I've known women that were in prison. It was not rare for them to say the safest they ever felt was in prison due to the lack of men. Democratic politicians couldn't even allow women that! Women in prison have been victims of male violence at a much higher rate than the general population. Plus, the overwhelming majority of women in prison are there for non-violent crimes. Putting men in women's prisons is one of most despicable things our government has ever done. It is a myth that someone who sexually abuses children will not also do so to adults. Not that that matters to Democrats since men who have raped and killed women are now housed in women's prisons.

The Democratic party wants women to be raped. The erasure of safeguards, sexualizing children, opposing measures against sex offenders, their entire current approach to the criminal justice system and the border, the embrace of fetishists, telling women they are bigots for wanting boundaries, they are deeply sick and twisted and dangerous.

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I find having to think about this just unbelievably upsetting and enraging. How fucking dare these cretinous fetishist men do this to the very people who actually ARE the most vulnerable in society, all the while bald-facedly** lying that they are in fact the most vulnerable and put-upon out there!?!

I feel positively incandescent with rage.

**Not to mention bald headedly

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I hear ya! I'm actually much angrier with the politicians/policy makers that allowed this to happen. It would have been super easy not to start placing men in women's prisons. I recall hearing long before the troon fiasco that there were men's prisons with special protective units, usually gay men* were in them. So, the people who say the only way to keep the troons safe is to place them in women's prisons are simply lying, one lie among the many other lies that they tell.

*Not that I think it is okay to inflict troons on gay men, I don't. The troons can have their own little circle jerk with each other.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Nobody wants to say "No" to the new Priestly Caste of the Faux Far Left/Liberals.

But yes - I loathe them all too.

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If political parties, schools, media, etc. were not engaging in brainwashing everyone people's instincts wouldn not be so repressed and everyone would want to say "NO!" to perverted, obviously belong in an insane asylum, lunatics.

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I worked in a male prison They had a unit for them Most were gay There were straight ones who transed and detransed the day they wwere released Some wanted not to be on the special unit. They busted a huge prostition ring at one point. I refused ti ackowledged their identity and called them by their last name as I did all others Remember all they have to self id the moment they hit jail/prison and they automatically get the perks.

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0:41 Yes! "Confluence of paraphilias". A once well recognised point in criminological circles - police apparently are now forced to take "sensitivity training" which outright denies the strong causal link between autogynephilic cross-dressing and other, serious transgressions towards women and children.

What a disaster.

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Now that the Communists (Labour) are in government in the UK let's see how long before they reverse the the last Conservative Justice Minister's ban on transwomen sex offenders (irrespective of surgical status) in female prisons. I give it a year! Especially as the new Home Secretary can't define what a woman is and has an LGBTQ drag queen son.

Jesus it's like being the prophet of doom with this shit!

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10:10 I predict that the "forces behind this crap" will indeed double down and *really* start penalising anyone who dares to utter Wrong Think aloud with real gaol time via an attempt to institute legislative measures which will almost certainly be ultimately found to be unconstitutional in your country.

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Just another one for the pile.

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Well, at least he got a very long sentence and not eligible for parole for a long time. But should NEVER be put into a women's jail.

This man is very mentally ill.

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🔥Thank You Karen for posting on SubStack ‼️

I saw this video on YouTube so I will freely reply on SubStack.

I hope the women in Logan's Correction Facility make a group and kill him‼️

Yes I said what I said. I hope the women kill him in the facility and not become friends with him.

He is a violent psychopath and should be euthanized immediately by any means necessary‼️

Meanwhile I pray for the safety of the women in Logan's

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I can only hope that such a group would consist entirely of women already highly unlikely to ever leave prison.

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I agree 💯

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Or those who've now got a life-affirming (their own) mission in life!

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They'd receive medals for their service to society if it were up to me...

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I agree. I want him and every one of the pedos put into a woman's facility, dead. They'd die upon entering the men's prison; they damn well ought to die in the women's. Then maybe politicians who think this is a grand idea will think again, and put them back into the men's, who properly should be killing them.

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I'm hoping that Blessent is housed in the section for violent women with life sentences. Usually there are only 1-2 women in this area., and they are housed in single cells. He may not have any access to women in general population. At least I hope he doesn't. (I have a cousin who was housed in a prison in Illinois, for credit card fraud, and she was in general population for 18 months. She told me about the single units for the women who commit violent crimes, and there's usually less than 3 of them, housed in a separate area of the prison. And they have no interaction with general population.)

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I was reading about one such male inmate who was pissed that he finally got into a women's prison but is basically in solitary. He's claiming he needs to be close to women to study how to be one.

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Lol, I think he is giving himself away, unless he's in a California jail. In California, Scott Weiner and his cronies would protest the jail for their "exclusionary policies" 😒🙄

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My black and shrivelled heart is breaking for him.

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I'm waiting for the day the women gang up on them and castrate them with rusty scissors...but I know the women in prison are not men so it won't happen.😒

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I can’t think of anyone who speaks on this issue with greater clarity than you do, Karen.

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Bullseye, Karen! Preach it!

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I saw the video on YouTube and said to myself “nope, I’m watching this on SS” 🤣🤣🤣

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He want women prison, in men prison he get beat up if they out he pdf

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Not our crimes! I am so weary of this Bro for Bro clown world. The death penalty is cheaper than incarcerating a pedo for 87 years in a WOMEN'S PRISON, where he can assault again.

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If HE would sexually assault his own children, HE would sexually assault your children too.

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Rember Pritzker's cousin transformed in his late 60's and they both donate millions to the queer far left community

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Wonder if Jennifer gets CCTV from the prison?

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