Oct 7Edited

In the Democrat victim hierarchy women and children don't even seem to be in the line up. A shelter worker, at the shelter where Harvey found the last (hopefully) woman he murdered, was fired for stating that Harvey had threatened her and that he was dangerous and needed to be in more supportive housing. There were all sorts of missed opportunities to prevent the murder by people that think the feelings of a man are more important than women's ability to breathe.

There is a man housed in a women's prison in California that got the chop, he actually did it to himself. There have been reports from multiple female inmates that he raped them with an object. Under no circumstances should it be assumed that men that claim to be woman are safe to be around women, because two things we know about them for certain, they are disturbed, and they are MEN!

Harris is on record proudly stating that she made it possible for incarcerated men that claim to be women to get surgery. Biden/Harris priorities, money to affrim twisted men's b.s., not enough for FEMA to really help natural disaster vicitms. I would like to see a female POTUS, but do not want our first female POTUS to be the most vacuous, utterly ridiculous, destructive POTUS we ever have had.

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We all know who else is locked up in the Women's prison estate in California - "Dana" Rivers.

Those poor women.

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Oct 7Edited

Yep, in my state, WA, Douglas/Donna Perry, a man convicted of killing three women, he claims to have killed many more, is in a women's prison. This is despite the fact that victim's families asked that he not be placed in a women's prison, and the fact he is a MAN! The defense argued it was Douglas not "Donna" that committed the murders. The prosecution argued he "transitioned" in order to avoid suspicion of the killings. I'm pretty much at the point that I think anyone who supports any of the "trans" nonsense should be locked up somewhere.

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"The defense argued it was Douglas not "Donna" that committed the murders."

Bugger me, what happened that a lawyer can say such a superstitious nonsense and then get away with it?

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It's not the only time that type of defense has been used for a troon. I don't really blame the defense attorney, whose job is basically to try to get their client found not guilty. The legislators and judges should bear more of the blame for allowing any of this nonsense. At minimum, the judge should make the defense attorneys wear a tinfoil hat for the rest of the trial if they try to pull the "deadnamed" person did it defense.

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Absolutely! It's just nuts. Why not just contend that the fairies at the bottom of the garden "made him do it"?!?

There's discussion enough about the wooliness of the "gender dysphoria" diagnosis, even as distinct from the pre-existing diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder - which plenty in the Psychiatric and Medical professions had felt was bunk as it was. Aspects of it, certainly. This notion that the "distress" of something as vague as GD could be somehow largely responsible for the psychosexual misbehaviour of a serial killer is almost unfathomably offensive to the victims, their families and loved ones and women more broadly.

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Autogynephilia is not Gender Identity Disorder, it is born of desire, sexual desire not a psychiatric disorder and these dudes are all AGP. They could not describe GID if they tried, but there again half the so called experts have little idea. Hence the hairy fairy BS about "When a person's gender identity doesn't match...etc." Gender Dysphoria is just an extreme form of anxiety centred around your actual sex, not a desire to be the opposite sex. I is almost always exclusive to homosexuals.

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So, the defence's argument was that the murderous pathology was magically dispensed with by screwing with the man's presumably healthy endocrinological system with a bit of exogenous estrogen and potentially a genital surgery?!? Or were they seriously positing some kind of DID of "choice" there?

I actually remember reading and no doubt commenting on that diabolical man's case back when it first happened on the Women Are Human website. That guy is a very obvious psychopath. He shouldn't be made the problem of other male inmates, let alone female inmates. Mixing the sexes in prison populations has been recognised as an appalling crime against the humanity of women for around 200 years for very obvious reasons. This shit should never have been considered even for a second. Nobody supporting it is any kind of actual "progressive" IMHO.

It makes me feel physically ill.

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I just went to check the Women Are Human site. It showed the site for a second but then showed some sort of message I've never seen before. I don't really want to suggest going to the site because I thought for a second it was going to mess up my computer, but wondering if anyone else is having the same the problem. My thought was it was some sort of scary censorship thing. It reminded me of being blocked from looking at numerous sites when I was trying to use the internet in China.

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No, I wouldn't suggest actually trying to go to the website either.

I'm sorry - I should have thought to warn against it. It hasn't been updated (to my knowledge) since 2022 when the lady who set it up and ran it single-handedly had a bit of a dispute with one or more of the founders of Reduxx. I don't know too much about the minutiae of the dispute, but I do know that Diana felt that all of her years of hard work had ultimately come to nothing (because a rival site had been set up essentially cribbing her original idea) and she'd had more than enough of being targeted by unhinged men with far too much time on their hands. I just hope that she's happy and free of all the hassle from weirdos tbh.

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That's so unfortunate for her. It was a great site. And, I have been getting odd virus warnings, so I would suggest people not go to it.

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I don't know the details, but the possibility it could have been a DID defense is interesting. I do think that there are a lot of people that believe that if men take estrogen and get their bits hacked off that means they are not dangerous.. Just like people want to believe giving sex offenders Depo will make them safe to released. Even if it does calm them down, who the hell cares?! They are still men. They still did stuff that should keep them locked in a men's prison for life.

What happened to Women are Human? Do you know why they stopped publishing? Is Reduxx just sort of revamp of it?

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I used to be of the opinion that there was a compromise to be had on trans in women' prisons but it seems the powers that be are incapable of applying such a stringent set of exceptions. I may be proven wrong and I'll be watching the UK since the policy change in February 2023 but it will take only one instance of a sexual assault to convince me that there should be no workable option but to ban any male person from being housed in a woman's prison, irrespective of their surgical status or offending history.

I have just been trawling through various sites looking for news stories of male prisoners seeking transition in the UK prior to 2000. I could not find a single example. Nor can I find a single story of a transsexual being sent to a male prison and being assaulted. If they can keep child murderers and rapists out of the general prison populations they can do the same for trans prisoners.

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One suspects the rates of prison onset gender dysphoria would drop sharply if there were no possibility of being housed with the women

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There have been multiple cases of men reverting back to being men once they are released. And, yes, I realize how stupid that sentence sounded. The whole "trans" thing is just so damn stupid!

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And of course the """great""" thing about genderology is that him ~discovering~ that he's a man is almost as valid as him claiming to be a woman - the only invalid party is anyone who objects to him having everything that he wants immediately

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I used to think that maybe housing someone who was fully medically and surgically transitioned in the women's estate would be appropriate if they were not a physically or sexually violent offender, but I've honestly never heard of just such a situation. The men seeking to be housed in the women's estate are always amongst the worst kind of offenders.

I have only anecdotally heard of the "fully transitioned" even ending up in prison in those kinds of circumstances from my mum and other women who have worked as psych. RNs, and they apparently never even express any interest in leaving the male estate despite being universally acknowledged as being "vulnerable" and accommodated as such.

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I don't even understand why this asshole was ever released from prison after it was known that he'd murdered and dismembered two women IN THE FIRST PLACE! Surely all concerned knew that he would definitely kill again? The system is utterly cooked. F*ck me!

Locking him up with his preferred victim pool is simply evil. Obviously.

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It often seems like an unspoken factor is men's prisons being overpopulated. Should we admit that men are committing shameful levels of violence and terror, then try to deal with that and figure out why? 🤔 No no no, we should make this women's problem 💡

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Yeah, yeah, exactly. When you speak to prison workers about this, that's what they will tell you - along with how untenable it is to lock up any males in the female estate, even eunuchs. It doesn't work on any level.

Women's prisons are tough, yes, but there's just not the same level of violence and aggro. These women are generally incredibly vulnerable and before the addition of men, the prison experience was often the first time many of the women had ever felt safe in their entire lives.

It was a unique opportunity for rehabilitation and education for them.

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My first thought exactly.

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All the journalists, politicians, TRAs etc who are empathetic to these dudes should share a cell with him. They keep telling us women we are being "bigots"...well hey, prove us wrong! Spend time with these dudes in close proximity, locked in with them. Let's see how that goes...if they refuse then I guess they are being horrible "transphobes".

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Bad enough they are sending male inmates into female prisons, but they seem to be selecting the most violent, perverse men as a shock wave.

Democrats pretend to care about women by offering the carrot of abortion legalization. But they never intend to do anything about it or they lose their only campaign issue. It's like climate change: they believe in it, they just don't believe in doing anything about it. Neither party cares about us unless we make demands on them and withhold our vote if they fail to satisfy.

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Great points. Troon activists love to moan about how they reckon *they're* the victims of "stochastic violence/terrorism"*, but as far as I can see it's a complete projection of their own psyche and intentions towards women.

*Not to mention this unbelievably offensive notion that there's some sort of "genocide" being perpetrated against them.

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Yea, the genocide and comparing their "struggle"* to the civil rights movement are especially abhorrent.

*What struggle? They are catered to more than any group right now. Unless it is the struggle to get into pantyhose, which I've only seen on troons in the past few years.

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Oct 8Edited

Totally agree with you, that Democrats use abortion as a carrot. It has been under threat since Reagan. RBG, who was very pro choice, warrned Roe was built on shaky legal ground, Obama said he wasn't going to focus on abortion. There was a brief window when the House and Senate majorities were held by Democrats under him. Legislation protecting abortion access could have been passed then. As for Harris stating she would sign a bill to protect abortion if it got passed by the House and the Senate, don't believe such a bill would ever reach her desk.Bet if both the House and the Senate were ever held by Democrats under her, something would be finagled to make certain an abortion access bill does not get through.

We need to come up with another name for the Democratic party, because they don't believe in democracy. The initiative process is likely the most Democratic process we have and the Democratic party in my state wants to get rid of it. A Democratic mayor in one town even called the cops on a signature gatherer, basically because the mayor didn''t like the initiative (which was to lower gas prices, we have some of the highest in the country). Plus, of course, the continuing attacks on freedeom of speech and the press, constitutional rights Hilary, Kerry, Biden, and Harris are on record opposing.

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He did this murder while 80+ and in a scooter. The victim was likely a lesbian (which I'm sure made him angry ). He himself said he had issues ( understatement) with women but is placed in the women's section at Rikers.

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This is a heinous report about the current Democrats but the problem did not start in the 21st Century with the Democrats.

Harvey Marceline was convicted of murder, the first time, in 1963.

Harvey should've been given the death penalty in the 20th Century long before the New York Prison population became predominantly Black and brown.

White Supremacy and Racism didn't value the lives of Black Women and allowed Marcelline to continue living, when he should've been electrocuted long ago. Let's not play games. He should've been removed from the land of the living.

I have clearly said that today's Women's Prisoners are going to experience the heinous treatment that Black Women Slaves were forced to endure during American Slavery and for sometimes there after.

This didn't start with Eric Adam's‼️

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The State of New York, the city of New York, and all the people who work for the state and municipal social service agencies are accessories to murder. Every journalist (?) or 'just be kind' citizen who validates and affirms these manipulative sexual deviants should volunteer to change places with the incarcerated women. I mean what could happen? The poor troons are so nice, so harmless, so vulnerable....

Karen is right. We live in Hell on Earth.

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There already was one female prisoner raped as she was getting out of the showers at Ryker's Island a couple of years ago. Why are they still letting penised perps into the women's section?!!!!!

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One that you have heard of, certainly it has been more than that. We will never know how bad it is, especially since women in these situations are likely not reporting because the system punishes them, with some times more prison time, for doing so, and they are trapped with their rapist.

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Faery Terf Mother! I love it!

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Don't you just love those 'inclusive policies'?

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Thank you. This is nuts.

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He looks like a Cornish Pickled Person.

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Karen, we’re in a functionally two party country. The Republicans have problems, but the Democrats are evil. Not a hard choice this time. Definitely a moment for the lesser of two evils.

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There is a hurdle which may be impossible to overcome when trying to get people to understand the consequences of their voting habits. the problem is people are FUCKING STUPID! You could bet good money that the majority of GC women in the UK voted for Labour despite all the warnings that Labour despise GC women. Persecute their own female members for expressing concerns about women's rights over trans whines. Despite the fact that all the front bench members refuse point blank to state what a woman is. These retarded bitches still fucking voted for them! You couldn't make it up.

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In Australia all major (and most minor) political parties despise and persecute women!

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Karen you look fabulous as the Fairy Terfmother! I love your wand waving gestures 💫 But seriously, this story is absolutely unbelievable and vile. When will the madness end?

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Once a rapist, always a rapist. Prison does not rehabilitate these scumbags. They just learn how to commit their crimes better if released. The solution is immediate death penalty upon conviction, no waiting 10 years on appeals and the victim or the victim's family gets to choose his means of death!

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This is how law enforcement that has public safety in mind is done in FL, USA. https://x.com/DC_Draino/status/1844015759162483055

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