Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

KJK is one of the bravest women in the world. She wonโ€™t be silenced by men who hate women who are angry that women wonโ€™t shut up and obey. Love her. Hope your cold gets better soon Karen.๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’œ

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She certainly is exceptionally brave.

Thanks for the good wishes. I'm actually feeling better today.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Men LOOOVE the Trans movement because it gives them the freedom back to hate on women they way that they were denied for about 5 minutes. Not only that, but they will now be praised for it. It's a misogynist's dream

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

3:10 Yeah, just this morning I saw a particularly rabid transactivist bemoaning the fact that women (including KJK) are allowed by law to exercise free speech in order to make completely factual statementsยฐยฐ in public, whilst an enormously tall man was arrested for having assaulted one of them with a mystery liquid. So unfair! All men should be allowed to publicly assault uppity women!

ยฐยฐfacts which he, of course, characterised as "hateful"

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So many men really do want us compliant or jailed.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Leftie men coming in hot with a "she wouldn't have been assaulted if she'd just stopped arguing" ๐Ÿ™‚ So progressive, sooo different to yer fathers, lads ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ”ช

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So...she asked for it. Of course. Women 'ask for it' all the time by daring to exist.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

100% just like the good old days ๐Ÿ˜• Same ๐Ÿ’ฉ different generations.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Let me guess, he never bothered to work on developing a decent personality and is upset women don't want to sleep with him.

Why tomato soup? Is that supposed to be some sort of menstruation mockery?

Doesn't she have bodyguards. Where were they?

KJK is such an incredible warrior!

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She posted that on Twitter that private security costs one thousand pounds per event. She had one guard and the guy somehow got past him.

I think the tomato soup is supposed to represent blood, and KJK is supposed to have blood on her hands because trans genocide reasons.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

I wonder if that Rubashkyn creep has ever been forthcoming about the significance of the soup *he* chose to assault KJK with?

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

I think this is the second time she has had tomato soup dumped on her. The other time by a troon in NZ. If it isn't about mocking menstruation, maybe it represents the blood of the "trans genocide", of the mutltitudes of men that will off themselves* if they can't use women's restrooms. Maybe it is used because they figure it is most apt to stain. Just about any soup would be more disgusting to dump on someone. Much rather be covered in tomato than beef vegetable, for instance.

*Exactly why is anyone supposed to care if predatory misogynistic men off themselves again?

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Sep 24ยทedited Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

He has the build of a tooth pick, so pouring soup on a small woman is the best he can do to feel powerful.

Of course TRAs are raging misogynists that want to attack women, must be a day ending in Y....just like their chromosomes.

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They're just utterly contemptible, aren't they?

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

"just like their chromosomes"

That was cold ๐Ÿ˜

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Sadly, KJK is going to need a body guard behind her ๐Ÿ˜”

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And one in front.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

A face that matches the opinion lol

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check out this misogynist channel he needs a take down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXzvBN9HYDE&t=42s&ab_channel=AliceinWonder1and, he is a moron as well

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

That guy is incredibly tedious. For some reason his most recent video (about the 1st anniversary of his SRS) showed up in my YouTube feed the other day. I can't help but wonder if he doesn't feel any regret.

Not enough to actually watch the video, obviously...

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Ahh yes this one is the new Riley Dennis. Though this one has had as Karen puts it "the Snip n Flip". This is spread of transgender shite a double edged sword though. AGP's like Alice are coming out young instead of in middle age and yes they are an obnoxious pain in the arse. But, at least they don't con some poor woman in to marriage while all time lying to her, only to dump this shit on her after she wasted half her life on him and leave her and any kids as damage in their wake.

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True! [Although I'd not seen enough of his output to categorise him as the new Riley Dennis. It's a fair assessment though.]

The fact that he at least hasn't frittered half the lifetime of some poor woman first can obviously only be for the best - but I find myself wondering if he's likely to still have the drive to try and find a life partner post SRS. I could be mistaken, but the few videos of his that I've skimmed through gave me the distinct impression that he still lives with his parents/mother. How much impetus do you think a straight guy in that position would have to launch his life properly? I'm a little intrigued now...

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Yeah I'm not going to get into this too deeply here or Karen will banish me LOL. But yes he probably will want to seek out a partner/life etc. How successful this annoying prick will be is doubtful though.

Pre-op they are likely taking testosterone blockers (Spironalactone or Cipriatone Acitate) and they are indiscriminate so their libido falls off a cliff. Post op they stop taking it and their adrenal gland still produces small amounts of testosterone as it does in females, now its not blocked the T gives them a sex drive not too dissimilar to that of a female.

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as a kiwi im so sorry this is embarrassing

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There are plenty of embarrassments in and from Australia, don't worry! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Disgusting bastard, ain't he? I couldn't watch. I felt bad about giving him 5 seconds of a view.

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i wanna slap him fr

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OMG that turquoise eyeshadow! ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿคญ

What's *that* about?

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Honestly, I enjoy the fact that he inverted his tiny tootsie roll and chopped off his beans. Guys like him deserve what they do to themselves. Ritchie Herron, who I deeply feel sorry for. I think we should encourage the AGPs to go full surgery!

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i feel sorry for Richie :(

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

I doubt he'll receive any meaningful punishment for his pathetic pro-troon version of Kristallnacht. Anyone who defends free speech has my profound admiration. Ditto anyone who speaks out against the nefarious tenets of the trans-cult. Free speech and biological reality aren't dead yet, but in many countries they're on life support and being read their Last Rites.

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I don't think he'll have to face any real consequences either, since acts of misogyny have been, essentially, decriminalized in the UK. The government is basically painting a target on her back.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Not held in custody for assaulting a woman, but you will if you use words๐Ÿคก

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Amazing, isn't it? People get dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night and jailed for years after posting hurty words online, but you can assault a woman and go right back home.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

One of the independent journalists also chased him down and alerted the police to stop him

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Yes, That guy's a champion.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

The press doxxed him. They gave his address and he lives in my town. He doesn't work if he lives on the street they say he does because even the rats have moved out of that street.

I feel bad because I was supposed to be stewarding but I was at home, ill in bed. Not that I could have stopped it

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Don't feel bad - you have to guard your health,

It's appropriate that this piece of crap is damn-near homeless.

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I got outta bed today for the 1st time since Friday and am back in my pit now

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Sadly in the UK this sad sack will get some half arsed lenient sentence. He is unemployed (more like unemployable) and will be no doubt be on welfare benefits and so any damages are either never getting paid or paid by the tax payer. KJK should convert to Islam, the next guy to look funny at her would be facing 10 years in jail for hate crime under Comrade Starmer's Labour party

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Davis

Honestly, the group of women chasing him down, should have finished the job and it wouldn't have tomato soup spilling out of him! I'm surprised the useless UK security guards actually arrested him! Now, it's onto the useless judges who will have pity on him as they make it about KJK goating him to do it! If they can't put males who distribute child porn in prison, this guy will only get a stern talking to and told to not do it again!

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It's really just a festival of useless men and their minions, isn't it?

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Itโ€™s a hate crime

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I tend to agree, even though I loathe the entire concept of special "hate crime" legislation because it has far more to do with political virtue signalling than stamping out hateful crimes against the truly vulnerable in society. If it were about actual justice, the court system wouldn't tolerate these disgusting crimes against children and misogynistic violence would constitute a "hate crime" too, as you point out.

I would personally argue that all violent crime is intrinsically hateful.

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I agree with you I donโ€™t know if hate should be prosecutable , but if they were actually serious about it most crimes against women would count. So they are very unserious about it, we donโ€™t even recognize the violence against women perpetrated by men .it exposes the hypocrisy

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I love KJK because she does not compromise. I have great admiration and respect for every woman who does not compromise, or makeexceptions for pet troons, or fake kindness, or bow down to the gender gods like the GC genspecters

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