Now Riley needs her prize back from that cheat.x

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

He was actually ranked #467th among the rest of his fellow men.

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Yup. That's not even 'mediocre' among the elites. He's just another guy in the pool.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Thomas was my personal wake up call. I knew next to nothing about this issue until I learned about what Thomas did. I got quite angry about it even though I care next to nothing about sports. I do however, care about fairness and true justice. This was less than two years ago. After I heard about Thomas, I kept hearing story after story after story, and each story made me more angry than the one before it. I detest liars and thieves, and these people are both.

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Exactly. Every last one of them is living a lie and trying to get us all to play along.

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He peaked an awful lot of people tbf.

Operation Let Them Swim in action.

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yes finally get that bastard out

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He was never IN the Olympics as he never qualified

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You mean his Trans Privilege Pass (TPP) didn't get him a spot on the women's team? How transphobic! How TERFy!

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I guess not....WAAAAAH!😭

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Get the floater out of the pool! 💩

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remember that scene from Caddyshack? DOOKY!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

In other swimming news the BBC hired a racist, sexist creep who compared black women being able to compete in the women's category to being equivalent to trans-identifying males being able to compete with women! He said former Olympic swimmer Sharron Davis and tennis legend Martina Naratilova were "not experts". Yet he still got hired despite being so offensively racist and sexist https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517295/jk-rowling-bbc-row-alex-kay-jelski-trans-athletes-experts.html

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Yes! Thank you for mentioning that awful, awful man here. Didn't he block JK Rowling, Martina and Sharron Davies on Xwitter for asking polite questions about his racist and misogynistic statements? If it's not straight up illegal for those in positions similar to his to block those one is aware are their constituents/clients, it's certainly incredibly craven and immoral.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

I know for sure he blocked Martina despite her never having once engaged with him, he only unblocked her once he got backlash for it. I wouldn't be surprised if he blocked the others as well. What a spineless little coward he is. Even if the BBC doesn't care about women anymore, I am amazed they dared to hire him after his racist remarks.

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Men from different areas in the world have different skills based on their body type. Men of African origin (U.S., Jamaica, Nigeria, etc) are good at track and field. But black men rarely participate in swimming or Winter sports(Skiing, ice skating, Ice hockey). Samoans are good at Weight lifting. No one race dominates all sports. But all Males, dominate Females in every sport, except Women's gymnastics.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

8:45 Has Floaty Scrote seriously forsaken his knob?

That would prove him to be one extremely sick and dangerous AGP indeed. It's just as well that he won't be allowed to force himself into the professional and personal space of female athletes at next month's Olympics. I hope that he's NEVER allowed to intrude upon any women in this manner ever again.

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I saw a couple of twitter posts saying that he had himself castrated and has started estrogen. You just know that some 'empathetic' handmaiden will come along talking about how he's a woman and should be allowed in women's spaces and won't someone please think of the troons!

Thomas is only 25 so we'll be hearing from him for quite some time.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Riley Gaines did an interview last year in which she documented some of his disgusting behaviour, how that interview didn't blow up more I am not sure. The guy is an absolute perv.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Yes, I recall having seen at least some of it. Isn't it amazing how heavily suppressed these issues are in the MSM?

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Oh for sure, they don't want to admit that they got it wrong or outright lied as it destroys the whole carefully constructed victim narratives they are trying to push. Once they acknowledge this is to do with fetish, it is game over.

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His testicles, I believe.

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Oh, I see - he just didn't want to spend however much more per month on testosterone blockers or whatever. He'll be experiencing profound sexual dysfunction sooner rather than later, regardless.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Davis

Floaty Scrote! Oh my lord Karen you are the living end. That's going to make me chuckle all day.

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My Lord it's ridiculous Will Thomas was allowed to compete as a woman in the first place. The cowardice of society's institutions (like the NCAA) in dealing with the gender-confused (or gender-contrived) is despicable. The transmaidens (male and female) who take their illogic to the extreme and claim that men have no advantage over women in sports can be shot down with one rebuttal: Collapse all men and women's sports into coed (I bet they hate the term "coed" because that implies there are two genders!). Thus, we'd have an NBA + WNBA with no actual women playing.

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I wonder if he will "detransition" now that the jig is up!? He should be forced to apologise publicly and be stripped of every award and accolade he stole from women, also publicly! I wish he could be put in stocks in the middle of Pennsylvania for at least a day so everybody can pelt him with whatever they want.

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Well if he does detransition at least he's out of the future genepool given that the silly bastard had his nuts cut off.

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Yeah 100% Unless the fucker has frozen some of his demon seed. Last thing the world needs!

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Or buys a baby from a surrogate like many of them do

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He just wants to prance around the locker room exposing his junk and making women feel uncomfortable and gazing at himself in the mirrors. Floaty-Scrote is a cheating perv with multiple paraphilias.

He lost and the Tranadian law firm lost. The technicalities are not relevant because the athletic agencies are using those technicalities to exclude the pervs.

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About time that disgusting cheating man was run out of female swimming. The results of all the races Mr Thomas participated in should be corrected... his results should be expunged and the females he cheated should be given their rightful results & places.

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Floaty Scrote still has his floatation devices intact. He won't get rid of them, he wants to use them with his boyfriend, just like Dilly. They want to keep their tootsie rolls so they can play hide the sausage!

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I guess the only way Thomas could qualify for the Olympics would be on the Women's team. The women's team was created for Females, not for slow, low achieving men, like Thomas.

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