All that stuff she’s decked herself out in just smacks of desperation. It’s the same with so many of them, it’s all ‘look at me, I am special, not boring at all!’

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"I'M UNIQUE" said the peacock surrounded by a thousand other peacocks

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This degeneracy is the "bread and circuses" at end of empire.

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And the bread and butter of the medical (dis)establishment.

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And the 'gender' hustlers who grift off of this vile 'transgender identity' movement.

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These people have no respect for themselves, yet demand respect from everyone else...it's not going to happen!

I got a 24 hr YT hate speech ban for stating "we really need to bring back institutionalization" (which was in response to Karen's video of a delusional man killing his parents). It is not hate to think people should not be allowed to run rampant with their disturbed thoughts, whether those thoughts are to kill others, kill themselves, or mutilate themselves. Many of the gender liars, such as muzzle woman, makes me think humiliating oneself, degrading oneself, in public on a regular basis should also be a reason for institutionalization. Granted, this could not happen with the currently captured mental health field.

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I too was accused of "hate speech" over on YouTube yesterday. Had a comment that I thought was fairly benign yanked, obviously by hand as it contained no "verboten" words and had been up for over 15 minutes when it disappeared and I was told off. The censorship there is getting far worse.

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I saw many women commenting n the LWS Brighton live, and saying this. As a YouTube channel creator, can I make 2 points: we have the option when uploading a video to hold back comments for approval. I don't have this option turned on because I believe in freedom of speech. Also, sometimes it takes a while for comments to show up. I've often thought my comments haven't uploaded, and gone back to view the new comments an hour later, and seen them. I think it's because YouTube was designed as a video sharing platform, not as regular social media.

Re warnings from YouTube, I've been on there for 2.5 years and had one warning so far. I have my channel synced with Rumble, just in case. I don't hold back with my comments either.

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I've never been told off for so-called "misgendering", aka correctly identifying others in their absence, which I do as a matter of routine. Yesterday's experience was a first for me.

The comment in question was one I left underneath Karen's video and I literally saw it yanked and the admonishment and threat flash up in front of my eyes in real time, as it were!

I think that you have been wise to upload all of your work to both YouTube and Rumble, BTW. YouTube has been creeping inexorably towards totalitarianism for several years at this point.

We shouldn't have to hold back with our comments - I've yet to see truly abusive or hateful commentary from women concerned about women's, children's and LGB rights and health, yet we are constantly smeared and treated as if this were the case by most media sharing and social media platforms. I wonder why that might be... 🤔

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The delay of comments posting seems new to me, just within the past year or so.

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I'm being shadow-banned on YT.

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Apparently saying anything whatsoever that counters their current narrative can be classified as "hate". It's incredibly tedious and disingenuous.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

It is tedious and disingenuous, but what really bothers me is the control. It is Orwellian, and creeping toward totalitarianism. All this yammering about voting for Trump is a vote for fascism, yet the ongoing refusal of the left to recognize they are heading us towards totalitarianism is frightening. What is even more frightening is many of those on the left would claim that is just fine. The reality is, once we are clearly there, they won't like it one bit (except for those truly in power). Plus, I am a straightforward and opinionated person and am too damn old to have to change my entire personality to fit an oppressive regime.

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Doesn't anyone in this woman's life care enough about her to tell her that she looks like a damn fool and is destroying herself with the trans-Kool-Aid (i.e., testosterone)! I'm shocked she didn't get invited to Binden's Pride shindig last year. Her and Mr. "Rose" Montoya would've bookended that shit show nicely.

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She wasn‘t invited bc men are prioritized, even costumed as women- probably to have one „woman“ more in his presidency term to show off. The irony… It can‘t get more mind twisting, the whole DEI stuff…

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The 'inclusive' is exclusive and it's always the women and girls who are the losers.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Teenagers usually have trends that they grow out of. Now there is an extended adolescence, where adults are encouraged to behave like overgrown, entitled children. That is why the TRAs that harass people like Kellie Jay Keen can only chant slogans and sing children's songs. It encourages adults to be developmentally stunted. They become incapable of thinking in a critical way. Encouraging such immature and stunted behavior is only going to backfire on the rest of society.

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The problem w/ the 'trans' lunacy is that the ones who are medicalized are damaged for life and yes all of society pays for it one way or another. My hope is that 'trans' will be outlawed or contained b/c of lawsuits. The paraphilic men and their 'transmaidens' will do all they can to keep promoting the vile 'trans' propaganda so I suspect it will be a slog to contain it.

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My friend's dog has the same headgear,it stops him eating other dogs' shit.

Just sayin'.

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Karen! Excellent! great insights.

imo: stunted mind, body, soul poured into adult body - shaped by medical experiments.

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I guess her employer could be okay with her turning up in that particular ensemble,if she works in some sort of sex dungeon.

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SEX? She looks like a clown. Actually.

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Okay,a circus dungeon.

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I have a feeling she doesn't feel any better about herself than she did before she mangled herself and adorned her body in this get-up.

I hope she never sees the video. Or maybe she should. Because, since therapists have all been brainwashed or silenced, I am hoping that these obviously traumatized, colorful zombies, come back to sanity and help others find their way out of this mess.

Now, I'm going to slop on my semi-sane hair dye and dress in a color or two. That's it. Oh, and a little bit of fake-up. Lol.

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"It's been great. It's great." Yeah, sounds like she really,means it.

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Kazoo voice with serious BMI problems wearing fetish gear in public cannot be taken seriously. It is important for the press to show these people so that others can see how unserious they are. If we are not going to give these people the mental health support they clearly need, the least we could do is show kids the horrible fate that awaits them if they believe in this nonsense.

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Interesting viewpoint. I sure hope you're right, and what we definitely need is hope.

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I'm seeing parents talking about their younger kids finding trans very passé. When you have it at such indoctrination level, kids will rebel. And every fad fades over time. Unfortunately, the generation caught up with this will end up with far worse than school pictures of 1980s haircuts to live down.

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[reads title]

Karen. Are you a classic rock fan??? I'm getting Bad Company vibes here. Which is funny in its own way.

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Is she? She's a rock n roll queen!

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Decomposition is not very fun to watch but if society has produced this horror of Hannibal Lecter wannabe, maybe its foundations have been rotten all along.

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The 'trans' lunatics have always been out there just kept in check. Now no more checks, no more marginalizing them and keeping them contained. The The Tri-Ess Society was for the hetero AGP/Transvestic Fetishists. These were men who were in various-often so-called masculine professions-during the day and were often married w/ children and kept their cross-dressing private for the most part. They got together in groups but mostly shared their kinks and fetishes w/ each other.

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I agree! There is so much else that is rotten in society, the trans lunacy is just one of many, though it seems like the most tragic to me sometimes, Karen's shared video of this miserable creature as a case in point. Lots of causes for the current state of things over the last half century or so, a main one being the spread of pornography with it inherent misogyny, hatred of children, and its other vile "values." But it's true what you say, the rotten foundations go back a lot farther than half a century. This sh*t didn't come out of nowhere.

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Thanks for the unexpected Bad Company earworm. Bonus. Cheers!

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Fuggin woof...amirite? Lol

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Ironically it's the male, heterosexual, cross-dresser sexual fetishists, men w/ paraphilias, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists, driving this pernicious movement to minors & vulnerable adults. Sane, sensible, & self-respecting LGBs want nothing to do with w/ this vile invented 'trans' claptrap except to see it outlawed. I resend these links at times.



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This is so pathetic.

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