They don’t really care whether they look like women or not. They want us to have a new vision of what a woman should look like. After all ‘her penis’ is all important. These troons and their allies do not care about children at all. I can’t wait to see them when they are old (some may reach old age) especially those with Dementia 🤣 Their handmaidens will be maintaining their delusions but they won’t remember all of that 🤣🤣🤣

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These people are making very hard beds for themselves to lie in.

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Right?!?! Imagine a senile old man in the nursing home asking every five minutes where his balls went. 😳

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They're all pedoughs IMO

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Yup. Troonery is cover for pedos.

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I'm not buying that he is really on the verge of tears (no redness of the face, no watery eyes, no sniffles). He is doing that as part of his woman shtick, because as everyone knows we cry 24 hours a day (it's amazing we manage to get anything done through the constant stream of tears), or to bolster his tall tale. Troons are pathological liars, and most of those lies are an attempt to bolster their fetish/peen feelz. Absolutely everyone who has affirmed these men has done them, society, and themselves* a disservice.

*Except maybe in the case of not wanting to lose a job/career, or be assaulted. I understand basic self preservation, not wanting to be homeless, or in the hospital.

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Yup. He's pretending to be 'vulnerable' and failing utterly.

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Bad acting!

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Doing this to kids and then gassing about the birth rate🤪

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Interesting isn't it? If the Repubs are so serious about upping the birth-rate they need to pass a nationwide ban on sterilizing and mutilation children immediately, and yet...here we are.

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Yeah, what they fail to realize is that the Earth is now too poisoned to up the birth rate, even if they totally enslave women again. But they're addicted to controlling us that they can't/won't see what they've done

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When the cultists who want kids medically transitioned are asked what minimum age a child should be allowed drugs or surgery, they get dodgey (ala Dr. Richard Levine who wants no age limit but avoided answering when asked during during public testimony). They claim toddlers “know they’re trans,” and are thus eagerly sacrificed by the cult. Transing a child is deemed a great victory against the “transphobes.” Suicidal ideations requires mental health help, NOT castration or wrong sex hormones.

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ALL of troonery is about the abuse of children. Sterilizing them w/ drugs, mutilating them with surgeries, filling their minds with lies/delusions to stunt the development of a coherent identity so they're easier to groom, setting them up for sexual abuse. The leading edge, among adults, is a type of advanced infantilization: tying them to the medical establishment for life so they never have any real independence. In the attempt to control how women think, speak, who we share our spaces with, it's further infantilizing.

This is why every aspect of it needs to go.

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Every aspect. I've heard some people advance a middle ground argument. However, this thing has been so insidious, aggressive & extreme. So detrimental in every way possible to society that it deserves nothing less than zero tolerance.

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Following the Cass review in the UK they are now proposing to carry out a clinical trial of puberty blockers, poisoning and screwing up another bunch kid the sick bastards. It does not need another group of kids to be sacrificed to evaluate this shit. they have been poisoning kids for the previous 17 years. Go find the ones you treated if you want to assess the effectiveness of this shit let's see how well they are doing now! They won't do that because these kids lives are car crashes.

There used to be a kid who was puberty blocked at 10 and went on to transition called Emily Tressa. Emily started posting on YT again recently and is now 23 years old. It's like listening to a giddy 13 girl. Mommy and Daddy are obviously still funding this kids fantasy lifestyle.

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OMG that mother of Emily Tressa's is completely demented - even for a Transhausen case!

The day before she took her poor developmentally stunted son into the hospital for his surgical castration she evidently thought that rushing around mogging him in his own video while shrieking "Hashtag Team V!" would make for a really cute look. 🤪🤢

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She should be sharing a cell with Jeanette Jennings

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The one I knew for the longest time told me estrogen made him crazy....too many emotions for the poor guy

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Of course it did. It completely unbalanced his brain and his body.

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He was crazy prior to the estrogen, otherwise he never would have started it.

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That too.

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He was just a Hispanic gay man, but in that macho culture he had to be a woman. But, yeah, he was pretty cray

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Jesus, I hate these TROONS. he looks like a man he’ll never look like a woman.

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oh, a colossal troon-man trauma-dumping on government officials?

bring us the world's smallest violin so we can screech in tone with his whimpering

this guy should be at a psychiatrist's office, not here!

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He'd need to go to a real shrink - not one who'll 'affirm' him.

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The caption of this vid sounds like an onion article.

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All of troonery sounds like an Onion article.

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Yeah I'm going with porn addicted transvestite on this one. Wouldn't be at all surprized if he was on the football/wrestling team at school back when he was crashing his truck. He does not strike me as gay.

This crap about suicide really grinds my gears. Granted it was a long time ago but I spent some time amongst these loons. They don't off themselves because they are not allowed/able to "trans" themselves. They do it because they have flushed their perfectly good lives down the toilet.

I can't speak for now but the doctors certainly used to warn you of all the potential side effects of taking HRT and you were required to sign a disclaimer. There was no Google back in those days hell AOL didn't exist until 1989 there was barely an internet to speak of. But every time you get a pack of a proprietary oestrogen drug it comes with a warning leaflet listing the potential side effects in order of seriousness. I just went and measured it its 900mm X 600mm (2.9 feet by 1.9 feet) and its printed on both sides. If they didn't know the potential risks they're wilfully ignorant.

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This guy is straighter than an arrow with enormous, boxy shoulders that rival those of the Hulk.

If he'd been "allowed" access to "GAC" as a minor, he probably wouldn't have become a transvestite at all because it would have prevented the development of his sexuality. Even if it hadn't, i can't see how puberty blockade could have magically prevented him from growing into his massive frame. Having met a few adult men who were "transitioned" as minors, I have to say that they had pretty male typical builds and height. Perhaps they weren't started on GnRH agonised before they reached Tanner Stage II, IDK?

In any event, I really loathe these guys who (best case scenario) want to live vicariously through the medicalisation of other people's children.

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If they get it early enough they will have narrower frames but their height is predetermined by their genetics so if they were going to be 6 feet tall they'll still be six feet tall. So they will look a little prettier for a while, a lot of good that will do them when they have no discernible sexuality. And being young and more attractive is transient but their brain maturity is negatively affected for life.

If you look at the outcomes of these kids who were blocked early now in their 20's or like Kim Petras now 32. Are they in settled long term relationships? Have they even had a relationship that they were able to maintain for any length of time? They all sound like frivolous teenagers when they speak. Contrast that with homosexual transsexuals who actually had GID and didn't get puberty blocked but transitioned at 17/18/19 they more often tend to better outcomes than these puberty blocked kids. They are better settled, can hold down a job, have a developed sexuality and can hold together a relationship for more than two minutes. They need to stop interfering with children.

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Yeah, look at Hunter Schafer.....castrati build/look

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The guy has "puppy hands" and feet and is quite clockable despite his evident developmental delay. Broader society has to start saying "No" to these people in no uncertain terms. It's an ethical black hole.

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Yep chances are that left alone Schafer would have developed into a tall well proportioned gay man. Lots of gay kids struggle with some form of Gender Dysphoria but puberty sorts them out. They come to terms with their bodies as they develop and their sexuality is settled by their mid teens.

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Yeah, it's *really* sick that anyone should continue to do this to minors when the discernible benefits are so mild and fleeting and the deleterious neurological and other side-effects are so profound.

I really don't understand the rationale behind this British puberty blockers experiment, given that the Cass Review was so damning. Seems both diabolically cruel and pointless to me.

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First thought, as they all do, no details as to why he wanted to run into a tree. We are led to believe it's because he has lady feels and he's not supported enough. Or could it be, he's depressed because his father or parents don't support him as an effeminate gay male or are they other underlying mental health issues that are either unresolved or he has never been diagnosed with.

Next thought, I would say, the majority of these males and females, push the cult on children, because they hate themselves so much, and they know they made a mistake that they are too scared to get out of. So it's easier to drag someone else down this path and in turn get pleasure out seeing someone else suffer. Misery loves company!

End of the day, Mister bad actor needs intensive mental health inpatient therapy, no more pat on the head therapy.

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And certainly not yet more cross-sex hormones.

Oh well...

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I'm a man over here thinking "those are some BROAD SHOULDERS" holy cow!

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i hate his whiny crying voice, too. like wtf is that!?

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