this on what is often more or less a whim. It's evil.

It's not just Finland, several European countries have made sensible restrictions to medicalising minors, especially banning the use of "puberty blockers" full stop. Paediatric "Gender Affirming Care" is finally being recognised as the human rights violation that it is in more and more places.

And yes, Levine will ALWAYS look like the whole ass MAN that he is - no matter how much exogenous estrogen and progesterone he scarfs! One of the grossest things I've heard about him is that he's apparently had the Snip n Flip. 😳 🤢🤮

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The United States of America has a heinous history of being cruel to it's children.

Removing Native American Children from their homes and abusing and oftentimes killing them in English Speaking Schools , Slaving,raping and killing Black Children and honestly until the 20th Century poor whit kids only did better because of their skin color.

Oh I almost forgot about the Draft. Sending teenage boys to Wars that were unnecessary

The history of American

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It's worse than you think-see two links I posted above.

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Based on Biden's debate, I think he and his cronies will be leaving the WH soon.

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It doesn't say how old or how overweight this guy is but if he already has high blood pressure what the hell is a doctor doing prescribing HRT to him? Throughout oral HRT use blood pressure and liver function should be regularly monitored.

Spironalactone does not occur naturally in the body it acts to block the natural aldosterone produced by the body. The problem is it's indiscriminate, it blocks all testosterone and everybody needs both hormones (in different ratios by sex normally) to function properly. In both men and women small amounts of testosterone (enough for natural function) is produced by the adrenal gland. The effects of Spironalactone are not limited to the testes it will block the function of the adrenal gland too.

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Hopefully I'm not repeating what someone said already in comments here (although Karen is pretty much saying this in the video)... this case shows how this trans individual and others like him have a drug addiction. It's dangerous and yes, think about it, it should be illegal for doctors to dose their patients with mind-bending and body-harming (castrating) drugs, and for what, when it comes to "transitioning"?! Always so much to learn and think about and arm ourselves with from Karen's commentaries. Thank you, Karen!

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I know menopausal women who have had strokes as a result of HRT,this guy needs to wake the fuck up.

He won't though,because nothing is more important than those goddamn ladyfeelz.

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Oh no, not the chocolate!

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