Jonathan Willoughby is a castrated male; he is not a woman. In other words, he's a tool without a tool. He's also a wussy to whine about J.K.'s tweet. The trans-driven lack of respect for free speech is the result of the toxic influence of transfascism. It has turbocharged efforts by complicit and cowardly politicians to pass laws against so-called "hate speech." There is no such thing as hate speech. It is speech an overly delicate fascist doesn't like. What these fascists call hate speech is the very speech that makes us free--and that's why they're obsessed with crushing it. Here's a compelling quote from Frederick Douglass: "There can be no right of free speech where any man, however lifted up, or however humble, however young, or however old, is overawed by force, and compelled to suppress his honest sentiments."

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Exactly. these TOOLS are used to supress Free Speech. and politicians love it.

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Actually there is such thing as "Hate Speech", but J.K. Rowlings didn't make Hate Speech in calling a thing a thing

Frederick Douglass' quote was about "Freedom of Speech" based on having been born into Slavery with absolutely NO Rights as a Citizen or a Human.

Hate Speech has a direct connection to violence, harm and war against a specific group or Individuals.

If you are using Frederick Douglass' quote to support J.K. Rowlings then I concur. She, J.K., spoke the truth.

Jonathan cosplays a women, yet Jonathan hates biological women.

Go Figure

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Isn’t this the dude that was on Piers Morgan talking about how non binary isn’t real and he’s not using those peoples “ preferred” pronouns because it’s all about personality? Yet he calls the police on JK for doing the exact same thing?

Hypocritical. Misogynistic. Nut bag.

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2:58 Never before has JK Rowling been so on point, either!

I just love, love, LOVE how the years of unrelenting and unhinged abuse from deranged trans activists like Willoughby here has finally brought out some of the woman's very best work - and it's on Twitter in real time, for the entire world to see!

These creeps did *NOTHING* to deserve the years of tolerance and decency she showed them, yet they have the brass balls to contend that SHE is somehow the "hateful" one. It's just extraordinary. The woman could probably paper all of the interior walls of her enormous gaff with the threats of sexualised violence sent to her by the trans cult, yet she's the baddie...

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Exactly! Who knew she was such an unrelenting and strongly resilient Warrior Queen with a quick acerbic wit, unwilling to back down on calling out this lunacy publicly?! She has me in stitches with her come back tweets and observational insights. And like you said, all playing out in real time.

Yes and have any of those many demented psychopaths ever been arrested, let alone imprisoned for the putrid filth, violent and misogynistic, ‘frenzied hate’ publicly directed at JK Rowling? Jonathan Willoughby would have been in his element, egging them on but he ran to the police to report a ‘hate crime’ because J.K. called him a ‘man’. Make it make sense.

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"I've done everything that is required of f me"

everything but be BORN a woman.

these dudes are Mocking females

thankfully most men have a visceral reaction to.. the T do be violent..

as this straw head knows.

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I don'y normally harbour such negative feeling towards anybody, its a drain on my psyche but its hard not to absolutely loathe these putrid wastes of oxygen. One day they will be gone, meanwhile tthank fuck I don't watch mainstream tv or have to interact with them. Scummy individuals the lot of them.

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I was rather horrified when I first heard the term “useless eaters.” However, I’ve come to understand that narcissists are in fact parasitical upon others, and think the label just might fit them. Thanks for your comment which describes my sentiments exactly.

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Karen, slightly off topic (apologies!) but I thought of you so badly when I watched it. Did you watch the recent interview of Stella O’Malley and Kara Dansky via Missident Magazine on Youtube? Stella literally lost it. It was a VERY different Stella from the one on Benjamin Boyce’s channel with Kellie Jay Keen.


Jonathan ‘India’ Willoughby is such a pratt. No doubt he’ll be revelling when Scotland’s new and vague hate crime bill comes into force in April. He’ll be telling everyone trans who lives in Scotland to use it to criminalise JK Rowling.

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I'm planning to watch it over the next few days.

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Wow! Just watched the video. It basically showcased Stella's ego, which just ran amuck. Good grief but she is awful. She even attacked Jennifer Bilek for not spending her time trying to track the funding of the trans movement. What the hell?!!! No one has done more in that regard than Bilek has. WIsh Kara had gotten a chance to speak a lot more. Love her!

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I think O'Malley is wrong about the language issue and holds the opposite opinion to it than her Irish compatriot, Helen Joyce, author of the book, "Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality," who says the 'transgender' movement is in large part linguistic and therefore it is important to use proper language, that is, we should not use 'she' for men and vice-versa. And we should not use degrading names for women and reduce women to insultingly-named body parts.

Language describes reality. The 'trans' movement is both about material reality and the language that shapes it, describes it, and reinforces it. Thank you for the link Nicki M. Stella O'Malley is short-sighted on the language issue and seems not to understand that using cross-dressing language confuses an obfuscates and that is counter to what language is supposed to do and that is to clearly communicate to other people.

Not commuicating clearly is not only confusing it is dangerous as the case in which the bearded woman who was pregnant and whose medical record designated her as 'male' caused confusion among the medical providers- the baby was stillborn. This is what happens when society goes along w/ 'trans' lunacy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/05/16/pregnant-transgender-man-births-stillborn-baby-hospital-missed-labor-signs/3692201002/

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Of course it’s linguistic! We didn’t have all this craziness when these men were simply called transvestites, cross-dressers or even transsexuals. They and everyone knew who they were: men. No confusion or chaos. Change that to trans ‘woman’ and add it to the lexicon and it took on a whole different meaning, life direction and impact on everyone in Western society, particularly women and kids. Add ‘gender identity’, ‘trans’ kids, ‘non-binary’, ‘’cis gender’, ‘assigned male at birth’, ‘chest feeders’, ‘birthing parent’, ‘I identify as…’ etc. and you have a whole different environment to contend with and let’s not get into the pronoun madness.

For Stella to dismiss the fact that linguistics has been ‘crucial’ in driving this ideology, is quite frankly deluded.

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And then the rebranding to 'transgender identity' & granting that designation as worthy of legal protection gave it legitimacy. So now here we are w/ the lunatics not only running the asylum but staffing it. I'm convinced that not only are many of these people-esp. the males-narcissists but score high on the sociopathy scale.

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Without a doubt! I would push it even further and say that some definitely fall into the malignant narcissist category, if not full blown psychopathy. Remembering that the AGP variety actually get aroused by seeing themselves dressed in women’s clothing. If that isn’t the height of narcissism, I don’t know what is.

Men like Jonathan ‘India’ Willoughby would, if they had the power, have women erased from the face of the earth in the most degrading and painful way. They have a very misogynistic, sadistic and vengeful side to them.

I remember that case where a woman who was a survivor of male violence was asked to leave a private hospital hours before she was due to have life saving surgery simply because she dared to request having a female nurse due to triggers, as opposed to the (non-passing) trans identified man. Willoughby tweeted something like (paraphrasing)‘Good kick her out, that’s what she deserves’. I just thought at the time that these people are cold and callous and lack complete empathy for this or any woman.

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It's very deliberate and has been insisted on by our corporate overlords because it helps pave the way for the 4th industrial revolution aka the compartmentalisation of the female body into easily purchasable components.

It's the ultimate in objectification.

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Yes, absolutely. The ultimate objectification. They think the only thing that is standing in their way of total control of the human form is reproduction. How to reproduce without a woman’s involvement. These AGP men are power hungry, ego driven, maniacal and a serious threat to society, as we’ve seen.

It has it’s roots in them feeling deeply resentful and out of control that we have the power as ‘real women’, with all the natural attributes and benefits that comes with that. As opposed to being pretend ones. If they could erase and replace us, they would. That’s what we have been seeing in the sports arena and that is what all the corporate elevating and aggressive showcasing of trans identified men has been all about. Presenting these men as the ‘successful women’ of the world and awarding themselves for it. Ultimate power and control. This is a ‘spiritual battle’ that is being fought and played out and is but one example of how evil is showing up in the world.

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Cannot watch her or listen to her. I think she's nuts.🤷‍♀️ But I will if Karen talks over her.

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Wow. That was illuminating. It's the Stella O'Malley Show. What a lot of complaining and deflecting. Round and round we go. I wanted to hear more from Kara, who was being very patient and staying focused, which is why she is a better speaker. Thank you for sharing this.

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I know, right?

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Thank you. I'll watch it now, through the link you provided 👍🏾

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I'm an autistic woman and I stand with JK Rowling

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31:49 It's odd, but I have noticed over the past several years that the *thing* Willoughby appears to have done to his sweater there would seem to be a bit of a "Troon Special". For some reason best known to these men, they apparently feel that cutting thumb holes in their shirts and jumpers with long sleeves will somehow obscure the size of their hands and/or wrists - or something.

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Ooo! Good catch!

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You got it LH, they are trying to obscure the size of their male AGP paws.

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The MGTOWS AND incels want us in jail, too

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Potato, po-tah-toe, I'm afraid...

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Wearing my "THOUGHT CRIMINAL" hoodie with pride today as I talked about the destruction of our society today to anyone who would listen. Everyone agreed. People ARE waking up to this threat.

I also had on my very cool new dinosaur track pants, which elicited much admiration 🎉🎉🎉

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Oooo! DIno track pants?! Mind sharing where you got them?

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All sorts of dinos and tracks on these. I got them on Amazon, LisainMay has them, about $20.00 - $30.00. Get them larger and you won't be disappointed

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They're great! Thx!

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please talk about (ellen) idiot page

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noice. she's a twat.

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Enough said!

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Jonathan Willoughby is constantly attacking JKR and is also racist and homophobic. He also has targeted Kelly-Jay Keen, Martina Navratilova, Maya Forstater and Sharron Davis and says he’s more of a woman than they are.

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Those are the laughable words of a completely deluded and egotistical, insecure man trying hard to convince himself that putting on a dress, high heels and a bit of lipstick makes him a better woman than ANY woman to walk this earth. This is the classic thinking and mantra of trans identified men.

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He thinks b/c he went through the process of facial feminization plastic surgery & was castrated & had a hole drilled into his perineum & had a pocket installed and fake moobs via plastic surgery and prob. took X-sex hormones that he is entitled to the label of some kind of woman-it does not. That is his narcissitic male entitlement in broad relief.

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Yes.I almost forgot about the (two rounds, wasn't it?) of facial feminisation surgery. I recall reading an interview before the latest round of it, in which he tried to pin the blame for his need for it onto "online trolls".

I knew there and then that he had never had any of the psychiatric help that he so clearly needs - its incredibly unhealthy, not to mention pathetic, to cling to an external locus of control for validation over one's looks in that manner.

Why imbue online randos with such power over one's life and happiness? It was completely disingenuous and said only to garner sympathy in the moment, of course.

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Quite right and the narcissistic rage he displays when he does not get what he wants-validation and affirmation from all-he gets utterly unhinged.

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They all think that

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I call him Mandia Willysby

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'Mandia Stillaboy'?

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There ya go!

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Karen, your laugh is infectious! If it weren'tfor your sense of humour, I'm sure my head would have exploded long ago.

Willoughby just enrages me. He is a toxic, cringey, creepy, violent, and very stupid MAN. The last time I laughed at HIM was when HE offered to show the world HIS "cervix" (ha! ha! ha! ha!) on the nightly news.

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So using Willoughby's logic, can women report a "hate crime" every time men call us misogynistic names or make comments about older women being "past it" etc? Nah thought not, being subjected to condescending treatment based on actual biological sex doesn't count as a "non-crime hate incident". Only men like Jonathan can apparently be discriminated against if women refuse to affirm him. If a woman went to the Police after being called a "Karen" or "hag" or whatever other ridiculous sexist term, it wouldn't even be registered as a "non-crime hate incident", she would be told to not read it and to go away. What a ridiculous society it has become.

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His life motto seems to be 'live by the fetish, die by the fetish'. He is incredibly committed to defending his delusion and forcing everyone else to take part in it. It is impressively pathetic. Plus, he is so damn boring.

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