16 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

I’m not voting for Harris, so there’s that

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22 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

And don't forget, Karen. When he FIRST ran, he said that these men should be allowed in whatever bathroom they want. Of course, the Republicans came down on him for that. But we all saw how he really felt. Now he knows that this is a winning issue with Republicans and most Democrats who know what's going on with men in women's sports and spaces.

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Exactly. We also don't know what he'll actually do once he's elected. He could put this on the back burner and never do a damn thing about it.

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Right he supposedly supports the 2nd amendment but approved the banning of bump stocks. He is a politician. They are all incapable of the truth.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

He sounds as incoherent as Trump does. Ugh.

People are so willing to disregard his perverted ways when it came to his daughter because he's the shield against accusations of "transphobia" in their minds. Giving him a platform does them no favors to those of us who KNOW who he is.

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Before our societal decay had advanced to its current 'septic' level this man would be seen as a deficit, rather than an asset. It shouldn't be beneficial to anyone's political campaign to have an old pervert speaking on your behalf. And yet....here we are.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

Last I heard about him he was shilling a crypto coin (in *2024*, like 😵‍💫). He's a pervert, an idiotic scam artist, and an all round embarrassment of a human being

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15 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

None of these people are known to understand, or want to understand, "womens' issues", which I guess is not uncommon in "our" culture.

To cite Bruce Hornsby: "That's just the way it is".

There obviously are bad and worse, though.

And there are special people, who are gifted with insight, who take an interest in this cause, steadfast feminists like Karen.

Are there any such candidates?

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I don't think there are any such candidates. It seems that our current politics discourages people with actual beliefs and favors the shills.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Karen Davis

Have you research the woman that accused Trump? I’d rather have a man talk about grabbing a pussy than being one. Plus he has Gabbard and Kennedy on his team.

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With all due respect, fuck the fuck off.

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Sad but American politics are the laughing stock of the world. European politics are a sob story. Lord help us all

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I will vote for neither candidate. This is where years of voting for the lesser of two evils has gotten us... Embedded in EVIL. We. Are. Doomed.

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11:10 Absolutely CORRECT!!!!!! Bruce is only talking about sports. He thinks he has every right to invade women's spaces, starting with his own child's BEDROOM.

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Even with all his surgeries, every movement he makes screams MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sport is the most obvious visual proof that men aren't women (for those who need proof).

Sport is a physical contest.

It's designed to find the best physical specimens in many different contests.

Watching a man punch women in the face in the boxing ring shocked more people in a short time than anything else. But the effect has also died down somewhat. We collectively have a very short memory.

People are invested in sport in a way they will never be invested in the invisible women locked up with men, or the silent victims of male sexual violence forced to share spaces with men when we are most vulnerable to their violence.The unfair physical contest of men against women is unmistakable and will get the attention of millions of people who would otherwise not give men like Bruce a second thought.

Get them out of sport and far fewer people will give a shit about monsters like him in women's jails and women's spaces.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Women don't matter.

Sport does.

I honestly don't know who TF I'd vote for if I was an American.

Good luck.

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Bruce Jenner has ALWAYS been an attention seeking man. He is the father to many children and apparently not a good one. He as you mentioned nicked his daughter’s underwear which is pathetic and perverse in itself, he is wealthy so if he really had wanted to he could ordered his own pervert panties. He escaped punishment for killing a woman. He was and probably still is covetous and jealous of his daughters and his stepdaughters insipid “influencer” lifestyles. He looks absolutely ridiculous and I cannot abide listening to his trans nonsense.

Trump or Harris, the US of A has no good choices in either of them. Trump is a narcissistic mendacious waste man who is in it to keep himself out of prison and to get back at his detractors and Harris is a political weathervane who blows whatever is the trendy left agenda without thought of the real issues or consequences. Whomever your nation elects may the Lord have mercy on us all.

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