The armed mentally ill, with the added comorbidity of a narcissistic persecution complex, and who delude themselves that misgendering is violence against them. What could possibly go wrong. (Maybe Target can stock Pride firearm bags and rhinestone bandoliers. Put them next to the kidโ€™s tuck swimwear.)

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Jul 4ยทedited Jul 4

9:49 Was it not "Tara" from Kansas? And "Commie** DickGurl?!? Jeez, what a fine example of good mental health HE is! I simply cannot think *WHY* anyone wouldn't want either of those utter DELIGHTS in a confined space with a single point of ingress and egress with them, can you? Let alone whilst packing a firearm!


**These people are probably the furthest from communism that it's actually possible to be! I defy anyone to dream up something more consumerist than transgenderism. Please somebody - tell me what it might look like...

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Ahahaha I hear you! They have nothing to do with communism. Communists would make them work on the reconstruction of your USA roads, they would actually have to work for the community! Hahahahaha! Also, all public USA troons are coming from the army or the state. There was one in Ukraine making the WAR cool for psychopats, sent there by Biden. Also, there's an autistic kid (female) who is going rounds on so called GC channels spewing Israeli propaganda in between explaining to the Western audience how her short hair made her be considered "male" in the middle east. It's insane what we have in the public, so the whole shit show is pointing to the next round of Trump presidency. Only propagandized people would not see it coming for sure.

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Haha! Yes, I'm sure that neither any of the Israelis NOR the Palestinians had *any* experience with (or could even conceive of) a short-haired lesbian before that young woman turned up to enrich their lives! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™„

Also, yes, you're no doubt right about Trump too. What else does anyone suppose is going to happen given such slim pickings in the upcoming US election? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

I'm certainly glad that I don't have to have any involvement with it.

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Jul 4ยทedited Jul 4

I wouldn't trust these loons with a glue gun. Mind you the same is true of most people.

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He's on 'E' and his partner's on 'T'.

Makes sense.

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Straight with extra steps

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thanks, Karen. I especially liked your mentioning that the government has turned into pimps by putting men in women's jails and that the men in government doing this are themselves perverts. I am amazed by the incredible paranoid projections of these MEN'S RIGHTS ADVOCATES that you out in this session.

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of course troons hate trump. troons are the most hateful people ever

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I like that Trump calls them exactly what they are: lunatics.

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Body armour with a sequinned micro skirt?

I'm no expert but I'm not sure it's a look that'll catch on.

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My next purchase... haha. These fucken people.

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It's good that Karen can clearly say these people are on DRUGS. Because it's another form of doping for the new generations.

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Don't panic,we can destroy them with our hurty words.

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Imagine being a terf who advocated shooting any troon that entered a womanโ€™s space. There would be cries of hate crime and s visit from the police. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’š

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This is men enabling other men. This is absolutely a men's problem.

I guarantee that there there just as many men who will arm up and use their weapons if Biden wins instead of Trump. And the trans people who want to lash out if Trump wins have no objective reasons why they hate Trump.

These ammosexual men are the exact opposite of what Navy SEALs are.

The problem is the 2-Party system has had an iron tight grip on US politics for many decades. It means that if you vote for people other than Biden or Trump, your vote will end up being maneuvered to help one of these 2 candidates win.

I agree that it won't matter much who wins this November. It makes me think of Season 3 of the sci-i TV show Babylon 5 where these 2 very powerful species, the Shadows and the Vorlons, are about to have an all out war with each other. This one woman explains that it won't matter who wins because every planet will be destroyed and everyone on them will be killed in the process.

This is where we are today.

Both the GOP and the Dems have been serving the big corporate powers, the rich oligarchs and US Empire Mega-War Machine, not you and me. Biden is an Empire president and his support for LGB people has been very shallow, superficial, surface level and outright phony. And he has a poor record for helping to make the US a better place for black and LGB Americans. And I also believe all of the women who came forward about Biden's bad behavior towards them.

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Biden actually has a history of endorsing and passing explicitly anti-black legislation. Do you happen to remember the now debunked criminological term "super predator" from the early 1990s? Even if you don't, I recommend looking into it. Hilary Clinton actually used the term "super predators" even as recently as 2020. These Democrats seem inordinately fond of the concept...

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Yes, I know about this piece of history back in the early 90s and about the term "super-predator".

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Yes Indeed๐Ÿ’ฏ. You're absolutely correct ๐Ÿ’ฏ

I'm very familiar with it. And that Administration gave crack-cocaune v. Cocaine a have ghet penalty.

And Hunter Biden never went to jail or prison for possession of crack-cocaine

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I'm through ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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karen you're the best

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If he made the same threat in the event Biden wins again, the FBI would be kicking down his door. How is this not considered to be a threat of terrorism? Also these guys only believe in democracy if it goes their way, it is laughable.

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Jul 4ยทedited Jul 4

In what sense is Trump actually "anti-trans", though?

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Jul 4ยทedited Jul 4

Maybe he has said he knows what a woman is? Having an understanding of very basic biology is enough to have you branded a threat and a bigot. Then again these guys seem hyper paranoid (it must be the drugs) so who knows. They also always seem desperate for a fight, they seem to have a call to arms every other week for no reason. I am still waiting for evidence of this supposed genocide that they are apparently going through.

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Yes, these are all fine points you raise.

They certainly do frequently seem to be spoiling for a fight for no good reasonโ€ฆ

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Yes, Trump might know what a woman is. They knew Biden didn't know. He thought Dylan was a woman, an androgynous, skinny dude.

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That said, I keep hearing about "Project 2025" out of the mouths of such pre-eminents as Kelly Cadigan.

Look, if any of the blokes who is hopped up on estrogen happen to be wasting their time spying here: nobody wants to "deprive" you of the luxury of paying for your "gurl pills". ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ

You are welcome to ALL the gynaecomastia, increased emotional

lability, increased blood pressure and propensity to stroke out, etc. from exogenous hormones that you can personally afford!

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This might be a bit of that 'Trump Derangement Syndrome', tbh. Just forget how little the orange lad accomplished last time and assume that genocide they've been jonesing for is finally going to happen

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20:00 look at all those porno anime type icons ๐Ÿ˜…

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14:20: exactly. No one is actively going to kill these wackos, they bring in way too much money. The "vulnerable community" will be used up rather than killed. They are eventually going to take themselves out. In the meantime, the "medical" industry rakes in money.

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