He definitely displays a cult-like mentality with his constant chanting and intense anger. In fact the trans movement appears to be run just like a cult. You cannot debate their ideology even if it flies in the face of science. Their use of language and the term TERF in particular (of which I am proud to be one) - shows their hatred of anyone who wants to debate or speak their truth. Debate of any kind is not allowed. Detransitioners are treated with contempt and told they were never trans in the first place. Suicide is used as a weapon to convince parents to transition their precious children. They are made to feel special which appeals to the narcissistic nature of the cult. However, a cult is solely reliant on their lies being upheld and this will be their downfall. One by one these lies will be dismantled, exposing the corruption at the heart of the cult (trans is a billion dollar industry). However the damage, pain and suffering they have caused to the most vulnerable will not be forgotten or forgiven. Until then we will never give up because we have too much to lose.

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You nailed it totally. Most cults don't seem to last long. As the detrans populace grows and they are, I can see government officials, police, medical personnel, etc. being sued, fired or whatever. I can see the tide is beginning to turn but it will get worse before it gets better. 'They' know their a minority; they're scared, angry, and demanding like angry two-year-olds; puberty blockers halt maturity of the frontal lobe and the wrong hormones can't be good for one's disposition. Thank God for those detrans who've seen the light and thos of us who are normal, bravo!

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Thank you Barbara, It is becoming more obvious to me that this is not a grass roots ideology but coming from the top. It will get worse before it gets better, however, we are in for the long haul.

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Btw, Karen, you should remix the "Fuck You's" and turn them into a song showing how loving Trannies are. The guy is almost on perfect pitch on the Fuck Yous...F to E flat. 😁🤣

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the original cuckoo clock cuckoo

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Thought about that, too. If I were to get a clock, I'd sample his voice into it. Every day at noon, "F YOU...F YOU...F YOU!!!"

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Apr 9, 2023
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Me, too, argh!

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SAME! I can’t get them out of my head!

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Looking forward to the Vancouver PD getting up off it's ass to arrest this incredible brute! Kidding, obviously.

The powers that be there are no doubt planning on giving the prick the Keys to the City and a medal for his disgusting behaviour towards a non-violent children's rights campaigner. After all, one of the violent transactivists involved in the abuse and assault of Kellie-Jay Keen (Shaneel Lall) was awarded NZ Young Person of the Year just a few days after helping to instigate the ultraviolent mellee.

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Now, I don't know if Vancouver PD has been made aware of this man's identity, but it sure wouldn't hurt if some of us were to call them and make them aware. We witnessed an assault, we know who the victim was and we know who the perpetrator was and you should get on it. Because they did make a public post on their Instagram saying they were investigating. How far that went, I don't know I don't have much faith in them. But I'm sure if they got enough calls why are you digging in the trash don't dig in my trash

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I decided to leave that last little bit in. I was using voice to text and my cat decided to dig in my recycling, and I found that funny.

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Lmfao 🤣

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I don’t think you’re from Vancouver or Canada. VPD has been impartial as have Canadian police in general on this issue. You don’t know Chris and his bs. Chris is not a “non-violent children’s rights campaigner”. He doesn’t gaf about kids or women or this issue. In fact, he’s supported trans activism previously. He’s a misogynist grifter who instigates altercations in order to get an assault and arrest for attention. KJK was attacked at HER event. Chris crashed a Trans event. He is disrespectful to police and an antagonizer. It is not the job of cops to be your personal bodyguard if you feel like strolling through a mob of lunatics. He doesn’t counterprotest or hold his own events. He deliberately goes IN TO the asylum and disrespectfully demands that police escort him. He’s a pos. GC women in Canada do not associate with him. And FYI, cops have arrested & gotten convictions on individuals he’s instigated in the past. He’s not a victim and the VPD are not like the misogynist pro trans UK police.

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Okay so maybe he’s an ass, but if trans activists and antifa can continually crash women’s peaceful rallies, make noise, shout, threaten, and call women Nazis, (and now hold college speakers hostage) all without getting assaulted or arrested, then surely a man with a billboard should be allowed to simply stand quietly on the periphery of a troon rally and not get assaulted, either.

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Trust me, he does NOT passively stand away from the lunatics while doing a counter protest. He deliberately gets himself assaulted. Canadian GC women aren’t getting assaulted yet Chris has been assaulted countless times and police have previously arrested people because of him including Yaniv who was convicted for harassing Chris. Did you know Chris a raging misogynist and stalker and harasser if women including GC women? You only see what he wants you to see but even the stuff he shows you gives away his behaviour. He is disrespectful to police and is nasty when they advise him to give the lunatics their space. They are not his personal bodyguards and minions. They respect his right to be a pos and have no choice but to stand by while he gets himself into these situations. As you can see they then swoop in & save his psychopathic azz. Cops in Canada are not “indoctrinated”, they are sick of Chris & his bs. He’s a nuisance not an activist. What happened to KJK didn’t happen in Canada. KJK’s event was crashed by the loons. Chris crashes the loons. It’s the opposite. Chris is not a victim, he’s a problem.

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In the video, he's standing there talking to a reporter. Another man comes into his personal space and begins yelling obscenities. Are you suggesting that, based on what we've seen in the video, that Elston was at fault? I'm not talking about any other event. I'm talking about what we've seen in the video.

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From the perspective of a retired police officer, VPD didn't handle the situation appropriately. Once Mister Blondie approached Chris, the officers should have went over and separated the parties, but they didn't. Once the shouting started, the officers should have approached and separated the parties, but they didn't. They allowed an escalation of physical violence to occur. This isn't policing. In this case, why even be there. As you can see on the videos some of the officers get involved when an altercation takes place, whereas the scared and intimidated officers hang back. I question the Police Chief's ability to have those kind of officers on the force, especially the one female officer who is later confronted with her inaction and her remarks were appalling. She basically said Chris had no right to be there and he instigated the situation. Chris has every right to be there, whether he was standing across the street or right next to them, this doesn't give these mentally ill, sexual deviants the right to attack him. They could have easily had a conversation with him, but they chose violence. This is no different at any of the rallies for Let Women Speak. The women gather and within minutes the troons are surrounding the women not letting the women speak. They aren't just standing quietly by and listening or asking the women to have a conversation. No, they all act the same way, with threats and violence. I don't view the video the same way as you. The trans and their handmaidens caused this violent interaction and in this situation, Chris is the victim. As far as Chris being a misogynist or a stalker, please show receipts of this.

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I have no idea if what you're saying is true or not, but it really doesn't matter. This encounter clearly showed Chris as the victim of an unprovoked violent assault. Furthermore, he has no obligation to give them space. Police have no business telling free citizens where they can and can't be on public ground as long as they aren't causing damage.

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He went into THEIR event. You seem to have a VERY hypocritical attitude about troons entering GC events. Your response is immature and ridiculous. Cops are not your bodyguards. They have no obligation to escort you while you act like a dick. Chris wanted to escalate and when it did he laid hands first. The cops then rescued him. Chris has been beat up dozens of times. You act like he’s harmless yet he regularly causes violence. Troons are deranged but he’s had more physical altercations then all GCs combined. I deal with these SAME cops and they’ve been supportive. I don’t appreciate him or ppl like you fuking with that relationship with this bs. Chris does this to get on TV. He is a psychopath who has attacked numerous GC women. But go ahead and defend him just like handmaidens defend troons.

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Are you suggesting that people who don't agree with the dominant group (in this case TRAs) should be prohibited from expressing their disagreement at a public gathering?

Are you further suggesting that the police can/should allow people who disagree with the dominant group to be assaulted by a member of the dominant group? Do unpopular political beliefs place the individuals who hold them beyond police protection?

You're suggesting that a man who's been beaten up numerous times is dangerous. I would imagine that he may be dangerous to himself if he continually puts himself in situations in which he can be beaten up. Or are you suggesting that the people who attack him are somehow 'harmed' by assaulting him? Please explain.

Regarding the police being supportive - your experience is not all experience. I've had positive interactions with cops, but I can't deny that many people have had negative interactions with them. My positive experience does not negate the negative interactions others have had.

Just to be clear: the subject of my discussion of Elston is the footage recorded in this video.

Which GC women has he attacked? Are you talking about physical attacks or online arguments? Please specify.

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If their event is in public, he can go there and hold a sign. Troons go to our events and scream and blast noisemakers and push and assault. If they just stood there with a sign, there’d be no problem. What’s hypocritical about that? Seems perfectly consistent.

Maybe he’s a terrible person. Maybe he’s murdered 500 people. In THIS instance, he was doing nothing wrong. It also seems like this incident has brought some awareness to the troon violence problem. If people care more when a man is assaulted than about all the women who have been assaulted before, I’m glad Chris put himself in harm’s way.

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"...these SAME cops and they’ve been supportive. I don’t appreciate him or ppl like you fuking with that relationship..."

Sounds like YOU think police are there just to watch over and protect you and only people who agree with you. In a public park no less...

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The Trans Movement kinda reminds me of Pet Semetary. When it first comes up outta that grave, it seems sweeter than it ever was. But it isn't long before it disinters your wife's body and is holding a drill to your head saying, "No brain? No pain...think about it."


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Outside of AGP, after learning his age from you this morning, I had a shower thought: if not just a simple AGP, I wonder if older TIMs(and some TIFs, but in the older trans community they mostly tend to be men from what I've seen) identify that way so they have an excuse as to why they've not self improved, adapted to the world or looked after themselves at all over the decades?

It gives them a defacto reason and excuse to continue to not take accountability and gives them an instant rabid community of like-minded, unhinged people that will do nothing but encourage and affirm the scapegoat with how they feel different yet have done nothing yellow remotely productive to improve their life.

Whilst access to (good) mental healthcare is indeed poor across a lot of western countries, it's not non-existent and used to be easier to get than gender delusional care.

In fact, the states and tranada are leading the charge these days on mental health care advancement.

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Good mental health can require work, which these dudes don't want to do. Recovery from trauma is hard, managing symptoms from a neurological problem is also hard. People have to commit to the job of improving their mental health. In the case of the trans community, they give into the mental illness instead of fighting or managing it. What we're seeing here is the triumph of laziness and entitlement.

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Lol he sounds like a muppet...

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Yes! Oh my... 🤭😂😭

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Didn't he say 'becoming Brooklyn' or words to that effect?

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What! No, bridges to sell; I really wanted to buy a bridge! LOL! He/she/whatever surely does resemble this Kelly character. So, that is how a woman is supposed to act; where did I go wrong? Oh, I know, I'm a biological woman, ah that explains it. And, we're being forced to have 'them' in our Ladies spaces, God help us! The Labor government in Queensland has all but passed a bill giving males without bottom surgery 'carte blanche' to change birth certificates and enter all women & girls' spaces including paedophiles & rapists. Satan has put blinders over governmental eyes even those of 'turncoat women.' And a lot of the feminist movement is also embracing trans; they, too, are sell-outs. This bill is going to keep a lot of women at home or only using women's' spaces in synagogues, mosques and churches. it's churches and private homes for me. I know I don't want to be anywhere near trans people because I don't trust them and their volatile aggression. I'm tired of this crazy-assed experiment against children & teens and why feel so marginalized when it's the rest of us who are marginalized, sigh. I don't know what else to say except we're in the twilight zone; it could be the migraine medication as well. A legitimate high, whoo hoo! Deep down I know God has a plan and this sort of thingo will not last forever nor will my migraine. Good-night from Australia and God bless.

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Sharon FentiMAN should be ashamed of herself.

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mrbedman (look at the comments on the Tik Tok shown) seems to need glasses.

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Every. Single. Video! IDK about you, but when I hear the term "trans attracted" men like Brooklyn Kelly are really not the object d'esire I picture in my mind's eye...

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I'm guessing Mr Kelly's 'journey to womanhood' wasn't quite the same as mine.

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He is a beast.

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Thank you, Karen xxx

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One never knows what's going to happen next. It's getting interesting for us Christians. There is no way real Christians will go against the truth of the Bible yet we now have a few gay ministers, and trans ministers but God will deal with them. I believe we are living in the end times. It's not easy living in this world for anyone especially women & children. Whatever you believe, if it isn't transideology, then you're the enemy and fair game.

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FYI Chris is a misogynistic pos. Canadian (We are NOT fuking “Tranadian”. Unlike the US & UK, we have SEX BASED protections in Canada, the legal right to TIM-free spaces per our Supreme Court, & protected GC views per our courts.) GC women who’ve been around & know about him don’t associate with him. He’s a stalker and harasser of GC women & unstable troon loons. Ever see him do an “event”? No. He crashes trans meetings (like this one) to get himself assaulted so he can post videos and get someone arrested. Like you said, these are people with disabilities and behavioural problems. Chris rocks up to their lil meeting and demands cops escort him as he does a walk through of the asylum. That’s not their job or even how an actual personal security detail would operate because the situation cannot be controlled. The cops know Chris & his bs and troons & their bs. That’s why they are nonplussed. They tell Chris not to do this bs but because they do not interfere in our rights, they allow him to proceed with his usual shenanigans as they look on. Then they jump in to save his azz as usual. They aren’t taking sides. It’s just common sense & courtesy for cops not to go into the mob if you want to do a counter protest. But Chris isnt doing a counter protest, he’s looking to be assaulted. The cops are NOT the problem. As someone who has had dealings with Canadian police & trans lunatics, I have no complaints about the cops. Cops don’t harass Canadian women or allow troons to crash our meetings. They also notify us of trans threats & provide us with confirmation that our views are protected in Canada under the Charter. They have previously arrested trans lunatics and gotten convictions. Including for Chris in his fight with Yaniv. I’m not gonna sit by and let that psycho Chris play victim while he misrepresents the cops and his actions.

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It’s definitely him. The weird eyes gives it away.

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Mr. Kelly has the same exact dog as the one in the assault video, and posted a TikTok with the dog the same day as the assault wearing the same clothing as in the assault.

Edit: sorry I wrote this comment before I finished the video.

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