Do you all remember the time when genital mutilation was a terrible thing? Can we go back to those times?

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You mean as recently as 2015 or even 2018? Yes. Yes I can!

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Dude found out he couldn't jack off into his socks until they were fit for paper maché art projects anymore.

The amount of reddit folks, surprised at the fact that they no longer have sexual function after cutting off their dicks and depleting their sex hormones to almost nothing, tells me that these people are SEVERELY impaired or at the very least, hopelessly indoctrinated. Smh

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Let's face it, even if he had been legally mutilated, the outcome would likely have been similar with a suicide down the line. I am not saying the backyard butcher should get away with it, however there are plenty being "legally" butchered as well, many of whom also take their own lives later. The normalisation of these procedures is part of the issue to start with.

If a person wanted to have their healthy legs removed, everyone would say that was insane, but when it comes to "trans" it is like they develop a cognitive dissonance. I don't even understand how it got associated with LGB, one group doesn't mutilate themselves and willfully destroy their own health, the other does. I think this is more like a mutilation cult. We live in a time when a mutilation cult has its own brightly coloured flag to celebrate said mutilation, it is absurd!

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"mutilation cult"

The Skoptsy were a mutilation cult who got wiped out by Stalin. Who will deal with our modern iteration? These days even tankies think gendew identity is real and precious

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Chances are endless law suits is the way this ends. Once these medical establishments and surgeons keep having to pay out compensation, they will realise their profit margins are being affected and start slowly turning away from these procedures. One thing is for certain, they will not change their mind due to having actual morals.

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God knows mental illness is hard enough without genital mutilation.

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I'm sure you've all heard of the British "punch-a-terf" murderer "Sarah-Jane" Baker, who cut off his own balls in prison and swallowed them. These men are batshit crazy! MAGA! Make Asylums Great Again!

S-J B is walking around loose again, btw, after his recent 6 months recall to prison.

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That man cannot possibly be monitored closely enough as far as I'm concerned.

It's a shame that it's so hard to get the intractably dangerous detained permanently in such cases.

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I worked in a prison We had 2 trannies. One wasn't elaborate and mainly had long hair The other was a vile p#do who had been in quite a long time The worse part staff for years called him Martha Jean The other guy actually was ok. They both threated to cut their testes off. Well I worked night shift and Martha Jean did it The other guy didn't It was apparent he was struggling being gay and no family support. and other issues. and he got around the trans in the community so he robbed a bank to get transformed. I wish people could see that repair job Martha had by the surgeon I don't think he cared about the outcome. Our other guy was transferred to another prison I worked with the psychiatrist who worked with him and kept me updated. He got a therapist and had long term counseling on issues He actually accepted being gay Family came around. So I got an early education of this nonsense trans coming about.and the push for all the wrong reasons. This was in the early 2000s

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Good God, how distressing for you... I can scarcely begin to imagine what that was like.

Isn't it incredible that nobody seems to be willing to admit just how deranged these men are nowadays?

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Porn has made men and boys unfit to live amongst women and children.

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this individual would've killed himself anyway. even if it was the perfect surgeon performing Balls Removal.

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At this stage, I kind of agree with Americans I see on GETTR, saying "this is a Cull of Stupid".

The sterilisation of large numbers of kids in the Anglosphere, Europe, and Latin America, certainly feeds into the depopulation conspiracy theory. And government sanctioned Eugenics ( sterilising the autistic and gay kids).

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Mentally ill people should not be allowed to chop off parts of their bodies. Maybe his mom could have gotten him hospitalized on 72 hold. It seems these people don't get the help they need or concern, until it's too late. We need to prioritize, mental healthcare.

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The community has been telling them not to divulge andyhistory of SA, mental health issues, ot they won't be able to transform

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Yes. They want to make trans ideology seem normal. I think anyone who thinks their in the wrong body has some type of mental disorder, like PTSD, Body dysmorphia, autism, etc. Its just that your body is one unit. If you believe different parts of your body don't fit, it's like a puzzle with missing pieces. When your brain is disordered then you may have all kinds of bizarre thoughts. That's why trans people need mental health care. And that's all insurance should pay for. Cross-sex hormones are toxic and plastic surgeries are not medically necessary for anyone., unless they have been in a car accident or have other devasting illnesses, like cancer.

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More to the point, surgeons should not be permitted to do any of this.

Requesting it is weighty evidence that the person needs protection.

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This loon would have been a suicide statistic in any event. In Australia Medicare will cover these surgeries "where appropriate" (their language not mine). Chances are this one was refused due to mental instability.

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Absolutely right, I would say. The legislation our Medicare system allows doctors to kind of "hide behind" still allows doctors and surgeons a fair bit of discretion in the instance of the mentally unstable adults who seek these drastic interventions. Unfortunately, depending on which state they practice the same cannot be said to apply to minors seeking "Gender Affirming Care" due to "anti-conversion therapy" bills that were rushed through a few of our state parliaments in relative secrecy during the pandemic.

I can only hope that this poor guy's fate isn't successfully weaponized to push through similar legislation pertaining to vulnerable adults.

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bottom surgery more like mutilation

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"she's complicit. the mother is complicit..". Absolutely. Protect your children, at all costs.

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Biden keeps sucking up to these trans people. Does he think these people even vote?

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It’s to use them as pawns for a socialist revolution. They’re creating a victimized group of people as pawns. Is what queer theory is all about. Well that, and legalizing pedophilia. If you don’t believe me, read the book Towards A Gay Communism/Socialism. It’s what queer theory is in part based on, that and Michel Foucault (an unabashedly unashamed pedophile who would openly write about how he molests kids)

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You are abslutely right. I have watched conferences and meetings they have They are out there Most people don't believe me You should watch Karlyn Borysenko She has a lot on this from their workshops and conferences they have What you don;t understand she explains it Oh yeah she yells at people sometimes but she wants you to learn

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Pedophilia is obviously legal in every country on Earth. Further on its own it’s pretty harmless. On the other hand, pedophiles are dangerous because satisfying their sex drive is a crime.

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What is a pedophile doing in here? PRETTY HARMLESS!? PRETTY HARMLESS!! Are you fuccin kidding me!!! You are an absolute pedophile!! Just because you were molested as a child, doesn’t mean other children should be! And furthermore Ding-Dong, Foucault and those other postmodernists openly advocated to lower the agent of consent in France. Get out of here

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I’m aware that Foucault and other postmodernist queer types campaigned to lower the age of consent.

But there’s nothing wrong with supporting lowering age of consent in and of itself. Lowering it from 18 to 16 or 17 is a perfectly reasonable position.

However these people wanted to make it far too low, and some wanted to make it legal for adults to have sex with kids of certain ages. I definitely oppose that.

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Sure you do. You just said it's harmless 😂 and I bet you know ALLLLLLL about Foucault! Is he your saviour as well? St. Foucault?

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deletedJun 21
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You are the one that said pedophilia is harmless 😂 and resorting to insults.... Could it be.... You're resorting to insults because what I said resonates with you? I struck a nerve? The ones that likes to touch kids?

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deletedJun 21
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Can we get rid of this pedophile please? He's saying pedophilia doesn't harm kids.

Just humor me - was it your uncle or a neighbor? Hard working man next door sneaked in your bedroom and night and had their filthy way with you? Now that you're damaged, you have to go damage other kids?

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Of course you're an expert! You're speaking from experience! It must be so hard not raping kids you sick fuck. Who says they're an "expert" on pedophilia besides pedophiles? I bet you wish you could go to Epstein Island 😂

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I work in mental health you gibbering babooness. Ii specialize in people who are troubled by thoughts of having sex with children. People come from all over the world to work with me.

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Probably those mothers who think they have a „transkid“🤢 do… You know, the ones on social media selling their „stunning &brave“ stories! Promoting „their president“ too…

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I feel sorry for those women. I think they have been sucked into this ideology. But I do believe the "trans kids" part will be illegal soon. Too many people object to medicalizing kids.

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The "trans" movement relies on the mythology of "trans kids" and being born in the wrong body to legitimise their cause and command empathy and support. The predatory AGP perverts are the ones driving this madness and they obviously appreciate the idea of prepubescent vulnerable young people. It's a vile death cult driven by the sick paraphillias/ fetishes of a very wealthy and extremely powerful "lobby group" It also feeds into the depopulation agenda of the scumbag elites and psychopathic eugenecists! So many people are blind to what is going on under their very noses!

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Get real.

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Explain what you mean by "get real" please dipshit!

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deletedJun 22
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Your misogyny is appalling. Do you speak to your mother like that?

For evidence of the men driving transgender, please see the excellent work done by Jennifer Bilek. Some of it sounds unlikely, but she brings the receipts.

How dare you speak to women like this.

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Who dafuq do you think you are talking to you pathetic little shitstain! GTFOH you simp and go and mop the floor or bake some fairy cakes. Do you think you are some kind of big man? You come across as a whiny lil bitch so grow a pair and start acting like a REAL man! Wassup creep are you a chaser or something..after a bit of girldick! GFY you piece of dogshit and stay out of my lane...you wouldn't have the balls to say any of this to my face you pathetic little fannywipe! 😉🖕

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I am really sick and tired of have mentally ill and porn addled men referred to as women. If a person has a penis/testicles, that person is a MAN. Even if HE has his junk removed, HE remains male. I just can't read this crap anymore. It is not kind or compassionate, it is just bullshit.

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It shows how many people basically do believe that women are defective men. The mere idea of calling an inverted 🍆 "a vagina", let alone calling the guy who did that to himself "a woman", is the vilest misogyny

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insane world

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Men have a fetish for castration. See recent Reduxx article on a "Eunich maker" in the UK sentenced to life for the castration of a drugged man. The Eunich maker even had a website whose members watched videos of his work. Reduxx stories on the Eunich Archive fetish website are more proof of this fetish.

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Yes. A pay-per-view website where sicko predatory men could subscribe to watch these procedures as if they were a Super Bowl or AFL Grand Final. 🤢

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Honestly, I don’t know how you keep a straight face for the Terven audience here. Batshit crazy is a good description of this! I’m in agreement with you that clearly harmful surgery shouldn’t be allowed at all. It’s mutilation.

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