This is heartbreaking and infuriating. Any woman that thinks this does not impact her, that this "just" happens to female inmates, is a damn fool. The Sex Offender party (some may still call them Democrats even though they don't believe in democracy) has been working on this sort of thing happening in some form to all women and girls. Decriminalize various sex crimes, erase women's and girls boundaries, punish them if they dare to speak up.

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Yes. This poor woman recieved a five year sentence for reporting on her own victimisation! That should horrify and enrage women everywhere - yet I've seen women on X commenting that they "Have no sympathy for the woman" due to the crime that saw her incarceration in the first place!

We are surrounded by fuckwits, unfortunately.

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I have no clue what she was incarcerated for. It doesn't matter, but am a bit curious now. Most people really don't care about inmates. That's why I pointed out how this isn't just about inmates. Countless women and girls who are not incarcerated have been punished in some form for speaking up. The Sex Offender party believes that men that have been convicted of raping women should be protected from being raped while incarcerated. Alll they have to do is claim they are women, which absolutely any man can, and be rewarded for their crimes against women with captive prey, female inmates. Yet, a woman could be convicted of check fraud and they don't believe she should be protected from rape in prison. The majority of women in prison are there for non-violent crimes.The majority of men in prison are there for violent crimes. Prisons should not only be segregated by sex (duh), but also non-violent criminals and violent criminals should not be housed together.

It was in the local news recently that Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer (convicted of killing 49 women, he claims to have killed at least 71), was transferred from prison to a county jail. My first thought was, 'Oh My God!!!! They are going to transfer him to a women's prison!' Luckily, that wasn't the case (I think, I hope), but we already have a serial killer, a man convicted of killing multiple women, in a women's prison here. Just goes to show how much I think the Democrats hate women at this point. I would not put it past them to put one of the world's most prolific serial killers in a women's prison. Then, write off everyone who is against that as a "transphobe". Sorry, this was a spew. I'm pissed!!!

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Oh, there's no need to apologise. I can't tell you how furious this all makes me.

I'm pretty sure the woman was imprisoned for her part in the death of her husband or partner. Of course, when I hear about something like that my first thought is generally to wonder how much abuse the woman may have been subjected to, but apparently most people on X don't share my curiosity about that for some reason.

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18 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

No way should men (trans or otherwise) be housed in women's prisons. However I can understand some people not having sympathy. When we talk about one rule for men and one for women let's remember the Cathleen and her "Boyfriend" Alan Lama, planed and killed Cathleen's husband James. Cathleen got 25 years no restrictions on parole Lama got Life without Parole for the same crime.

Now by all accounts James Quinn was a POS and a violent and abusive husband but she could have just left him rather than murder him! Could it have had something to do with the $300K he was insured for?

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Yeah, of course. I hadn't had enough time to read upon the crime in question. It was undoubtedly a really low and fucked up thing to do - but women who have committed horrific crimes still deserve to be afforded the same basic rights as other human beings.

BTW - I would have to be promised much, much more than $300K danger money to even contemplate bumping *anyone* off! Yikes... 😬

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

🥇1st for once! LOL

This is beyond horrifying. I really don't know what to say...

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Gavin Newsom is running a Left Wing hell hole in California and all the sane and reasonable people are leaving in droves. It's not likely to get any better anytime soon.

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That’s pretty f-cked up. 🤬 No more words than that.

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Whenever I think it can’t possibly get worse something like this comes along to prove me wrong. Holy shit.

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