It's just extraordinary to me what some people are prepared to do and say in order to try and justify shoe-horning dick-havers into women's spaces...
Amazing! What's the betting these fuckwitted broads are going to "reverse feret" on these issues in 5-10 years when the Trans Mania™️ finally subsides enough for everyone to reach a consensus on just how nuts and inexcusable it all is again, too? They won't want to admit their complicity in this misogynist lunacy! I'm calling it now.
The boy on the girls basketball team is18yo and has never taken wrong sex hormones or puberty blockers or gotten any surgeries. He, who is larger than his father, and his father say it is fine for him to play on the girls basketball team because he isn't very good. Not sure what their justification is for him using the girls locker room for years. Maybe he is bad at changing too.
There is a tiny part of me that thinks we would resolve a lot of the general troonery if we criminalized the crazy hair colors. They seem to kill brain cells.
Well, your brain cells seem to have regenerated quite well, thus giving some credence to my theory.
I used to get a kick out of the crazy colors on folks when it started. Thought it would be a short-term fad though. Now, all I see is a world full of circus clowns.
Funny how men and boys were stronger than women and girls during MeToo. I guess all those rape victims "just wanted it" because they didn't fight them off? For the love of fuck
This is a very interesting video. I don't understand this kind of woman at all. I don't understand their thinking. !1 months ago, I made a comment under a particular video which I will retype at the end of this comment. Last night some person that I assume to be female, responded by asking me who hurt me. I am feeling rather perplexed by this question. The comment I wrote was verbatim as follows.
You CANNOT transition ANYTHING. A man can NEVER be or become ANY kind or category of woman whatsoever, under ANY circumstances or at ANY level. Our sex IS NOT assigned at birth. It is DETERMINED AT CONCEPTION AND OBSERVED AT BIRTH. Saying assigned at birth implies that it is arbitrary and changeable which it is ABSOLUTELY NOT. You cannot change either sex OR gender. Gender is either connected to sex or gender has no meaning at all. The closest any person can come to being the opposite sex OR gender is IMPOSTER OR IMPERSONATOR. There is NO OBJECTIVE REALITY to trans ideology WHATSOFUCKINGEVER. Every part of it is fraudulent in every way and at every level. There is actually no such thing as transition. Female and woman means exactly the same thing. ALL women are female. ONLY females can be women.
If I were writing this now, I would have added that there is no such thing as a female brain trapped in a male body and I would have added that every single one of the troons I have seen on video behaved precisely like an angry, narcissistic, misogynistic, MALE INCEL. And that there is never a single iota of womanlyness in their behavior whatsoever.
The "who hurt you?" question is exceptionally vile, an indicator of someone devoid of basic human decency. Pretty sure it is a way to imply that the OP must have been sexually abused, is projecting that pain recklessly onto to others, and is incapable of critical thinking as a result of having been sexually abused. Essentially weaponizing people being victims of SA against them, using it as justification to dismiss anything the person has to say.
Thank you. I agree that the question is vile, and I completely agree with your assessment of the person's motivation for asking me that question. I did not respond to the question, but it left me feeling rather unsettled, so I wanted to bring it up here. I have indeed been a victim of SA, but not to as severe a degree as many others have. However, that has nothing to do with why I feel the way I do about this issue. I would still feel the same way even if I had never been abused in any way. To me, this is a moral issue that has been wrongly politicized. I am 70 now, and I don't get out much, so the chances of me personally encountering a troon in a lady's room is extremely low. Yet things do not have to effect me personally, for me to be or become angry about them. They only have to go against my moral sensibilities to make me furious. Your assessment of this person's motivation for asking me that vile question is astoundedly spot on, and I could never have expressed it as accurately as you did. The reason I couldn't express it so well, is because I cannot wrap my head around why someone would ask me such a vile and unsettling question.
One of the most vocal opponents of men in women's sports Martina Navratilova was coached by a tranny Renée Richards. You think Martina would know what she's talking about. This is wilful ignorance.
These types of women are soooo dangerous to be around. They gaslight themselves into believing dangerous men are to be revered because "men are the most oppressed."
If this dumb bitch is a tennis coach you would think she maybe aware of what one of the world's greatest women tennis players of all time Serena Williams said? That if she played in the men's game she would even rank in the top 1000 players! Serena isn't exactly waif like.
Serena 🥰!! Always loved her! One of the reasons why she was so good -as long as she was- because she knew herself so well, her body, her limit and how far she could take it/when she had to stop. So if I‘d take advice from another women in sports subjects it‘s hers! Not that I‘d need advice to not play against men or not share any locker room with men though. (THAT is clear as a crystal anyway and should be to any woman!!)
Part of me believes these kinds of pro-tranny women want to be fucked and brutalized by trannies because they also watch too much porn. This is their kink and they want the rest of us to participate in and accept their pornified fantasies in public. This is why they can't keep their pro tranny ideologies in their heads or bedrooms. Parents should take their daughters off this woman's team but they won't because they're just as fucked in the head.
Do these people forget we have eyes? Have they never seen other people themselves? You can literally tell men have an advantage just by looking at them. Only a full on moron or liar could believe otherwise.
In Canada in the sixties we also did a fitness thing. I got a bronze woohoo. And as young girls we knew back in the stone age that boys are generally better at this sort of thing.
I despise these Pick-Me types of parasitic misogynistic bullshit women who regularly bring harm to other women ‼️
It's just extraordinary to me what some people are prepared to do and say in order to try and justify shoe-horning dick-havers into women's spaces...
Amazing! What's the betting these fuckwitted broads are going to "reverse feret" on these issues in 5-10 years when the Trans Mania™️ finally subsides enough for everyone to reach a consensus on just how nuts and inexcusable it all is again, too? They won't want to admit their complicity in this misogynist lunacy! I'm calling it now.
The boy on the girls basketball team is18yo and has never taken wrong sex hormones or puberty blockers or gotten any surgeries. He, who is larger than his father, and his father say it is fine for him to play on the girls basketball team because he isn't very good. Not sure what their justification is for him using the girls locker room for years. Maybe he is bad at changing too.
There is a tiny part of me that thinks we would resolve a lot of the general troonery if we criminalized the crazy hair colors. They seem to kill brain cells.
LOL! I used to dye my hair bright blue with silver streaks! 😂
You're probably not wrong, though.
Well, your brain cells seem to have regenerated quite well, thus giving some credence to my theory.
I used to get a kick out of the crazy colors on folks when it started. Thought it would be a short-term fad though. Now, all I see is a world full of circus clowns.
Why, thank you! Admittedly I didn't keep the crazy colours up for that long...
Funny how men and boys were stronger than women and girls during MeToo. I guess all those rape victims "just wanted it" because they didn't fight them off? For the love of fuck
This is a very interesting video. I don't understand this kind of woman at all. I don't understand their thinking. !1 months ago, I made a comment under a particular video which I will retype at the end of this comment. Last night some person that I assume to be female, responded by asking me who hurt me. I am feeling rather perplexed by this question. The comment I wrote was verbatim as follows.
You CANNOT transition ANYTHING. A man can NEVER be or become ANY kind or category of woman whatsoever, under ANY circumstances or at ANY level. Our sex IS NOT assigned at birth. It is DETERMINED AT CONCEPTION AND OBSERVED AT BIRTH. Saying assigned at birth implies that it is arbitrary and changeable which it is ABSOLUTELY NOT. You cannot change either sex OR gender. Gender is either connected to sex or gender has no meaning at all. The closest any person can come to being the opposite sex OR gender is IMPOSTER OR IMPERSONATOR. There is NO OBJECTIVE REALITY to trans ideology WHATSOFUCKINGEVER. Every part of it is fraudulent in every way and at every level. There is actually no such thing as transition. Female and woman means exactly the same thing. ALL women are female. ONLY females can be women.
If I were writing this now, I would have added that there is no such thing as a female brain trapped in a male body and I would have added that every single one of the troons I have seen on video behaved precisely like an angry, narcissistic, misogynistic, MALE INCEL. And that there is never a single iota of womanlyness in their behavior whatsoever.
The "who hurt you?" question is exceptionally vile, an indicator of someone devoid of basic human decency. Pretty sure it is a way to imply that the OP must have been sexually abused, is projecting that pain recklessly onto to others, and is incapable of critical thinking as a result of having been sexually abused. Essentially weaponizing people being victims of SA against them, using it as justification to dismiss anything the person has to say.
Thank you. I agree that the question is vile, and I completely agree with your assessment of the person's motivation for asking me that question. I did not respond to the question, but it left me feeling rather unsettled, so I wanted to bring it up here. I have indeed been a victim of SA, but not to as severe a degree as many others have. However, that has nothing to do with why I feel the way I do about this issue. I would still feel the same way even if I had never been abused in any way. To me, this is a moral issue that has been wrongly politicized. I am 70 now, and I don't get out much, so the chances of me personally encountering a troon in a lady's room is extremely low. Yet things do not have to effect me personally, for me to be or become angry about them. They only have to go against my moral sensibilities to make me furious. Your assessment of this person's motivation for asking me that vile question is astoundedly spot on, and I could never have expressed it as accurately as you did. The reason I couldn't express it so well, is because I cannot wrap my head around why someone would ask me such a vile and unsettling question.
Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs answered this question in the last century. Shouldn't a female tennis coach know that?
One of the most vocal opponents of men in women's sports Martina Navratilova was coached by a tranny Renée Richards. You think Martina would know what she's talking about. This is wilful ignorance.
These types of women are soooo dangerous to be around. They gaslight themselves into believing dangerous men are to be revered because "men are the most oppressed."
If this dumb bitch is a tennis coach you would think she maybe aware of what one of the world's greatest women tennis players of all time Serena Williams said? That if she played in the men's game she would even rank in the top 1000 players! Serena isn't exactly waif like.
Just a woke liar!
Serena 🥰!! Always loved her! One of the reasons why she was so good -as long as she was- because she knew herself so well, her body, her limit and how far she could take it/when she had to stop. So if I‘d take advice from another women in sports subjects it‘s hers! Not that I‘d need advice to not play against men or not share any locker room with men though. (THAT is clear as a crystal anyway and should be to any woman!!)
You would think so, huh?
Blue hair is so on the wrong side of history!
Purple hair is and all!
Part of me believes these kinds of pro-tranny women want to be fucked and brutalized by trannies because they also watch too much porn. This is their kink and they want the rest of us to participate in and accept their pornified fantasies in public. This is why they can't keep their pro tranny ideologies in their heads or bedrooms. Parents should take their daughters off this woman's team but they won't because they're just as fucked in the head.
Hey, Karen.
I commented on one of your videos that your videos always freeze.
Well, I just downloaded the Substack app and now I can watch all your videos!
Thank you for your commentary.
25:00 Total thirst trap right there
Do these people forget we have eyes? Have they never seen other people themselves? You can literally tell men have an advantage just by looking at them. Only a full on moron or liar could believe otherwise.
In Canada in the sixties we also did a fitness thing. I got a bronze woohoo. And as young girls we knew back in the stone age that boys are generally better at this sort of thing.