😳This is cruelty to the family of the deceased child 🕊️

A baby killer should be sentenced to the Death Penalty...... period ‼️

Richard Rachel Levine and the ACLU are Anti-Women anti-Children & anti-Human.

Also Euthanize Levine if he's in sympathy of a baby killer

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Exactly! These sickos can face the wall

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No words. Male sexual fetishes have become civil liberties and convicted porn-addled child murderers get free cosmetic surgeries, because???? Because it is the end of the world as we know it. Can anyone see the end of this madness?

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Sadly I can't, we have opened Pandoras box and it's not silver and jewels, it's cutting up ones jewels. Don't know how we can back from this, it's inside out land now

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I can see the end but it is nothing but flames. I have a difficult time believing this society can turn around.😢

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I am enraged that anyone would advocate for a baby killer! What the hell is wrong with these people?! They never care about "humane treatement" for real women who haven't committed crimes, but for depraved men, they go all out!! Unreal!

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Lord, these stories are hard to hear about. I'm conflicted about this one. Castration for a baby killer but done under the lunacy of so-called "gender affirming care" facilitated by the asshats of the ACLU in furtherance of the trans-cult. The death penalty is the morally appropriate penalty for his crime. But I'm warming to the idea of castration without anesthesia. (I love your spot-on assessment that the ACLU is fine and dandy with what they would normally scream is cruel and unusual punishment if it's something demanded by a troon.)

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Is there anyone with face tattoos that is not a violent criminal?

Is there anyone involved with GenSpect that is not a predator enabler?

While googling for images of Tat Face Baby Killer a video link of Harris bragging to a giant troon of how she made "medical care" for troons in prison happen appeared. She really is a vacuous monster.

Here's hoping Tat Face Baby Killer is just a big ol' pus bag after surgery. Hope he dilates himself to death.

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I see no reason not to castrate the creep, but he certainly shouldn't be pandered to vis a vis his fetish and probable demand to be moved to the female prison estate.

I had already been aware of this disgusting case. The man belongs well under the ground, preferably encased in concrete too - just in case. He and everyone concerned at the ACLU belong in the pits of Hell.

It's quite the shame that I don't believe in the afterlife...

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I thought it’s illegal to experiment on prisoners…

Send him to me and I’ll save the taxpayers a lot of money. I’ll do it for free.

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6:59 Seriously, Karen?! You think that a man sporting a severe strabismus highlighted by a face simply bursting at the seams with cheap and nasty tatts could be a bit of an attention whore? /s

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Good GOD a literal baby killer getting his way?!?! This is madness - literally diseased thought process!

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Buffalo Bill here needs to get his wish to have his dick and balls cut off just for the comedy value. Some half assed surgeon to botch the surgery (no shortage of those these days) And you know he will off himself within a year.

I struggle with the death penalty because of it's misuse but the concept or reintroducing the Oubliette wouldn't be a bad idea. Throw these monsters in a whole in the ground and forget about them.

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Just put this piece of shit out of his misery and forget about him.

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please a video on alice in wonderland the tranny youtuber.

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That awful man from New Zealand?

The incredible success of his asinine channel really speaks to the incredible level of institutional capture over at Google, doesn't it?

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Death Penalty for all Pedos. he's a porno perverted pedo who took his fantasies into real world.

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Hopefully they lose him while he's under anaesthetic.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is one group that has shown the punishment to be too expensive and fraught with errors to be worth continuing. My Deutsch Amerikaner housemate is from the generation born post WWII, adamantly opposes fascism, and told me he sees it as state-sponsored murder, a position that I can’t disagree with. I certainly understand the sentiment, but what actually happens in the real world, and with corruption in every administrative layer of society (it seems to me), it would make best economic sense to remove it entirely. Anyway, I just thought I’d mention that many political/social conservatives oppose capital punishment for practical reasons. (EDIT: This guy most definitely could benefit from castration. As far as I know, it’s the only treatment that has a chance of reducing the compulsively violent, sexually deviant behavior.)

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I say serve him to the dogs.... LET them rip his penis right off the bone and then bleed out

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