May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Ellen looks so defeated and broken. Despite all of her mutilations/surgeries she still looks like a woman. She has talent, and I now wonder what roles she will now get, she is tiny and looks nothing like a man, she will NEVER be a leading man, let alone a character actor. If she does get any acting roles it will be the token trans person. Hollywood is a cesspool of sexual abuse, perversion and narcissism , a perfect ecosystem for trans.

I once saw a red carpet photo of Ellen and Lavern Cox, they looked ridiculous! Ellen is so tiny and obviously female and Cox looked like a hulking giant drag queen of a man. They were the illustrated definition of delusion.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Karen Davis

I recently watched a show that had Ellen as a voice actor. Playing a lesbian character. (After her ‘transition’) She wants to play the game of pretending to be a male, while continuing to play female and lesbian roles (which she is) and wonder just how she’s coping with herself. She’s always seemed to be miserable, but she must be utterly losing her mind knowing that this won’t fix her, and absolutely no one besides the insane cult see her as anything else but a mutilated, traumatised woman.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Toying with and traumatising TiFs is part of the fun for the Alok whatshisfaces of the world. Sounds like everything's going according to plan

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Hunter Schaffer now wants leading lady roles!! It’s bottomless

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Yes , I heard that he said that, his reasoning is ” For the past ten years I’ve worked so hard to become a “girl” “.

Actually Hunter you are a man and will never be a girl. When he stands next to women you can see his giant head, build and man hands. He no longer wants to play trans roles. He wants to play leading ladies and romantic interest types, he wants to be like Zendaya. 🙄 😂

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Well, whatever men want, right? Let's make sure the men are happy and the world is on fire 🙄🙄

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well, if Netflix is producing a Giraffe Romero & Julio-ette .. he's locked in.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

The moment he smiles he looks every bit the man he is. Gonna be fun trying to play an actual woman in a romcom 🙃

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Had to Google him? Ugh.

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His tits got bigger

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it's such an obvious Lie.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Karen Davis

If Ellen and Cox would switch identifies, maybe they both can get work in Hollywood.

Cox is listed as 5' 11' on wiki, but he appears to be about 6'2" to me. He would not be convincing in any female role. Tall women, like Angel Reese of the WNBA, who is 6'3" ,have smaller heads and a female body frame. Cox doesn't pass as any kind of woman.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

The only role Cox will ever be able to play remotely convincingly is of a man pretending to be a woman. He was in the movie Promising Young Woman as the female friend and boss to the main character. He was awful, just about any actress, any woman off the street for that matter, would have done a better job. The irony was the movie was about a woman, played by Carey Mulligan, dealing with very predatory men. Cox was certainly hired for woke points though, rather than to make a point regarding the predatory nature of men that claim to be women.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Yes, he was awful. He doesn’t resemble a woman, he looks like a drag queen. And he is not a very good actor.

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Cox was just perfect playing a TW in Orange is the New Black ;-)

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Karen Davis

She seemed miserable prior to the "trans" malarkey, and now seems to have increased that misery tenfold. Trying to escape being a woman, trying to escape predatory men, through mutilation and a fake idenity just adds a whole host of problems on top of already existing problems.

"Page was stalked by male predators and had a toxic relationship with her father. Throughout Page's sad story, a consistent theme emerges: how badly she was treated by men".


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It's so sad. Not only was she traumatized, she was used

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

She needs to get far, far away from Hollywood and onto a farm or something. Just get away.

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Seriously. Somewhere quiet and wholesome.

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She’s already productive upon the Funny Pharm. 😳

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

This is so sad. Ellen was an exemplar talent. She'll never act again in anything substantial.

She's forever looked 10-15 years younger than her actual age.

She looks like herself with a masculine hairstyle. Her face is still feminine and delicate and small.

Her lesbian partner of *years* left after the surgeries.

Note that she's physically nodding "No" while trying to pretend mutilation has made her happy. There is no joy here. This interview broke my heart when I saw it a year or few ago and still breaks my heart every time I see it.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

She does appear to be ageing rapidly as a result of the testosterone now, sadly. 😔

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She doesn’t sound on T tho

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Having worked in Hollywood/The Industry, I have a different read on her: it feels like a performance. She is either so delusional/dissociative or so malignantly personality disordered that none of this comes off as authentic OR sympathetic. I just see an Actress. She can both exist as a victim of her circumstances and as a danger to society (especially girls and lesbians). I don’t feel sorry for her watching this; I feel sickened. This narcissistic display of self-pitying theatrics is ugly to witness. It’s like viewing a piece of bad art. Fake and embarrassing.

Actors are masters at hiding how truly insane and dangerous some of them are. And my Ick O’Meter is extra sharp having spent time with THE most broken and personality disordered group of people (who all happen to flock to one of the most psyche-breaking, predatory industries in the modern world) so I’m confident in my read of her delivery. Whether she knows it or not, she’s giving one of the best performances of her career. Too bad it makes me puke.

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One of the reasons I decided not to act is because I really didn't like actors. That said, if this was intended to make people think mutilation is a good idea, it backfired horribly.

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Much better to make music! 🎼🎶 (Some recent scrutiny regarding “The Method.” Possible promotion of *personality disordered* individuals. Ya think? 😳) Gonna hafta pry this squeezebox out of my cold dead hands. 🎵 I ❤️ ANNIE GONG!

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Interesting take.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

I think she will detransition when it’s Peak Fashionable and movies/mini-series start getting made about trans kids. She’s aged out of playing Chloe Cole but I’m sure she’ll milk her detransition story in a documentary and she’ll get to be an EVEN more stunning, special, and brave celebrity victim. Then she’ll swing super traditional feminine and everyone will praise her. Then she’ll become a Conservative talking point, followed by a Liberal reaction, and then everyone will be talking about her. Rinse and repeat.

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Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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It does seem performative. My sister worked in Hollywood, and I met some of her actor friends, and I had the same impression. I'm not sure even they knew who they really were. I find it hard to feel much sympathy, either, considering the effect they have on those close to them who have to deal with them. And I don't think she should be getting attention for her illness, either.

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If she's unintentionally showing how miserable it is to LARP as the opposite sex full time, as she does here, I think she should keep talking.

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I can't imagine having a job that required I pretend to be somebody else all the time

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Most actors play themselves in the the circumstances dictated by the script. Regardless of what they say, most don't 'inhabit' the role.

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May 23·edited May 23

And that’s why I think it’s difficult for a lot of women in particular not to be swayed by Page’s performance because I myself was drawn to Hollywood and have aspects of my psyche that have been broken in similar ways. Women have much higher rates of in-group bias with each other and can easily identify with each other. Actors have a very delicate and particular psyche and as I am a performer and storyteller at heart with a high score on the openness scale, I developed maladaptive coping mechanisms in childhood and puberty similar to many of these truly malignant women, which is partially why psychiatric diagnosis is so hard to pin down. The difference between me and Page is that she has zero self-awareness and she is beyond the point of being able to gain it. Fame has broken her, just as it has broken many others of immense, G-d given talent. But it’s interesting how our sympathies play out: Page has certainly been victimized but I think her net negative impact on the world justifies treating her with contempt. She’s an easy figure to gossip about, sympathize with, and plug into a unifying narrative from the “blame it on The Patriarchy” crowd. Yet Amy Winehouse, who also genuinely needed help and was similarly preyed on by the industry, was overwhelmingly treated with contempt (yes, even if not especially from women) at similar heights of her fame and mental health crisis. Her drugs of choice killed her much quicker and the turn to sympathy came posthumously. Everyone needs to stop feeding Ellen’s fame monster so she can be hidden away from society like Mr. Rochester’s first wife before she gets a frankendick installed and influences more women to join her in Satanic ritualized self-abuse.

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Well said.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Gosh, I'm instantly reminded of the statement analysis expert on the recent YouTube presentation on the new ( Portuguese) book on the McCann case. He says that in police interviews, suspects always tell you the truth. Its called embedded confessions. So when she says "I look in the mirror and I'm not having that moment when I panic", and you can SEE the panic in her eyes, and hear it in her voice, you can be sure she means "and I AM having that moment when I panic".

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I think the interviewer must have taken her by surprise when s/he asked her about 'joy'. I'm surprised by normal, feminine sounding voice. Maybe she isn't on T and all. Maybe the regret set in after the mastectomies.

Karen is right. Ellen exhibits all the signs and symptoms of someone who was sexually assaulted as a child.

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She reminds me of every anorexic I looked after when I worked as a nurse. They all had this horror of their own bodies and desire to escape womanhood. Back then, health professionals didn't collude with their desire for body mortification and mutilation. Instead we stood for recovery.

Sadly, health professionals are now part of the problem (actually, those providing "gender-affirming care" are THE problem) not part of the solution. It's like running a rehab for heroin addicts and providing them with heroin every six hours. Oh wait, that's happening too, from what I hear, at least on the streets in Canada where street kids are given drugs by government-sponsored agencies as part of "harm reduction" strategies (Benjamin Boyce covered this in one of his Calmversations podcasts).

Those sectors of the medical profession and associated industries that have become contaminated with "critical social justice" (Woke) ideology have lost their collective minds and burnt down the public trust they once held. They're now doing far more harm than good.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

I'm fairly sure that Page has touched upon her personal history of eating disorders in interviews that she gave some years ago. It's certainly not any kind of a stretch for a Hollywood actress - especially given how obvious it was that she was consuming very few calories at the time.

Many FTMs/detrans FTMs are quite candid about the fact they used medical "transition" as a means of enhancing the effectiveness of their pre-existing ED. It's all a means of attempted escape from womanhood and/or the body which reminds them of their trauma.

The worst thing is that I'm sure the ghouls running the gender abattoirs are well aware of this.

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I’m sure they are though they’ve conveniently managed to convince themselves that “gender” trumps all other considerations.

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Read about this one https://open.substack.com/pub/kathighsmith/p/a-life-ruined-by-trans-the-sad-tale

After this article I went to her blog and read more.

I adivise to stop hating these women and realize it could have been any one of us.

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May 24·edited May 24

Yes, I recall the tale of Mackenzie McLelland and her one-eyed autobiographical cover piece published in New York magazine.

While I am all too well aware that money and currying favour with the corporates du jour is a factor in the media and publishing industries, that an article of such unmitigated obfuscation and intense ideological fervour was green-lit by the editor should fill all involved with shame. The magazine is really nothing more than an organ of propaganda for the medical industrial complex at this point.

Also: Kat Highsmith is correct about the state of the poor woman's career. It appears to be dead in the water as more or less a direct result of her untreated and unnecessarily worsening mental illness. It's incredibly sad - and it's also why people fight to spread awareness about the reality and human cost of this predatory industry.

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Yes, and on top of that Mackenzie and Ellen are both women left to their own demise by their families. If the commentators here are of an opinion society is made of "individuals" and deeply believe in the liberal feminist dogma that being a woman ("gender") is being an individual with so called "human rights", then there's a lot of waking up to the reality of "gendered" life. A woman doesn't exist without social relations. People in these comments, along with Karen in this video, are keen to strip this woman to that individual liberal standard, in which a woman like Ellen or this Mother Jones journalist (oh, gawd, there's another shit publication! ) are somehow arbitars and influencers to a bunch of young women who, also, don't have a family around them. Why do you think people support even a lesbian / gay family? Because an individual left at it's own, without connection to their family and community is always ending up being pray for the various cult(ures).

Trans is just a new cult and a way to ruin people. Women who call themselves *feminists" in the West (yelling that one is a "proud TERF" implies that you're a feminist) never talk about the disintegrated social structures and the alienating culture that is American product, for export, and that most of other cultures reject.

So, what I am missing here is the link to the larger problems American society has. And that is that exploitation (of an individual stripped of any connections to the family) is not a new thing. Even with trans, it's just like any other mutilating exploitation. Therefore, I don't agree with the women here thinking Ellen is particularly influential to someone else's demise as much as her Oprah and holiwood handlers and producers. She is a product. Not one of you can prove to me these mentally ill women have power and influence on their own. Why doesn't anyone mention the structures around her? Because you want to keep that societal disintegration structures and condemn an individual of being particularly malign? There's more women who did much more harm (see Buck Angel) than these two unhappy mentally ill women who literally did two covers and interviews.

She is out of the spotlight mostly, so I don't even get why we had to talk about her old interview again? Is someone telling Karen this interview is very important and influential, but not the demon capitalist exploiter that is Oprah? Well... there's a huge red flag! (it's not the communists! :)

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It sounds to me like she escaped from a strict religious family and a father who raped her (father-daughter incest okay like in the Bible - Lot and his daughters). Why should she go back to that pervert?

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Do you have proof or is it a hunch? She was maybe traumatized by starting her career as a teen. She should not go back to the abusers. Do you know when Sinead O'Connor, a mother of 4 childeren, ended up on Dr Phill, because the handles and produceers of her's wanted her in the spotlight in America?

Do you know why that happened and why American media? I know. I am a 46 years old woman from Serbia.

I've known Sinead when she was a punk starlet, and after she tore the Pope's picture in American media.

The point was to humiliate a mentally ill woman who once spoke the truth.

I have those same icons over here, and I don't discuss them online.

What a bunch of the commentatora on Elen can't feel is that this woman is not the one to blame. She is at her most vulnerable, trying to cope in a toxic shit of a culture, and you are all keen on talking about her "happiness".

A dog would see she's not at all happy.

She's not an influencer.

But that's not the thing you and I, or anyone, should talk about. At least I am not here to talk about her, but to talk to you. I am interested why can't you see the rot into her family and yell that, whenever you can? Well. For one. She is a white wealthy woman, and mentally ill, without any social support. She has no friends, no caring persons. I would not let my "trans* friend come into this trap.

So many questions, on top of the obvious one, that this woman was shown to you and me as brutalized, by your American, Oprah show.

Not a peep about that vulture? Well, well... That's a sign it's going to happen to your friends too.

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Thank you for the link. Horrifying. This is, of course, a form of suicide.

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No it's not a *suicide*. It's self-harm. Western culture do not call other forms of self abuse in females *suicide*. You read it online, someone is saying those things reagularly and it's very harmful, I believe, to propagate incorrect They are changing themselves via psychs, who tunnel these people towards the exploitative capitalist for profit medicine, where this is *practice* for the microsurgeons. These women are self harming just like any other suffering women before them. The medical industry is falicitating this. It is more on the environment in which this is happening than about the individual. Of course, the most vulnerable, hurt, mentally ill women are going to be the object for this practice. Read Users and Abusers of Psychiatry book.

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Not that Lida H. hates anyone, but Karen sure does. That's why it's all "oh the horror" and not the genuinely deep feeling or a thought from Karen when when exploits this shit for her "attention". Karen even says so: she would rather talk about the men with power. Why don't you, then? Ellen for sure is not "influential" as much as her interviewer is. Not a peep about that (WEALTHY BLACK) EXPLORATOR CAPITALIST SCUM WHICH BURNED PEOPLE'S HOUSES FOR A NICE ISLAND VACATION.

That was me yelling about Oprah. Fuck her, the fucking vampire.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Surgery can't fix trauma. Big yikes. Something terrible must have happened.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Yeah, it's plain to see that some terrible things have happened to her, in addition to her family not accepting her sexuality. Also allegedly victim blaming as far as the victimisation in Hollywood goes...

I really hope that she can find a way back to herself and as far away from promoting this pernicious crap as possible - and soon.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

I know she did this to herself but I feel desperately sorry for her. I really hope she doesn’t become a statistic as someone suggested on YouTube.

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she looks sad :(

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

I know we all know this, but: these women don't want to be men, they just don't want to be women.

She looks absolutely fucking miserable. She looks like she wants to escape her own skin, and knows there's only one avenue left for that. I hope she has people in her life keeping a close eye on her.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

To think she’s only a couple of years older than me. She looks broken in body and mind, I feel nothing but sadness when I look at her.

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May 23Liked by Karen Davis

Even if it's all performance, it's still desperately sad.

Thank you, Karen xxx

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