The LGBA highlights how homophobic trans ideology is. Thanks for your hard work and continued insight Karen. Your humour doesn’t hide how dark and dangerous this ideology is to women, children and same sex attracted people.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

No, delusional people do not generally know what is best for themselves. As for taking away their "dignity", they stripped themselves of that.

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Yeah, and long ago.

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It was stripped for them by those who were supposed to educate them, and I include parents in that statement. A child's brain is like a computer if you program it full of shit all you will get out of it is shit! If you neglect to program it at all don't be surprised when it makes up its own faulty programming.

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Typical teenage tantrums and faux rebellion! But the level of ignorance of these kids in the 21st century is staggering, this is where the level of education in the UK has fallen to. The deliberate destruction of the education system in the UK has been a crime against society. And who is there to turn back the effects of this tragedy? Nobody, we have the products of a broken system teaching the offspring of others from the same broken system. Those responsible for teaching these young adults to think critically are themselves products of the same system and unable to do so.

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It's all a bit 'Freedom For Tooting'.

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Fascist Youth

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

They never go into detail about what the "transphobia" or "hate" is. They use the Jamie Raine's tactic of using vagueness or throwing an unbased accusation. It shows how ill thought out their arguments are, as they never seem to be able to actually articulate what the problem is...then again it could be because they would have to admit that the problem is that they cannot change reality.

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That is because it is all imagined. The UK has some of the most progressive and extensive protections for "Trans" Gay and other minorities on the entire planet. Yet they seem to feel that the UK Government somehow has them under attack. The biggest problem is for a start none of the girls or the boy involved in this cricket protest have the first clue what it was like before these protections existed. Then again the LGB Alliance also consider that they are somehow subject to discrimination when all that type of discrimination has been unlawful for a very long time.

Since just before the turn of this century there has been a constant stream of Legal Provisions protecting Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual rights ensuring they are equal to everyone else in the society.

1989- The Human Rights Act 1989 made UK Law subservient to the European Convention on Human Rights

1999 - The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 was amended to include Transsexuals

2005- The Gender Recognition Act 2004 granted the right to Transsexuals to change their legal sex status (Thus inadvertently granting them same-sex marriage. So at the same time the UK Government introduced The Civil Partnerships Act 2004 so same sex couples could gain the same property, inheritance, tax and pension rights as married couples).

2010- The Equality Act 2010 grants wide sweeping and over arching protections to all in society including specifically prohibitions on discrimination in all walks of life based upon Sexual Orientation and Gender Reassignment.

2013- The UK Conservative Government of the day finally legalise Gay Marriage with the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013.

Yet here they all are bleating about how badly done to they all are! These kids may be partly excused their ignorance because of their age but those who run the LGB Alliance are old enough to remember the days when we had no such protections.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

From what I remember the LGB alliance was set up in response to Stonewall saying that lesbians who didn't want to date TIMs were bigots. If these teenagers had done their homework, they would have realised it is their side pushing boundaries that led to this new group being formed to start with. They then attack the new group and prove the point as to why the LGB alliance wanted divorcing from the "T" brigade to start with.

I agree about the legal protections in the UK being quite good.

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They did indeed set up due to Stonewall's abandonment of their duty to their core members and their "love affair" with the T despite most of the T not being same sex attracted.

There is nothing in the LGB Alliance's manifesto or mission statements which says they are anti-trans or that they would seek to exclude a same-sex attracted transsexual. The only thing they are clear about is their opposition to the medicalisation of children with gender issues, something which any rational person would object to.

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That would explain why these teens failed to mention what it was that supposedly made the LGB alliance "anti-trans"!

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Yes, it would.

My main hope for these girls (and boy) is that none of them are involved, or have been, in any kind of intimate dyad with the middle-aged crims who were apparently "behind" this whole thing.

It's probably a hope too far, though. 😔🤢

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grooming gross

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Two words, Charles Manson. Anyone old enough to remember this shitbag and his scumbag followers! He knew how to manipulate and brainwash vulnerable and susceptible young women to follow him and to do his bidding. Like most cults here in the US, all it takes is one charismatic, narcissistic male to masquerade as a savior or prophet and the dopes follow without question.

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And they didn't even shut it down. What they are hoping is that venues will be less likely to host events like this because of security concerns. Not centering trans in a discussion of issues related to LGB is not the same as "oppressing." In fact, they are actively oppressing gay people. They really remind me of the anti-abortion activists I was surrounded by back in Catholic high school. It's all so surreal.

As Jennifer Bilek has observed, trans is a commodity, like the type of car you drive. It is not some immutable, definable characteristic that exposes you to social dangers and discrimination. Nor does it entitle you to additional legal protections or considerations than other drivers on the road.

The briefs in Skrmetti (available on the SCOTUS website) are so worth reading. We finally have enough evidence introduced into the record to demolish all their bullshit. The law has no room for drama. Just the facts.

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We need someone to invent the "gender affirming surgery simulator" but I doubt it would pass safety standards but the real thing is fine!

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I am a bit confused as to what the goal of the LGBA conference was. Straight people were welcomed so it seemed not to be about creating a space for same sex attracted people to meet each other and have our own space, as I gathered the last, smaller convention they held seemed to be (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that as it was awhile back.) That and the hotline they're talking about opening for adults to talk to children is all to reminiscent of the Trevor Project and says "Money, money, money!" a bit too strongly for me. I feel like they're losing the plot.

And to everyone going, "What do LGB people possibly need to hold a conference for? They have all their rights!" Yes, but for lesbians specifically, those rights have been stripped away and we make up a very small percentage of the population so it is really important to have just lesbian spaces setup so we can meet each other and talk about the struggles we do still face in today's world. Passing laws doesn't mean that everyone magically starts accepting you and discrimination stops. Gay men can do things like hold "gender critical" meetings without harassment and kick woman pretending to be men out of their bars, as they should be able to, but lesbians can't, so I think a lot of the "You have your rights" stuff comes from seeing lesbians and gay men as the same thing. But no one, of any sexuality, should be talking to someone underage about sexuality. That opens the door to predators of any sexual orientation as we have seen with Trevor project who still to this day can't tell us how they're preventing the suicide of teenagers.🙃

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Oh, come on! Surely it's obvious?

Each child or adolescent whose puberty is blocked and/or gametes permanently suppressed is surely a tremendous win for "their side"? 🙃🤪

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Oh my gosh! Your wish for some kind of "scared straight" totally makes me think of back in high school when in some classes (usually health, child development, psychology, sociology) they had to carry around a "baby" (a sack of flour or whatever) for a week and experience being tied to and responsible for it. Now we need a unit in high school health where the kidz2day have to use a catheter and lose big chunks of their skin and have lots of infections that beget other infections. Would a week of that teach them anything?

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Considering the fact that experiencing and then exploiting a measure of personal martyrdom seems to be far more of a feature than a bug for the girls and young women drawn into this particular subculture, I'm going to go with "No, probably not"...

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Refusing to live in the fevered imaginations of a bunch of shit for brains MRAs is not bigotry.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

what do you want to bet some creepy man troon wrote that manifesto for them?

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They were leaning heavily on them at any rate.

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Looks to me like it was cut and pasted from some pro trans reddit.

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Oh, yeah. I agree with you on the likelihood of *that* point. Mind you, so little of what radical TRA say seems to be at all original, so it probably does become difficult to tell after while!

I do believe that they were groomed into participating in the terroristic act against the LGBA, however.

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💯 …and what a great hat!

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Love love love your mini top hat. I just bought one of them myself.🥰

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I believe the technical term for that little diatribe is 'arse juice.'

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