FFS, Dr. Frankentandy uses the term "girl with a penis" and the room nods either out of cultish dunderheadedness or cowardly complicity. She's the exemplar of why the pronoun game is so diabolical, using "she" and "her" in reference to the boy she is actively harming. She is no better than a fentenyl dealer, and arguably worse. No matter what the law says, it is unethical to mutilate, poison, or sterilize another human being. I've said it before and so have others: There needs to be a Nuremberg-type trial for all those who've been involved in this horrific madness. Dr. Frankentandy is a monster and needs to be one of the first of those prosecuted. (The cherry on top of this trans-sundae is the TED talk is at the University of Nevada, my alma mater, the school whose cowardly administration insists its women's volleyball team play San Jose State's coed team.)

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And BTW, I think that the woman is far, far worse than the average fentanyl dealer. She knows all of the appalling symptoms, side-effects and sequelae of blocking the puberty of a child and that it is a profound human rights abuse when done for the purposes of rearing a "pretty" eunuch.

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I understand that the very Constitution of the state of Nevada has been altered in such a way that it now enshrines forcing women and girls to participate against males in their own sporting categories as a matter of the ♂️ participant's "equality". In other words, women's sports is now illegal there.

Here's a link to a thread that explains it much better than I could:


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Ooo, the Nuremberg-type trial is a fabulous idea. That sort of thing would be decades in the making. Hope I am still alive or see it.

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

Whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath? Just add a red rubber nose, and big floppy shoes to the voice and saying silly stuff like "girl with a penis" ad she could, should, have a new career.

Karen, She is a professor at Stanford Medicine. She has co-authored a number of papers on gender dysphoria, including on the link with autism and eating disorders, in case you want to do a deep dive into shredding her, which these doctors deserve. They are monsters.

Of course, I can't get the link to work, but go to med.stanford.edu, look up her profile, and publications are under that.

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The lovely, seemingly harmless Dr. Drug-ghoul is providing........................PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY

for all involved in the lucrative business of CGM (Child genital mutilation),

with added cognitive plus sexual dysfunction and ongoing Medical debility.

....."The yacht/Mercedes/mansion is not going to pay for itself.."

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her voice is unbearable

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Ted talks need to remove this video. Even trans activists can’t claim puberty blockers are reversible anymore. She is a traitor to her profession and needs to be prosecuted.

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ted talks supports trannies

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Of course they do. The former CEO of Mermaids also has a TT. She fled the organisation after they lost credibility in the UK and being investigated by the Charities Commission. TT is another captured, virtue signalling organisation infiltrated by pervs and pedos peddling gender woo.

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TED Talks *IS* more or less unmitigated radical trans activism!

Does anyone have any idea how and where to find a copy of said video?

It's apparently been all but completely scrubbed off the face of the internet, which I find rather curious.

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Here is Green's talk


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She chemically castrated her own son when he was 11 because her husband was afraid he would turn up gay. And traveled to Thailand with him to buy him a surgical castration for his 16s birthday. And on top of that mocked his micro penis publicy in the internet.

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TY 😊

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Watching that was truly sickening I actually felt nauseated by the end. That a medical professional would speak like that to anyone let alone a room full of adults is terrifying. What the hell is she saying to the children who are referred to her? Even WPATH conference speakers don't address the audience as if they were reading a book to a bunch of 5 year olds.

Jail would be too good for her, she needs tossing in a dungeon and the key destroyed. That is the problem with so many of these doctors they have God Syndrome, they are all too impressed with what they can do without any consideration of what they should do or not do.

Pure sales pitch for her! Leaving aside that she is robbing the boy of his chance to overcome his difficulties by going through puberty. Not a single word of what such an early intervention would mean for the rest of the kid's life. Not a single word of the surgical limitations available to this kid if they persist. Not a single word that the kid will never have a viable sexual function because his prostate gland will never develop.

This is what evil really looks like.

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BTW: I love the hat/fascinator arrangement you're wearing there, Karen! Very impressive.

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I love Karen's hat too -- I've thought (mistakenly?) that it's an artsy Halloween spider. Outside of a trial, I'd like to see ghouls like that "doctor" be forced to watch videos like Karen's and not be allowed to leave or shut their ears to the truth about what they're doing. Then they need to be locked up and throw away the key! They are dangerous to children and society in general.

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I think you're right. Probably about everything you mentioned!

I'm fairly sure that you're right about the hat/fascinator being an artsy Halloween spider. 🎩 🕷

Whatever the case, I love it! 💜

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A "hormone" doctor saying "her testicles" sounds like a chronic idiocy sufferer. She is a living and breathing example of how brain cells melt and burn in ideological acid. She should pick up tarot reading and leave the sciency world to grown-ups.

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There's a special place in hell for women who go along with this misogynistic, child-harming ideology.

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Mengele would be proud of this monster.

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'A girl with a penis'.

I wouldn't trust this nutjob to feed my goldfish.

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Thanks. Yes. I would trust her if she offered me a glass of water on a hot day. I needed a good laugh.

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Correction. "not" trust her to offer me water ...

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Ick, I remember watching this video when it first came out. I hate "baby voice" so much. Like, yeah, chemically castrating and medically abusing a child will sound so much less horrible if you use a sickly sweet tone. The even sadder thing is, it works.

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"baby voice" in and of itself is often indicative of someone with psychological issues (common in child rape, satanic ritual abuse, torture victims to have the voice "freeze" at the age they were at when this type of abuse started)

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Fascinating. Can you tell us more about" frozen Child trauma voice"? Thanks.

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The alarm "beats"??

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I thought it was "beeps"?

Either way, it is a little odd. I'd probably go with "goes off" in a similar situation tbh.

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Just think - this child is too young to get a tattoo or piercing other than earlobes at any reputable studio because "he might change his mind" and "he's still growing." Yet a Spongebob tramp stamp (or whatever other shit a child would tattoo) is less likely to ruin someone's adult life than not going through puberty, mutilating breasts/genitals/other body parts, or even the confusion of repeatedly being told that they can or should be the opposite sex before they're old enough to fully understand the implications of being the sex that they actually are.

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She sounds like a robot

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What a $ales pitch.

She probably is hoping to be the next CEO or representative of WPATH.

Her childlike innocence and obvious psychopathy are a WINNING combination.

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