Aaaack! That is not only a pervert. That is a creature that belongs in a horror movie.

No, I do not expect him to go in the men's restroom like that. I expect him not to dress like that in public, and use the men's.

I will never forgive the politicians that unleashed this on us.

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I agree, its exactly what i thought when HE asked, what do you expect him to do? I felt like shouting in his face, "dont leave your house like that!!!"

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Right?!? JFC...

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“What do you expect me to do?” may be a question based on the delusion that we see him as passing as a beautiful laydee, the way he sees himself when he beats of in front of the a mirror, and therefore it would be absurd somehow for him to go into the men’s can. We are forced somehow to admit that such a beautiful laydee obviously belongs in the women’s facilities.

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Of COURSE he thinks that... and I agree, he might get killed or bashed in a male bathroom, BUT NOT IF HE LIVES AS HIS BIOLOGICAL BIRTH SEX... then he will be A OK

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It's frightening to even imagine that there are men that delusional walking around "free", as it were, but of course there are.

Whether he is aware of just how frightening he appears and is getting off primarily on the fear of the women and girls he encounters, or his AGP is such that he literally experiences himself as gorgeous makes very little difference in the end as far as I'm concerned.

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He may not get how horrible he looks, but to me it's like something out of texas chainsaw or hated motel. Put that thing back where it came from, sorry

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The Woke may give him permission, but decent men would drag his ass the hell out of the ladies’ room, legal consequences be damned. Unlike the cowardly male parents who allowed the 50-year old male swimmer in Tranada to compete against their young daughters and use the girl’s locker room. Disgusting cowardice.

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As far as the parents in that case were concerned, they were not *all* cowards. Some did complain, and sought to protect their daughters as they changed in the locker room before and after the swimming events - but the creeps running the events at the swimming centre called the police on them! The cops came out to *protect the nasty old pervert*.

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And the facility’s trans-enablers also gave Rebel News a bad time for trying to bring this insanity to light!

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If he can't go in the Men's room dressed like a pervert, he should just stay at home, in his "safe space".

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Yeah, it's disgusting.

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I agree. I can't wait for this bullshit to end. These guus are nothing more than weirdos that definitely need to stay home and keep that shot in the bedroom. Don't wanna see their ugly mf faces in makes up and wigs on the street. Used to not are before it was forced down our throats... now I despise them all, they've made it worse for themselves. Everyone is going to end up hating them.

I also think they truly are narcissists

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Pervy man logic:

Because I choose to wear these clothes women MUST put up with me in their spaces.

I'm allowed to be afraid of what men will do in bathrooms, but women are bigots if they worry about men like me in their bathrooms.

Violating women's boundaries in intimate spaces where women are vulnerable makes me the oppressed one, actually.

Women should ignore the reality of male violence against women, both historic and ongoing, because I want to larp as women and access female spaces.

Women are witches that need to shut up, but I'm going to talk out my ass forevermore while pretending to be a woman.

This toxic masculinity I'm excreting like a noxious pheromone doesn't invalidate my claim to womanhood, somehow.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

I think these disgusting perverts should only go and use the toilets of any and all politicians, celebs etc that repeated the mantra about trans women being actual women. I am sick of these fetishists proudly proclaiming that they have the God given right to violate women's boundaries. I will never vote for any political party that supports this bs! At this stage I am beyond sick of this entire thing. Listening to these boundary violating, creepy men bragging about their boundary violations is what peaked me to start with.

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Maybe if he can’t stay out of women’s toilets he should stay close to home like women used to have to do. The urinary leash.💜🤍💚

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Oh yes that's an AGP SOOOO MANY red flags. 65 year old man dressed like a 16 year old girl in a

Bad wig, and speaking of themselves in the third person. "When I go out as April"! Transvestite, definately.

Well 6 days from now the UK sadly will have a left wing socialist government with a super majority and these perverts will be in the ascendant.

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The TIMs are ugly humans. Guess the interior ugliness seeps out of their pores.

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And, yeah, he's really interested to hear our opinion???? Nah. He isn't. He is looking for us to bow down to him, say he makes a good point and affirm him. I ain't gonna do that. Nope.

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THIS gross old perve! I saw his n0ncesense over on TwiX yesterday, and while it did enrage me, I decided not to add to the response he was already receiving because something told me that he *probably* has a bit of a humiliation fetish and I really didn't want to "contribute" to his pleasure in any way, shape, or form.

I *did* find myself wishing that some more men would bother giving him, and other creeps like him, a bit of a pasting though. Perves generally do not enjoy THAT.

What really gave me the sh!ts about this creep though is the fact that I'm pretty sure he admitted in one bit of video or another that he's only a "part time" -noncey-perve- I mean cross-dresser, yet still feels completely entitled to walk all over the human rights of women. He can get fvcked.

It's times like this that I begin to rue the fact that we live in a "civilised society".

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What in the Freddy Krueger is that abomination? It's gonna give me nightmares tonight.

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22:29 I am actually starting to agree with you about that, Karen. Were you aware that as of this year in the Australian state of Queensland (for example) women's CLOTHES actually garner more legal and human rights protection than women and girls? That, of course, is because perverted men so enjoy cavorting around in them nowadays.

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The only reason for this kind of obsession with pissing in a particular place when the designated space is safe reeks of marking their territory like a dog.

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We need to make these bastards feel less safe in the women's restrooms, obviously. Imagine six women surrounding this creep like gangsters, staring him down and backing him out of their own space. If six women aren't in there, perhaps one or two women carrying (mace or a gun) could do the job. It is definitely time to quit letting them intimidate us. We can't rely on government or men to protect us, we need to take it into our own hands. Make the women's room "less safe" than the men's. I can dream, can't I?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Remember this all started many decades ago when male doctors and psychologists started telling men who pretended to be women that they could become a woman by 'transing' and going out in public as women and living as women without a single thought of how this would affect women, how it would violate women's boundaries and spaces, and generally massively disrupt society.

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I’m beyond tired of these mentally unstable perverts. Enough is enough! Keep men out of women’s spaces!

A woman is not a feeling, identity or a testosterone deficient man.

This crap is so misogynistic, arrogant and regressive!

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Truly is psych political horror gone viral... I mean this shot belongs on Texas chainsaw and in Bates Motel, but now prancing around freely and openly and forcing everyone to look at it and celebrate it and enable enable it... I say put that shit away

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