The trans rights movement is just another move by the men to further deny that sex-based oppression exists. It doesn't have to be a conscious move on behalf of every man. Conservative men think that males who perform femininity precisely enough should be counted as women. Liberal men think the same. None of these men see us as human.

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I always say that if the Troon makes the dick go "boom," they want him in the women's bathroom.

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Karen, I know for a fact that you'd intervene. I risked my entire career in my first ever teaching practice placement when I dragged one ten year old boy off of another when he set upon the other kid. Your instinct to protect MUST take over in these situations. Anyone who stood by and watched an assault is, in my mind, an accomplice to the assault, as well as having failed in their basic duty of care.

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But I was just told this never happens!

He’s damaged this girl permanently. No jail time will suffice. She won’t grow a new eye.

Throw the boy away. The principal and superintendent can also go, and take the whole school board.

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I hope her parent sue the shit out of the school and the board of education. Maybe when it starts costing them enough money they will put a stop to this crap.

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Nah. They will just apply for a mill levy increase and label it "for our students." No one would vote for tax increase if it was to "pay off our lawsuits" 😖

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Need to sue the parents too THey knew he had assultive behaviors

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

That poor girl! School officials almost certainly did not report something to the cops that they should have and played musical schools with him. "Trans" students should not be in the regular school system.The only bright side is that the assaulted girl will likely have plenty of money for counseling and medical help from suing the school system (which means, the taxpayers pay for it).

To contact Matthew Haney, the school principal to call him out for not protecting his female students-

www.mdihs.net/staff?id=25606290 and click on send message.

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Almost right! There should be NO Trans Students. Schools should not be permitting students to transition and Boards of Education need to put a stop to it.

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Yes. Allowing sociopaths, oddballs and the socially inept to identify into a special caste is always abusive to all other students/minors concerned - whether it's necessarily also abusive to the trans-identifying students themselves is really one of the few questions left worth asking in these situations.

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thank you! message sent

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I'm betting the so-called adults at the school and elsewhere in this kid's life have been terrified to properly deal with this weirdo because he's played the troon card. ("Oh no, we might be called transphobes!") If he goes to juvie hall, he'll likely be placed in with the girls. Our society is so damn finished.

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They likely were terrified, and its is inexcusable. Adults who refuse to adult* should not be in charge of children. They pose a danger. This is an instance of not doing anything being abusive. They are complicit in the crime. They had TONS of warnings. This girl may have life long cognitive and eye problems.

*I miss the good ol' days when adult was not used as verb, and men were men, women were women, and nutjobs were locked up, not walking on a red carpet that everyone had rolled out in front of them.

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He should obviously not be locked up with girls. He's not one, and he clearly suffers from zero physical deficits. Who gives a shit what kind of haircut he has?

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That monster had to bite her so horrifically hard to break or fracture her orbit bone--that's your eye socket bone, it's what holds your eyeball in place... mine was fractured in a car crash at 23, a different trauma, but same bone. It's a very serious injury to the bone that will almost certainly need to be wired together since it's the eye socket--can't just 'let it heal' in the wrong shape; it's got to heal in the exact right shape. I hope hope hope her eyesight is not permanently damaged. I'm terrified for this young girl, who had only protected her friend. The savage criminal and his family, and this principal and school district should start the settlement offers at 20 million, because youth will make healing seem likely and complete, but even a 'fixed' orbit bone fracture could have symptoms that affect appearance and quality of life. Fingers crossed for this brave girl who intervened to save her friend.

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I'd 'deescalate the situation' with a baseball bat.

If they do decide to lock up this hairy arsed pervert I hope they throw him into a male prison.

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🎶It's too laaaaate to aPOloGIiiiiiiize. I said it's TOO LAAAAAAAAAAAAATE🎶

An apology at this point is CRIMINAL at best. SO MANY balls were dropped that you could fill up a ball pit. At some point, people need to start losing their jobs and banned from being around kids. And once someone new comes in a drains the clown/sexual assault enablers and throws out the policies that allow boys in the girl's room, THEN they can applogize...apologize for the previous administration.

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If a school permits this parent's need to pull their daughters out of the school. I know it shouldn't mean the girls should be the ones who have to move but until parent make a stand and publicise this all over the news channels it will never change sadly.

This is where neo liberalism has led us. Where teachers are told not to intervein in fights between students! I am old enough to have gone to school when there was actual discipline enforce by corporal punishment if warranted. I remember fights between boys where teachers dragged them apart then man handled them of to be physically disciplined with a cane. Shit didn't happen again at school until someone was stupid enough to forget the consequences .

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I’m loving the hats! 🧙🏾 How you manage to insert levity into this troonacy is truly a gift. It’s mainly how I’m staying strong. Thanks for posting! 🎃 🕸🕷🦇

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To add insult to injury, the principal was named Principal of the Day by the school board.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Good Goddess, why?!?

I've seldom seen a man being less effective at his job, and I've born witness to all sorts of ineffectual teaching.

But only principal "of the day"? Talk about "Every child wins a prize!".

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

There is a petition on Change.org started by the girl's father to have the principal fired. Please consider signing it.

Can't seem to get the link to work, but just go to change.org and put principal matt haney in the search feature,

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No. Use tazers. Might as well get them used to them since they're going to prison anyway.

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the comment section - Aww she still got her feminine curves. Cute hey girl


2 days ago

“feminine curves” i know cis guys who have more ass than him wtf are you on about


Yoobearicebear The word cis can be used by anyone, it's not a curse or a slur.

And it's incredibly creepy to comment on someone's body like that.

Plus, how does one "act feminine"?? Please explain it in a way that doesn't sound insanely sexist.


⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ Yoobearicebear Let's address things in order.

Tomboys are still a thing, and always will be. There is a huge difference between a tomboy and a trans man.

A tomboy is someone who presents masculine who goes by she/her pronouns and identifies as a woman.

A trans man is someone who presents any way they want, who goes by he/him pronouns and identifies as a man.

To explain it more simply, a tomboy is still comfortable being referred to as a woman, because they are still women. A trans man is not comfortable being referred to as a woman, because they are not women.

It is insanely ableist to imply that autistic people can be 'tricked' or 'indoctrinated' into being trans. It implies that autistic people are easily manipulated and low intelligence , which is clearly not true. Autistic people have their own autonomy and can make decisions for themselves just like every other person.

The word 'cis' has been around since the 17th century.

The prefix "cis-" comes from Latin and means "on this side of". The opposite of "cis-" is "trans-", which means "across from" or "on the other side of".

Cisgender is simply a scientific and medical term to refer to someone whose gender is "on the same side of" their sex, AKA when their gender aligns with their sex.

It is a scientifically recognized word. Claiming that it is not a word or that it is somehow a 'bad word' is utterly ridiculous and dim-witted.

Transgender people are not "pretending" to be the gender they identify as, they ARE the gender they identify as. A trans woman is a woman. A trans man is a man. Nonbinary people are who they say they are. It is scientifically and medically recognized by all reliable medical associations that transgender people are valid and that being trans is a natural part of human diversity.

Just a couple of examples are,

The American Medical Association, American Academy Of Pediatrics, The National Library of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, The National Institute of Health, The Mayo Clinic, Oxford University, The William's Institute School of Law, The Pacific Center for Sex and Society, and The World Health Organization.

And yes, I do support children transitioning. I do not support children having gender affirming surgery, but I do support them socially transitioning, and possibly getting puberty blockers.

If the case of gender dysphoria is severe enough, then I support 16+ year olds getting HRT with the doctor's, the parent's, and the child's consent.

The fact that you think gender affirming care is JUST surgery really goes to show how little you know about what you're talking about.


1 day ago

Your brain has no wrinkles, coward.



You're an internal misogynist that supports nazis.

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If I were that girl’s mother, I’d want to burn that school to the ground 🤬

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